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Abhishek K. Umrawal Final Reorganization.
Latest commit d38b448 Jan 23, 2020 History
2 contributors

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@singh596 @aumrawal-purdue
executable file 140 lines (119 sloc) 5.9 KB
import pandas as pd
import time
import sys
from random import shuffle
def run(env, agent, num_steps, no_op_steps=2, average_cycle=1, cheat=False, cheat_cycle=15):
score = pd.DataFrame(columns=['dayofweek', 'minofday', 'requests', 'wait_time',
'reject', 'idle_trip', 'resource', 'dispatch', 'reward',
'effective_dist','actual_dist' ,'agent_time','original_requests'])
vehicles, requests, _, _, _,_ = env.step()
for _ in range(no_op_steps - 2):
_, requests_, _, _, _,_ = env.step()
requests = requests.append(requests_)
if agent:
agent.reset(requests, env.dayofweek, env.minofday)
vehicles, requests, _, _, _,_ = env.step()
start = time.time()
prev_reward = 0
N = len(vehicles)
for t in range(num_steps):
if cheat and t % cheat_cycle == 0:
if t > num_steps - 30:
future_requests = env.get_requests(num_steps=30)
agent_start = time.time()
if agent:
actions = agent.get_actions(vehicles, requests)
actions = []
agent_time = time.time() - agent_start
dispatch = len(actions)
dayofweek = env.dayofweek
minofday = env.minofday
vehicles, requests, wait, reject, idle,original_requests = env.step(actions)
avg_reward = vehicles.reward.mean()
eff_dist_total = vehicles.eff_dist.sum()
act_dist_total = vehicles.act_dist.sum()
score.loc[t] = (dayofweek, minofday, len(requests), wait, reject, idle,
sum(vehicles.available), dispatch, avg_reward - prev_reward,eff_dist_total- prev_eff_dist,
prev_reward = avg_reward
prev_eff_dist =eff_dist_total
prev_act_dist = act_dist_total
if t > 0 and t % average_cycle == 0:
elapsed = time.time() - start
W, wait, reject, dispatch, reward,effective_dist,actual_dist = score.loc[t-average_cycle:t-1,
['requests', 'wait_time', 'reject', 'dispatch', 'reward','effective_dist','actual_dist']].sum()
print("t = {:d} ({:.0f} elapsed) // REQ: {:.0f} / REJ: {:.0f} / WAIT: {:.0f}/ WRT: {:.1f} / DSP: {:.2f} / RWD: {:.1f}/ED: {:.1f}/AD: {:.1f}".format(
int(t * env.cycle), elapsed, W, reject, wait , (W - reject), dispatch / N, reward,effective_dist,actual_dist
return score, env.get_vehicles_score()
def load_trips(trip_path, sample_size, skiprows=0):
trip_cols = pd.read_csv(trip_path, nrows=1).columns
trips = pd.read_csv(trip_path, names=trip_cols, nrows=sample_size, skiprows=skiprows+1)
trips['second'] -= trips.loc[0, 'second']
duration = int(trips.second.values[-1] / 60)
dayofweek = trips.loc[0, 'dayofweek']
minofday = trips.loc[0, 'hour'] * 60 + trips.loc[0, 'minute']
features = ['trip_time', 'phash', 'plat', 'plon', 'dhash', 'dlat', 'dlon', 'second','trip_distance','hop_flag']
trips = trips[features]
return trips, dayofweek, minofday, duration
def load_trip_chunks(trip_path, num_trips, duration, offset=0, randomize=True):
trips, dayofweek, minofday, minutes = load_trips(trip_path, num_trips)
num_chunks = int(minutes / duration)
chunks = []
date = 1
for _ in range(num_chunks):
trips['second'] -= trips.second.values[0]
chunk = trips[trips.second < (duration + offset) * 60.0]
chunks.append((chunk, date, dayofweek, minofday))
trips = trips[trips.second >= (duration + offset) * 60.0]
minofday += duration
if minofday >= 1440: # 24 hour * 60 minute
minofday -= 1440
dayofweek = (dayofweek + 1) % 7
date += 1
if randomize:
return chunks
def load_trip_eval(trip_path, num_trips, day_start=4, no_op_steps=30):
trips, dayofweek, minofday, minutes = load_trips(trip_path, num_trips)
chunks = []
day_shift = (7 - dayofweek) % 7
# Start at 6 am on Monday
trips = trips[trips.second >= ((day_shift * 24 + day_start) * 60 - no_op_steps) * 60]
dayofweek = 0
minofday = day_start * 60 - no_op_steps
date = 1 + day_shift
while len(trips):
trips['second'] -= trips.second.values[0]
day_chunk = trips[trips.second < (24 * 60 + no_op_steps) * 60.0]
chunks.append((day_chunk, date, dayofweek, minofday))
trips = trips[trips.second >= 24 * 60 * 60.0]
dayofweek = (dayofweek + 1) % 7
date += 1
if dayofweek == 0:
return chunks
def describe(score):
total_requests = int(score.requests.sum())
total_wait = score.wait_time.sum()
total_reject = int(score.reject.sum())
total_idle = int(score.idle_trip.sum())
total_reward = score.reward.sum()
avg_wait = total_wait / (total_requests - total_reject)
reject_rate = float(total_reject) / total_requests
effort = float(total_idle) / (total_requests * 0.2 - total_reject)
avg_time = score.agent_time.mean()
avg_num_transitions = (total_requests-total_reject)/(score.original_requests.sum())
distance_ratio = (score.effective_dist.sum())/(score.actual_dist.sum())
total_time = (score.actual_dist.sum())/(score.original_requests.sum() * 15 )
print("----------------------------------- SUMMARY -----------------------------------")
print("REQUESTS: {0:d} / REJECTS: {1:d} / IDLE: {2:d} / REWARD: {3:.0f}/RATIO_EFF_DIST: {4:.2f}/TRANS: {5:.4f}".format(
total_requests, total_reject, total_idle, total_reward,distance_ratio,avg_num_transitions))
print("WAIT TIME: {0:.2f} / REJECT RATE: {1:.3f} / EFFORT: {2:.2f} / TIME: {3:.2f}/TRIP_TIME: {4:.4f}".format(
avg_wait, reject_rate, effort, avg_time,total_time))