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import numpy as np
import networkx as nx
import geohelper as gh
from networkx.exception import NetworkXNoPath
class PathGenerator(object):
Path_Generator generates a simulated real trajectory
def __init__(self, G, cycle=60):
self.cycle = cycle
self.G = G
N = len(self.G.nodes())
self.node_lats = np.zeros(N, 'float32')
self.node_lons = np.zeros(N, 'float32')
self.node_ids = np.zeros(N)
for i, (node_id, data) in enumerate(self.G.nodes(data=True)):
self.node_lats[i] = data['lat']
self.node_lons[i] = data['lon']
self.node_ids[i] = node_id
def get_node_locs(self):
return zip(self.node_lats, self.node_lons)
def shortest_path(self, source, target, weight='length', distance=True):
## A* search for shortest path
path = nx.astar_path(self.G, source, target, self.__grand_circle, weight=weight)
if distance:
distance = sum(self.G[u][v].get(weight, 1) for u, v in zip(path[:-1], path[1:]))
return path, distance
return path
def map_matching_shortest_path(self, origin, destination, weight='length', noise=1e-2, maxtry=20):
ptry = 0
while 1:
mmtry = 0
lat, lon = origin
while 1:
su, sv, sd = self.map_match((lat, lon))
except ValueError:
#print ("MM ERROR: ", origin)
if mmtry > maxtry:
mmtry += 1
lat += np.random.uniform(-noise, noise)
lon += np.random.uniform(-noise, noise)
mmtry = 0
lat, lon = destination
while 1:
tu, tv, td = self.map_match((lat, lon))
except ValueError:
#print ("MM ERROR: ", destination)
if mmtry > maxtry:
mmtry += 1
lat += np.random.uniform(-noise, noise)
lon += np.random.uniform(-noise, noise)
path, distance = self.shortest_path(su, tu, weight=weight)
except NetworkXNoPath:
#print ("NetworkXNoPath: %d, %d" % (su, tu))
if ptry > maxtry:
ptry += 1
if len(nx.single_source_shortest_path_length(self.G, su)) < 1000:
#print ("REMOVE NODE: %d" % su)
if len(nx.single_source_shortest_path_length(self.G, tu)) < 1000:
#print ("REMOVE NODE: %d" % tu)
source = su, sv, sd
target = tu, tv, td
return path, distance, source, target
def generate_path(self, origin, destination, step, path, source, target):
"""determine the shortest path from source to target and return locations on the path
if len(path) < 3:
return [destination]
su, sv, sd = source
tu, tv, td = target
trajectory = []
ds = step
# origin~
if path[1] == su or path[1] == sv:
start_node = path.pop(0)
elif path[0] == su:
start_node = sv
start_node = sv
end_node = path.pop(0)
lats, lons, bearings, lengths = self.get_segments_in_order(start_node, end_node)
if start_node < end_node:
d = sd
d = sum(lengths) - sd
for lat, lon, b, l in zip(lats[:-1], lons[:-1], bearings, lengths):
if d > l:
d -= l
if d > 0:
lat, lon = gh.end_lat_lon(lat, lon, d, b)
trajectory.append((lat, lon))
l -= d
d = 0
locs, ds = self.create_trajectory(lat, lon, b, l, step, ds)
trajectory += locs
start_node = end_node
# intermediate
for end_node in path[:-1]:
lats, lons, bearings, lengths = self.get_segments_in_order(start_node, end_node)
for lat, lon, b, l in zip(lats[:-1], lons[:-1], bearings, lengths):
locs, ds = self.create_trajectory(lat, lon, b, l, step, ds)
trajectory += locs
start_node = end_node
# ~destination
end_node = path[-1]
if not (start_node == tu or start_node == tv):
lats, lons, bearings, lengths = self.get_segments_in_order(start_node, end_node)
for lat, lon, b, l in zip(lats[:-1], lons[:-1], bearings, lengths):
locs, ds = self.create_trajectory(lat, lon, b, l, step, ds)
trajectory += locs
start_node = end_node
if start_node == tu:
end_node = tv
end_node = tu
lats, lons, bearings, lengths = self.get_segments_in_order(start_node, end_node)
if start_node < end_node:
d = td
d = sum(lengths) - td
for lat, lon, b, l in zip(lats[:-1], lons[:-1], bearings, lengths):
if d < l:
locs, ds = self.create_trajectory(lat, lon, b, d, step, ds)
trajectory += locs
trajectory.append(gh.end_lat_lon(lat, lon, d, b))
locs, ds = self.create_trajectory(lat, lon, b, l, step, ds)
trajectory += locs
d -= l
return trajectory
def create_trajectory(self, lat, lon, bearing, distance, step, init_step):
lats = []
lons = []
ds = init_step
while distance > ds:
lat, lon = gh.end_lat_lon(lat, lon, ds, bearing)
distance -= ds
ds = step
ds -= distance
return zip(lats, lons), ds
def get_segments_in_order(self, start_node, end_node):
edge = self.G.get_edge_data(start_node, end_node)
if not edge or 'lat' not in edge:
edge = self.G.get_edge_data(end_node, start_node)
d = edge['seg_length'] + [edge['length']]
lengths = [d2 - d1 for d1, d2 in zip(d[:-1], d[1:])]
bearings = edge['bearing']
lats = edge['lat']
lons = edge['lon']
if start_node > end_node:
bearings = [b + np.pi for b in bearings[::-1]]
lengths = lengths[::-1]
lats = lats[::-1]
lons = lons[::-1]
return lats, lons, bearings, lengths
def map_match(self, loc, geo_range=0.0018):
"""Search the most probable path on which the GPS signals are observed in a given graph
geo_range: float; buffer value of boundary box in degree
lat, lon = loc
G = self.__get_subgraph(lat, lon, geo_range)
roads = G.edges()
N = len(roads)
if N == 0:
raise ValueError("""No nodes within search area around input location.""")
