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Abhishek K. Umrawal Final Reorganization.
Latest commit d38b448 Jan 23, 2020 History
2 contributors

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@singh596 @aumrawal-purdue
executable file 197 lines (168 sloc) 6.49 KB
import numpy as np
# import folium
from collections import defaultdict
import geohash2 as Geohash
R = 6371000#earth's radius in meters.
def distance_in_meters(start_lat, start_lon, end_lat, end_lon):
"""Distance in meters
start_lat, start_lon, end_lat, end_lon = map(np.deg2rad, [start_lat, start_lon, end_lat, end_lon])
x = (end_lon - start_lon) * np.cos(0.5*(start_lat+end_lat))
y = end_lat - start_lat
return R * np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
def bearing_in_radians(start_lat, start_lon, end_lat, end_lon):
"""Bearing in radians
start_lat, start_lon, end_lat, end_lon = map(np.deg2rad,
[start_lat, start_lon, end_lat,
del_lon = end_lon - start_lon
num = np.sin(del_lon)*np.cos(end_lat)
den = np.cos(start_lat)*np.sin(end_lat)\
return np.arctan2(num, den)
def end_lat_lon(start_lat, start_lon, distance_in_meter, bearing):
"""End point latitude and longitude.
start_lat, start_lon: array_like
strating point latitudes and longitudes.
distance_in_meter: array_like
distance from the starting point to the desired end point.
bearing: array_like
angle in radians with the true north.
end_lat, end_lon: ndarray or scalar
The desired ending position latitude and longitude.
start_lat, start_lon = map(np.deg2rad, [start_lat, start_lon])
alpha = np.asarray(distance_in_meter)/R
lat = np.arcsin(np.sin(start_lat)*np.cos(alpha)\
num = np.sin(bearing)*np.sin(alpha)*np.cos(start_lat)
den = np.cos(alpha) - np.sin(start_lat)*np.sin(lat)
lon = start_lon + np.arctan2(num,den)
return (np.rad2deg(lat), np.rad2deg(lon))
def nodes_within_square(G, upper, lower):
"""search nodes in the square region from a graph
G : networkx graph object;
upper : list; upper limit of latitude and longitude
lower : list; lower limit of latitude and longitude
nodes : set; node ids in the region
nodes = set(u for u, d in G.nodes_iter(data=True)
if (d['lon'] <= upper[1] and d['lon'] >= lower[1]) and (d['lat'] <= upper[0] and d['lat'] >= lower[0]))
nodes = nodes.union(set(v for u in nodes for v in G.neighbors(u)))
return nodes
def road_density(edges):
road_density = defaultdict(int)
for edge in edges:
for lat, lon in edge[1:-1]:
road_density[Geohash.encode(lat, lon, precision=7)] += 1
return road_density
def intxn_density(nodes):
intxn_density = defaultdict(int)
for lat, lon in nodes:
intxn_density[Geohash.encode(lat, lon, precision=7)] += 1
return intxn_density
# def visualize_trajectory(center_lat_lon=[40.75773, -73.985708],
# filename='trajectory.html', graph_data=None,
# edge_color='gray',
# zoom_start=15, lat_lon_popover=False,
# blue_lat_lon=None, blue_radius=None,
# red_lat_lon=None, red_radius=None,
# green_lat_lon=None, green_radius=None,
# marker_locs=None):
# map_ = folium.Map(location=list(center_lat_lon), zoom_start=zoom_start)
# if graph_data is not None:
# for e in graph_data:
# map_.line(e, line_color=edge_color)
# def map_trajectory(lat_lon_lst, radius, color='blue', line_color='purple'):
# if radius is None:
# radius = np.ones(len(lat_lon_lst))*5
# map_.add_children(folium.PolyLine(lat_lon_lst, color=line_color))
# for loc, r in zip(lat_lon_lst, radius):
# map_.add_children(folium.CircleMarker(location=loc, radius=r, color=color))
# if red_lat_lon is not None:
# map_trajectory(red_lat_lon, red_radius, 'red', line_color='purple')
# if blue_lat_lon is not None:
# map_trajectory(blue_lat_lon, blue_radius, 'blue', line_color='blue')
# if green_lat_lon is not None:
# map_trajectory(green_lat_lon, green_radius, 'green', line_color='green')
# if marker_locs is not None:
# for loc in marker_locs:
# # map_.simple_marker(loc, popup='%f, %f'%tuple(loc))
# map_.add_children(folium.Marker(location=loc))
# if lat_lon_popover is not None:
# map_.add_children(folium.LatLngPopup())
# # map_.lat_lng_popover()
# print("file created!")
# def visualize_states(vehicle_locs, request_locs,
# center_lat_lon=[40.75773, -73.985708],
# filename='states.html', zoom_start=15):
# map_ = folium.Map(location=list(center_lat_lon), zoom_start=zoom_start)
# for loc in vehicle_locs:
# map_.add_children(folium.RegularPolygonMarker(loc, fill_color='#43d9de', radius=8))
# for loc in request_locs:
# map_.add_children(folium.Marker(location=loc))
# print("file created!")
# import shapely
# from bokeh.models import Range1d
# from bokeh import plotting
# import geopandas as gpd
# def plot_overmap(point_x, point_y, radius, shape_file_path):
# world_xs = []
# world_ys = []
# gdf = gpd.read_file(shape_file_path).to_crs('+proj=latlon')
# for i, row in gdf.iterrows():
# polygons = row['geometry']
# if isinstance(polygons, shapely.geometry.multipolygon.MultiPolygon):
# polygons = [x for x in polygons]
# elif isinstance(polygons, shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon):
# polygons = [polygons]
# else:
# raise ValueError
# for p in polygons:
# lons, lats = zip(*list(p.exterior.coords))
# world_xs.append(lons)
# world_ys.append(lats)
# plotting.output_notebook()
# p = plotting.figure(toolbar_location="left", plot_width=600, plot_height=500)
# p.patches(world_xs, world_ys, fill_color='white',
# line_color="black", line_width=0.2)
# left, right = -74.05, -73.75
# top, bottom = 40.9, 40.6
# p.set(x_range=Range1d(left, right), y_range=Range1d(bottom, top))
# p.scatter(point_x, point_y,
# radius=radius,
# fill_alpha=0.2, color='red'
# )
# return