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#### VERSION 4
# In[ ]:
import pdb
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pathgenerator import PathGenerator
import geohelper as gh
import geohash2 as Geohash
import sys
from utils.utils import Params
def index_pull(rows,trips_test_2):
val= trips_test_2[(trips_test_2['plat']==rows['plat'].item()) & (trips_test_2['plon']==rows['plon'].item())].index.values
return val
class FleetSimulator(object):
FleetSimulator is an environment in which fleets mobility, dispatch
and passenger pickup / dropoff are simulated.
Init Variables: (type) Description
router: (PathGenerator) Allows for finding shortest paths for distance
eta_model: (h5) This model predicts eta given pickup and dropoff locations
cycle: (int) number of cycles **to be better understood
max_action_time (int) Action update cycle **to be better understood
List of Methods: See Individual Signatures for each of the below
reset(self, num_vehicles, dataset, dayofweek, minofday)
step(self, actions=None) ** MAIN RUNNING METHOD
get_requests(self, num_steps, offset=0)
get_vehicles_dataframe(self) ** calls get_state from vehicle class
get_vehicles_location(self) ** calls get_location from vehicle class
get_vehicles_score(self) ** calls get_score from vehicle class
def __init__(self, params G, eta_model, cycle, max_action_time=15):
self.router = PathGenerator(G)
self.eta_model = eta_model
self.cycle = cycle
self.max_action_time = max_action_time
self.scenario = 'MHGD'
def init_params(self,params):
self.WAIT_COST = params.WAIT_COST
self.MIN_TRIPTIME = params.MIN_TRIPTIME # in meters
self.ASSIGNMENT_SPEED = params.ASSIGNMENT_SPEED # km/h (grand circle distance)
def reset(self, num_vehicles, dataset, dayofweek, minofday):
This initiates the simulator environment taking the following arguments
self: see init
num_vehicles: (int) number of "resources" to initiate.
Ultimately instantiates this number of vehicle objects.
dataset:(pd.DataFrame) chunks loaded from
dayofweek: (int) exactly what it sounds like
minofday: (int) exactly what it sounds like
self.requests = dataset
self.current_time = 0
self.minofday = minofday
self.dayofweek = dayofweek
#randomly assign initial locations based on where the first N pickups are to be made.
init_locations = self.requests[['plat', 'plon']].values[np.arange(num_vehicles) % len(self.requests)]
self.vehicles = [Vehicle(i, init_locations[i]) for i in range(num_vehicles)]
def update_time(self):
self.current_time += self.TIMESTEP
self.minofday += int(self.TIMESTEP / 60.0)
if self.minofday >= 1440:
self.minofday -= 1440
self.dayofweek = (self.dayofweek + 1) % 7
def step(self, actions=None):
step forward the environment by self.TIMESTEP.
This is the main function that updates the state space, takes actions from dqn, and returns rewards(score).
num_steps = int(self.cycle * 60.0 / self.TIMESTEP)
if actions:
requests = self.get_requests(num_steps)
wait, reject, gas,request_hop_zero = 0, 0, 0, 0
for _ in range(num_steps):
for vehicle in self.vehicles:
#Is the only purpose of vehicle.transition to get gas usage?
gas += vehicle.transition()
X = self.get_vehicles_location()
W = requests[(requests.second >= self.current_time) &(requests.second < self.current_time + self.TIMESTEP)]
if len(W) == 0:
assignments = self.rough_match(X, W)
wait_,num_vehicles,num_passengers,request_hop_zero_ = self.assign(assignments)
#######EDITED HERE########### setting the vehicle instance variable based on assigned passengers
#vehicle.passengers = num_passengers
#######EDITED HERE###########
wait += wait_
assignment_length = len(assignments)
reject += len(W) - num_passengers
request_hop_zero += request_hop_zero_
vehicles = self.get_vehicles_dataframe()
return vehicles, requests, wait, reject, gas, request_hop_zero
def get_requests(self, num_steps, offset=0):
requests = self.requests[(self.requests.second >= self.current_time + offset * self.TIMESTEP)
&(self.requests.second < self.current_time + self.TIMESTEP * (num_steps + offset))]
return requests
def get_vehicles_dataframe(self):
vehicles = [vehicle.get_state() for vehicle in self.vehicles]
#######EDITED HERE########### added curr_passengers
vehicles = pd.DataFrame(vehicles, columns=['id', 'available', 'geohash', 'dest_geohash',
'eta', 'status', 'reward', 'lat', 'lon', 'idle','eff_dist','act_dist','curr_passengers'])
#######EDITED HERE###########
return vehicles
def get_vehicles_location(self):
vehicles = [vehicle.get_location() for vehicle in self.vehicles]
#######EDITED HERE###########
vehicles = pd.DataFrame(vehicles, columns=['id', 'lat', 'lon', 'available', 'curr_passengers', 'capacity'])
#######EDITED HERE###########
return vehicles
def get_vehicles_score(self):
vehicles = [vehicle.get_score() for vehicle in self.vehicles]
vehicles = pd.DataFrame(vehicles, columns=['id', 'reward', 'service_time', 'idle_time'])
return vehicles
def post_process(self,prelim_assignments, R):
assignments = {}
rejects = []
#r:request ; v:vehicle
for r,v in prelim_assignments:
capacity = R[ == v]['capacity'].values[0]
curr_passengers = R.loc[ == v]['curr_passengers'].values[0]
seats = int(capacity-curr_passengers)
if len(r)>seats:
#print('Shortened',len(r),'to ', len(r[:seats]))
r = r[:seats]
rejected = r[seats:]
for i in rejected:
assignments[v] = r
return assignments, rejects
def rough_match(self,Resources, tasks, reject_distance = 7000):
Rough Greedy Matching Algorithm for cars and passengers within a zone.
