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import json
import re
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import networkx as nx
import geohelper as gh
from collections import Counter
import copy
class OsmLoader(object):
"""OSM_Loader loads open street map json file and create a graph of road networks
footway_type: road type that only hustlers can enter
freeway_type: road type that only drivers can enter
maxspeed_dict: mas speed (mile per hour)
oneway_roads: road type that indicates oneway
footway_type = ['footway', 'pedestrian', 'steps', 'corridor', 'path', 'cycleway']
freeway_type = ['motorway_link', 'motorway']
maxspeed_dict = {'service': 20, 'residential': 25, 'unclassified': 25, 'tertiary': 30, 'secondary': 35,
'primary': 40, 'trunk': 50, 'motorway': 65}
oneway_roads = ['motorway', 'trunk']
def __init__(self, path, lat_max=40.9, lat_min=40.6, lon_max=-73.750, lon_min=-74.050):
"""load osm data and extract attributes of roads
with open(path) as f:
elements = json.loads(['elements']
node_lats = []
node_lons = []
node_ids = []
highways = []
highway_names = []
highway_motorway = []
highway_oneway = []
highway_maxspeed = []
#test =1
for elem in elements:
#test = test + 1
if elem['type'] == 'node':
lat, lon = elem['lat'], elem['lon']
elif (elem['type'] == 'way') and ('highway' in elem.get('tags', [])):
highway_motorway.append(elem['tags'].get('highway', 'N/A'))
highway_names.append(elem['tags'].get('name', 'N/A'))
highway_oneway.append(elem['tags'].get('oneway', 'N/A'))
highway_maxspeed.append(elem['tags'].get('maxspeed', '0'))
print ("# of nodes: %d" % len(node_ids))
print ("# of highways: %d" % len(highways))
for i, oneway in enumerate(highway_oneway):
if oneway == 'yes':
highway_oneway[i] = 1
elif oneway == '-1':
highway_oneway[i] = -1
highway_oneway[i] = 0
highway_oneway = list(map(int, highway_oneway))
#highway_maxspeed = [float(re.sub('[mph\s]', '', speed)) * 1609 / 3600 for speed in highway_maxspeed]
for i,speed in enumerate(highway_maxspeed):
highway_maxspeed[i] = int(re.sub('[mph\s]', '', speed)) * 1609 / 3600
highway_maxspeed[i]=30*1609 / 3600
for i, highway in enumerate(highway_motorway):
if highway in self.footway_type:
highway_motorway[i] = -1
highway_maxspeed[i] = 0
if highway in self.freeway_type:
highway_motorway[i] = 1
highway_motorway[i] = 0
highway_maxspeed[i] = self.maxspeed_dict.get(highway, 30) * 1609 / 3600
if highway in self.oneway_roads:
highway_oneway[i] = 1
# array of node id of road segment
self.highway = highways
# array of road types
# -- 1: only drivers can enter
# -- 0: both drivers and hustlers can enter
# -- -1: only hustlers can enter
self.motorway = list(map(int, highway_motorway))
self.maxspeed = highway_maxspeed
self.oneway = highway_oneway
self.stname = highway_names
self.node_lats = node_lats
self.node_lons = node_lons
self.node_ids = node_ids
nodes = [node for road in highways if len(road) > 1 for node in road]
nodes += [node for road in highways if len(road) > 2 for node in road[1:-1]]
self.counter = Counter(nodes)
highway_node_ids = np.array(list(set([e for sub_list in highways for e in sub_list])))
all_nodes = pd.DataFrame({'lat': node_lats, 'lon': node_lons}, index=node_ids)
self.highway_nodes = all_nodes.loc[highway_node_ids]
def get_graph(self, drive=True, walk=False, road_max_length=150, seg_max_length=150, coarse=False):
"""represent a road network as a graph in which each edge has:
--id: road id number
--length: entire road length
--lat: list of latitudes
--lon: list of longitudes
--seg_lengths: list of segments' length
--bearing: list of segments' bearing
--time: travel time to take for drivers (only for drive=1)
drive: int; transportation mode (0 -- hustle, 1 -- drive)
