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#Download miniconda at:
chmod +x
# go through menus and set install dir (set as $install_dir for the uses of documentation)
source $install_dir/bin/activate $install_dir
conda install --channel=conda-forge alabaster astroid babel bkcharts blas bleach bokeh boto bottleneck bzip2 cairo cartopy certifi cf_units cffi chardet click cloudpickle configparser cryptography curl cycler cyordereddict cython dask decorator distributed docutils ecmwf_grib entrypoints enum34 esmf esmpy expat g2clib gdal geos gettext giflib glib gmp graphite2 gsl h5netcdf h5py harfbuzz hdf4 hdf5 hdfeos2 hdfeos5 heapdict html5lib icu idna imageio imagesize ipaddress iris iris-grib isort jasper jedi jinja2 jpeg json-c jsonschema jupyter jupyter_client jupyter_console jupyter_core kealib krb5 libdap4 libmo_unpack libnetcdf libpng libpq libsodium libspatialite libtiff libxcb libxml2 libxslt locket lxml markupsafe matplotlib mccabe metpy mistune mo_pack mpich msgpack-python nbconvert nbformat ncl netcdf-fortran netcdf4 networkx notebook numpy numpydoc olefile openblas openjpeg openssl owslib packaging pandas pandoc pandocfilters pango partd pathlib2 patsy pcre pep8 pexpect pickleshare pillow pint pip pixman pkg-config proj4 prompt_toolkit protobuf psutil ptyprocess arm_pyart pycosat pycparser pyepsg pyflakes pygments pygrib pyke pylint pyngl pynio pyopenssl pyparsing pyproj pyqt pyshp pyside pyspharm python-dateutil python-ecmwf_grib pytz pywavelets pyyaml pyzmq qt qtawesome qtconsole qtpy readline requests rope ruamel_yaml scandir scikit-image scikit-learn scipy seaborn setuptools shapely simplegeneric singledispatch sip siphon six snowballstemmer sortedcontainers sphinx sphinxcontrib-websupport spyder sqlite ssl_match_hostname statsmodels subprocess32 tblib terminado testpath tk toolz tornado traitlets typing udunits2 utm wcwidth webencodings wheel windspharm wrapt xarray xerces-c xorg-libxau xorg-libxdmcp xz zict basemap wrf-python configargparse wradlib
conda install -c jochym natgrid
pip install
git clone
cd SHARPpy
git pull origin master
python install