#print("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Running ROUGH MATCH ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~")
assignments = {}
Resources['remaining_seats'] = Resources['capacity'] - Resources['curr_passengers']
R = Resources[Resources.available == 1]
# Getting the locations of cars that are available
it = 0
while len(tasks)>0 and len(R)>0:
tasks_uniq = tasks.groupby(['plat','plon']).count()
tasks_uniq = tasks_uniq.reset_index(level=['plat','plon'])
tasks_uniq = tasks_uniq[['plat','plon']]
tasks_uniq['index']=tasks_uniq.apply(lambda rows:tasks[(tasks['plat']==rows['plat'].item()) & (tasks['plon']==rows['plon'].item())].index.values , axis=1)
N = min(len(tasks_uniq), len(R))
# Calculate distances from each of the cars and unique pick up locations
d = gh.distance_in_meters(,
tasks_uniq.plat.values[:, None],
tasks_uniq.plon.values[:, None])
# Create a np zero array of the number of assignments to make
vids = np.zeros(N, dtype=int)
# For each assignment, pick the closest car considering the the reject distance
for i in range(N):
vid = d[i].argmin()
if d[i, vid] > reject_distance:
vids[i] = -1 #assign -1 for a rejection
vids[i] = vid
d[:, vid] = float('inf') #updating the d array for some reason.
# Getting indices of accepted tasks. Seems like its those which vid>0
index_values = tasks_uniq.index[:N][vids >= 0]
if len(R['id'].iloc[vids[vids >= 0]])<1:
print("All cars out of range")
prelim_assignments = list(zip(tasks_uniq.loc[index_values]['index'], R['id'].iloc[vids[vids >= 0]]))
true_assignments, rejects = self.post_process(prelim_assignments, R)
for car_id in assignments.keys():
passengers_added = len(assignments[car_id])
R.loc[R['id'].isin([car_id]), 'curr_passengers'] += passengers_added
R.loc[R['id'].isin([car_id]), 'remaining_seats'] -= passengers_added
R['available'] = R.apply(lambda row: 1 if row['remaining_seats'] >= 1 else 0, axis=1)
#print("len(R):", len(R))
#print("len(tasks): ",len(tasks))
R = R[R.available == 1]
tasks = tasks.iloc[rejects]
it += 1
#print("Iteration #%d"%it)
#print("len(R):", len(R))
#print("len(tasks): ",len(tasks))
return assignments
def greedy_match(self, Resources, Tasks, slack=0.1, reject_dist=7000):
Strict Greedy Matching Algorithm for cars and passengers within a zone.
assignments = {}
no_rejected = 0
Resources['remaining_seats'] = Resources['capacity'] - Resources['curr_passengers']
Resources = Resources[Resources.available == 1]
Tasks['id'] = Tasks.index
total_remaining_seats = np.sum(Resources['remaining_seats'].values)
total_tasks = len(Tasks)
if total_tasks<total_remaining_seats:
print("!!!!!!!!!CASE 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!")