road_lengths = np.zeros(N, 'float16')
road_ids = np.zeros(N)
road_distance = np.ones((N), 'float16') * float('inf')
node_distance = np.zeros((N), 'float16')
for i, road in enumerate(roads):
data = self.G.get_edge_data(*road)
if 'lat' in data:
road_lengths[i] = data['length']
road_ids[i] = data['id']
(_, road_distance[i], node_distance[i]) = self.__get_nearest_segment(lat, lon, data)
nearest = road_distance.argmin()
#print (type(nearest),type(roads))
test_var = list(roads)
#print (roads)
#print (road_distance,road_distance.shape)
#print (N,type(roads))
#print (road_distance.argmin())
u = int(test_var[nearest][0])
v = int(test_var[nearest][1])
d = node_distance[nearest]
if u > v:
u, v = v, u
return u, v, d
def mm_convert(self, loc, georange=0.0018):
u, v, d = self.map_match(loc, georange)
lats, lons, bearings, lengths = self.get_segments_in_order(u, v)
for lat, lon, b, l in zip(lats[:-1], lons[:-1], bearings, lengths):
if d > l:
d -= l
elif d > 0:
return gh.end_lat_lon(lat, lon, d, b)
return lat, lon
return lats[-1], lons[-1]
def __get_nearest_segment(self, lat, lon, data):
"""Compute geometric properties between candidate roads and observation points
lat: float;
lon: float;
data: dictionary; road data
nearest_seg: index of road segments closest to observation
road_distnace: distance between observation and the closest road
node_distance: distance from the node with higher ID to matched point
road_lats = np.array(data['lat'])
road_lons = np.array(data['lon'])
bearings = np.array(data['bearing'])
seg_lengths = np.array(data['seg_length']+[data['length']])
h = gh.distance_in_meters(road_lats, road_lons, lat, lon)
h1 = h[:-1]
h2 = h[1:]
theta = gh.bearing_in_radians(road_lats, road_lons, lat, lon)
cos1 = np.cos(theta[:-1] - bearings)
cos2 = -np.cos(theta[1:] - bearings)
d = h1 * np.sqrt(1 - cos1 ** 2) * (np.sign(cos1) == np.sign(cos2)) \
+ h1 * (np.sign(cos1) < np.sign(cos2)) + h2 * (np.sign(cos1) > np.sign(cos2))
nearest_seg = d.argmin() #size: T
cos1 = cos1[nearest_seg]
cos2 = cos2[nearest_seg]
h1 = h1[nearest_seg]
road_distance = d[nearest_seg]
node_distance = (h1 * cos1) * (np.sign(cos1) == np.sign(cos2)) \
+ seg_lengths[nearest_seg] * ~(np.sign(cos1) > np.sign(cos2)) \
+ seg_lengths[nearest_seg+1] * (np.sign(cos1) > np.sign(cos2))
return (nearest_seg, road_distance, node_distance)
def __grand_circle(self, source_id, target_id):
source = self.G.node[source_id]
target = self.G.node[target_id]
return gh.distance_in_meters(source['lat'], source['lon'], target['lat'], target['lon'])
def __get_subgraph(self, lat, lon, geo_range):
""" Draw a square bounding box containing all of the observation points
Extract nodes within this bounding box and return a subgraph containing the nodes
G: networkx Graph object; graph representation of the road network
geo_range: float; buffer value of boundary box
lat_min, lat_max = lat - geo_range, lat + geo_range
lon_min, lon_max = lon - geo_range, lon + geo_range
# sub_id = gh.nodes_within_square(self.G, [lat_max, lon_max], [lat_min, lon_min])
lats = self.node_lats
lons = self.node_lons
sub_ids = self.node_ids[(lats < lat_max) & (lats > lat_min) & (lons < lon_max) & (lons > lon_min)]
return self.G.subgraph(sub_ids)
if __name__ == '__main__':
import _pickle as pickle
import pandas as pd
import json
import time
print ("Loading NYC road network graph...")
graph_path = 'data/nyc_network_graph.pkl'
with open(graph_path, 'r') as f:
G = pickle.load(f)
path_generator = PathGenerator(G)
print ("Loading sample ride requests...")
requests_path = 'data/requests_sample.csv'
df = pd.read_csv(requests_path, nrows=150)
trajectories = {}
ride_requests = zip(df.request_id.values, df.trip_time.values, df[['pickup_latitude', 'pickup_longitude']].values,
df[['dropoff_latitude', 'dropoff_longitude']].values)
print ("Start generating paths:")
print ("# of ride requests: %d" % len(ride_requests))
start = time.time()
n = 0
for rid, trip_time, origin, destination in ride_requests:
path = path_generator.get_path(origin, destination, trip_time)
trajectories[rid] = path
n += 1
if n % 100 == 0:
print ("%d elapsed time: %.2f" % (n, time.time() - start))
print ("%d elapsed time: %.2f" % (n, time.time() - start))
with open('data/trajectories.json', 'wb') as f:
json.dump(trajectories, f)
print ("Complete!")
# class FastPathGenerator(object):
# def generate_path(self, origin, destination, timestep):
# lat, lon = origin
# tlat, tlon = destination
# distance = gh.distance_in_meters(lat, lon, tlat, tlon)
# bearing = gh.bearing_in_radians(lat, lon, tlat, tlon)
# lats = [lat]
# lons = [lon]
# ds = distance / timestep
# while distance > ds:
# lat, lon = gh.end_lat_lon(lat, lon, ds, bearing)
# lats.append(lat)
# lons.append(lon)
# distance -= ds
# ds = step
# ds -= distance
# return zip(lats, lons), ds