G: networkx graph object
node_lats = self.node_lats[:]
node_lons = self.node_lons[:]
node_ids = self.node_ids[:]
counter = self.counter.copy()
self.max_node_id = max(self.node_ids)
if coarse: seg_max_length = 1000000
G = nx.DiGraph() if drive else nx.Graph()
for j, lst in enumerate(self.highway):
if not walk and self.motorway[j] == -1:
elif not drive and self.motorway[j] == 1:
lats = []
lons = []
nodes = []
for i, node in enumerate(lst):
lats.append(self.highway_nodes.loc[node, 'lat'])
lons.append(self.highway_nodes.loc[node, 'lon'])
if i == 0: continue
if coarse or (self.counter[node] > 2) or (i == len(lst)-1):
lengths = list(np.float16(gh.distance_in_meters(lats[:-1], lons[:-1], lats[1:], lons[1:])))
road_data = nodes, lats, lons, lengths
road_data = self.split_road(road_data, seg_max_length)
temp_max_length = road_max_length
if G.has_edge(nodes[0], nodes[-1]) or G.has_edge(nodes[-1], nodes[0]):
temp_max_length = min(road_max_length, sum(lengths) - 0.0001)
if len(nodes) <= 2:
road_data = self.split_road(road_data, temp_max_length)
G = self.add_road_limit_length(G, j, road_data, temp_max_length, drive)
nodes = [node]
lats = [self.highway_nodes.loc[node, 'lat']]
lons = [self.highway_nodes.loc[node, 'lon']]
# Remove edges whose nodes are the same
test_G = copy.deepcopy(G)
for u, v, l in test_G.edges(data='length'):
if l < 1 and u == v:
G.remove_edge(u, v)
for i, node in enumerate(self.node_ids):
if node in G.node:
G.node[node]['lat'] = self.node_lats[i]
G.node[node]['lon'] = self.node_lons[i]
self.node_lats = node_lats
self.node_lons = node_lons
self.node_ids = node_ids
self.counter = counter
return G
def split_road(self, road_data, max_length):
nodes, lats, lons, lengths = road_data
k = next((i for i, x in enumerate(lengths) if x > max_length), -1)
if k < 0:
return (nodes, lats, lons, lengths)
bearings = list(gh.bearing_in_radians(lats[:-1], lons[:-1], lats[1:], lons[1:]))
while k >= 0:
# lengths[k] = lengths[k] / 2
lengths[k] -= max_length
lat, lon = gh.end_lat_lon(lats[k], lons[k], lengths[k], bearings[k])
self.max_node_id += 1
node = self.max_node_id
self.counter[node] = 2
nodes.insert(k+1, node)
lats.insert(k+1, lat)
lons.insert(k+1, lon)
# lengths.insert(k+1, lengths[k])
lengths.insert(k+1, max_length)
bearings.insert(k+1, bearings[k])
k = next((i for i, x in enumerate(lengths) if x > max_length), -1)
return (nodes, lats, lons, lengths)
def add_road_limit_length(self, G, road_id, road_data, max_length, drive):
nodes, lats, lons, lengths = road_data
road_length = np.float16(sum(lengths))
while road_length > max_length:
l, length = next((i, sum(lengths[:i])) for i in range(len(lengths),0,-1)
if sum(lengths[:i]) <= max_length)
road_data = nodes[:l+1], lats[:l+1], lons[:l+1], lengths[:l]
G = self.add_road(G, road_id, road_data, length, drive)
road_length -= length
nodes = nodes[l:]
lats = lats[l:]
lons = lons[l:]
lengths = lengths[l:]
road_data = nodes, lats, lons, lengths
return self.add_road(G, road_id, road_data, road_length, drive)
def add_road(self, G, road_id, road_data, road_length, drive):
nodes, lats, lons, lengths = road_data
if nodes[-1] < nodes[0]:
lats = lats[::-1]
lons = lons[::-1]
lengths = lengths[::-1]
bearings = [np.float16(d) for d in gh.bearing_in_radians(lats[:-1], lons[:-1], lats[1:], lons[1:])]
seg_lengths = [np.float16(sum(lengths[:i])) for i, _ in enumerate(lengths)]
s, e = nodes[0], nodes[-1]
if drive:
if self.oneway[road_id] == -1:
s, e = e, s
elif self.oneway[road_id] == 0:
G.add_edge(e, s, id=road_id, length=road_length)#, bearing=bearings)
G.add_edge(s, e, id=road_id, length=road_length, lat=lats, lon=lons,
seg_length=seg_lengths, bearing=bearings)
return G