N = total_tasks
for idx, task in Tasks.iterrows():
Resources['available'] = Resources.apply(lambda row: 1 if row['remaining_seats'] >= 1 else 0, axis=1)
Resources = Resources[Resources.available == 1]
if len(Resources) == 0:
print("RAN OUT OF RESOURCES ! !! !!!")
d = gh.distance_in_meters(,Resources.lon.values,task.plat,task.plon)
if d[d.argmin()]<reject_dist:
car_id = int(Resources.iloc[d.argmin()]['id'])
pickup_id =
Resources.loc[Resources['id'].isin([car_id]), 'curr_passengers'] += 1
Resources.loc[Resources['id'].isin([car_id]), 'remaining_seats'] -= 1
no_rejected += 1
print("!!!!!!!!!CASE 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!")
for idx, resource in Resources.iterrows():
Resources['available'] = Resources.apply(lambda row: 1 if row['remaining_seats'] >= 1 else 0, axis=1)
seats = int(resource.capacity-resource.curr_passengers)
for i in range(seats):
d = gh.distance_in_meters(Tasks.plat.values,Tasks.plon.values,,resource.lon)
pickup_id = Tasks.iloc[d.argmin()]['id']
car_id = int(
Resources.loc[Resources['id'].isin([car_id]), 'curr_passengers'] += 1
Resources.loc[Resources['id'].isin([car_id]), 'remaining_seats'] -= 1
task_indices = Tasks[ == pickup_id].index
return assignments
def assign(self, assignments):
Request to vehicle assignments are already made using match(self,tasks,resources)
This method is more of a helper function that does assignments of requests in dataset to the vehicle class.
num_vehicles = len(assignments)
request_hop_zero = 0
#Total Number of passengers assigned in the entire step.
num_passengers = 0
wait = 0
effective_d = 0
actual_d = 0
for v in assignments:
r = assignments.get(v)
vehicle = self.vehicles[v] # pointer to a Vehicle object
request = self.requests.loc[r]
num_present_vehicle_pass = len(request)
request_hop_zero += sum(request['hop_flag']==0)
num_passengers += num_present_vehicle_pass
request_sort = request.sort_values(by=['trip_time'])
first_row = request_sort.iloc[0]
last_row = request_sort.iloc[-1]
#print (last_row)
ploc = (first_row.plat, first_row.plon)
dloc = (last_row.dlat, last_row.dlon)
#dloc = (last_row.dlat, last_row.dlon)
vloc = vehicle.location
#print (vloc[0], vloc[1], ploc[0], ploc[1])
d = gh.distance_in_meters(vloc[0], vloc[1], ploc[0], ploc[1])
# wait_time = 1 + d / (ASSIGNMENT_SPEED * 1000 / 60)
wait_time = (d * 2 / 1.414) / (self.ASSIGNMENT_SPEED * 1000 / 60)
#print (d)
##calculation for the trip time , effective distance, total distance
eff_distance = sum(request.trip_distance)
request_sort_copy = request_sort.copy()
request_sort.loc[:,'index_val'] = range(len(request_sort))
request_sort_copy.loc[:,'index_val'] = request_sort['index_val'].values -1
request_sort_copy = request_sort_copy[['dlat','dlon','index_val']]
request_sort_join = pd.merge(request_sort, request_sort_copy, how='left', on=None, left_on='index_val', right_on='index_val',
left_index=False, right_index=False, sort=False,suffixes=('_x', '_y'),
copy=True, indicator=False,validate=None)
request_join_no_na = request_sort_join.dropna()
#print (len(request_join_no_na))
#print (request_)
#request_join_no_na['dist_bw_dest'] = gh.distance_in_meters(request_join_no_na.dlat_x,request_join_no_na.dlon_x,
# request_join_no_na.dlat_y,request_join_no_na.dlon_y)
if len(request_join_no_na) > 0:
request_join_no_na['dist_bw_dest'] = gh.distance_in_meters(request_join_no_na.dlat_x,request_join_no_na.dlon_x,request_join_no_na.dlat_y,request_join_no_na.dlon_y)
actual_distance = first_row.trip_distance + (sum(request_join_no_na.dist_bw_dest))/1000
trip_time = (actual_distance/self.ASSIGNMENT_SPEED)*60
#print ('shared....')
#print (type(actual_distance),type(trip_time))
#print (trip_time)
actual_distance = first_row.trip_distance
trip_time = first_row.trip_time
#print ('not shared....')
#print (type(actual_distance),type(trip_time))
#print (trip_time)
#trip_time = request.trip_time
vehicle.start_service(dloc, wait_time, trip_time,actual_distance,eff_distance,num_present_vehicle_pass)
wait += wait_time
# effective_d +=eff_distance
# actual_d += actual_distance
return wait,num_vehicles,num_passengers,request_hop_zero
def dispatch(self, actions):
cache = []
distances = []
vids, targets = zip(*actions)
vlocs = [self.vehicles[vid].location for vid in vids]
for vloc, tloc in zip(vlocs, targets):
p, d, s, t = self.router.map_matching_shortest_path(vloc, tloc)
cache.append((p, s, t))
start_lat = vloc[0]
start_lon = vloc[1]
dest_lat = tloc[0]
dest_lon = tloc[1]
d = gh.distance_in_meters(start_lat,start_lon, dest_lat,dest_lon)
N = len(vids)
X = np.zeros((N, 7))
X[:, 0] = self.dayofweek
X[:, 1] = self.minofday / 60.0
X[:, 2:4] = vlocs
X[:, 4:6] = targets
X[:, 6] = distances
trip_times = self.eta_model.predict(X)
for i, vid in enumerate(vids):
if trip_times[i] > self.MIN_TRIPTIME:
#p, s, t = cache[i]
#step = distances[i] / (trip_times[i] * 60.0 / self.TIMESTEP)
#trajectory = self.router.generate_path(vlocs[i], targets[i], step, p, s, t)
eta = min(trip_times[i], self.max_action_time)
self.vehicles[vid].route([], eta)
class Vehicle(object):
Status available location eta storage_id
WT: waiting 1 real 0 0
MV: moving 1 real >0 0
SV: serving 0 future >0 0
ST: stored 0 real 0 >0
CO: carry-out 0 real >0 r>0
def __init__(self, vehicle_id, location): = vehicle_id
self.status = 'WT'
self.location = location = Geohash.encode(location[0], location[1], precision=self.GEOHASH_PRECISION)
self.available = True
self.trajectory = []
self.eta = 0
self.idle = 0
self.total_idle = 0
self.total_service = 0
self.reward = 0
self.effective_d =0
self.actual_d = 0
####### EDITED HERE ########
self.passengers = 0
self.capacity = 3
####### EDITED HERE ########
def update_location(self, location):
lat, lon = location
self.location = (lat, lon) = Geohash.encode(lat, lon, precision=self.GEOHASH_PRECISION)
def transition(self):
cost = 0
if self.status != 'SV':
self.idle += self.TIMESTEP/60.0
if self.eta > 0:
time = min(self.TIMESTEP/60.0, self.eta)
self.eta -= time
# moving
#if self.trajectory:
if self.status == 'MV':
cost = time
self.reward -= cost
if self.eta <= 0:
####### EDITED HERE ########
self.passengers = 0
####### EDITED HERE ########
# serving -> waiting
if self.status == 'SV':
self.available = True
self.status = 'WT'
# moving -> waiting
elif self.status == 'MV':
self.status = 'WT'
return cost
def start_service(self, destination, wait_time, trip_time,actual_distance,eff_distance,num_pass):
#print (type(wait_time))
#print (type(trip_time))
#print type(destination)
if not self.available:
print ("The vehicle #%d is not available for service." %
return False
self.available = False
self.total_idle += self.idle + wait_time
######EDITED HERE########
if actual_distance == 0:
num_hops = actual_distance
num_hops = eff_distance / actual_distance
######EDITED HERE########
self.idle = 0
self.eta = wait_time + trip_time
self.total_service += trip_time
######### EDITED HERE #########
self.passengers = num_pass
######### EDITED HERE #########
self.reward += (self.RIDE_REWARD*num_pass) + (self.TRIP_REWARD * trip_time) - (self.WAIT_COST * wait_time) - (self.HOP_REWARD*num_hops)
self.trajectory = []
self.status = 'SV'
self.effective_d += eff_distance
self.actual_d +=actual_distance
return True
def route(self, path, trip_time):
if not self.available:
print ("The vehicle #%d is not available for service." %
return False
self.eta = trip_time
self.trajectory = path
self.status = 'MV'
return True
def get_state(self):
if self.trajectory:
lat, lon = self.trajectory[-1]
dest_zone = Geohash.encode(lat, lon, precision=self.GEOHASH_PRECISION)
dest_zone =
lat, lon = self.location
#######EDITED HERE########### added self.passengers at the end
return (, int(self.available),, dest_zone,
self.eta, self.status, self.reward, lat, lon, self.idle,self.effective_d,self.actual_d,self.passengers)
#######EDITED HERE###########
def get_location(self):
lat, lon = self.location
if self.passengers>=self.capacity:
self.available = False
#######EDITED HERE###########
return (, lat, lon, int(self.available), int(self.passengers), int(self.capacity))
#######EDITED HERE###########
def get_score(self):
return (, self.reward, self.total_service, self.total_idle)