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341 lines (260 sloc) 14.1 KB
import torch
import torch.optim as optim
import torch.nn.functional as F
import torch.nn as nn
from torch.distributions.categorical import Categorical
import os
import copy
class Actor(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, state_size, action_size, hidden_size=32):
super(Actor, self).__init__()
self.state_size = 2*state_size # one-hot state + mean-distribution
self.action_size = action_size
self.hidden_size = hidden_size
self.linear1 = nn.Linear(self.state_size, self.hidden_size)
self.linear2 = nn.Linear(self.hidden_size, self.hidden_size)
self.linear3 = nn.Linear(self.hidden_size, self.action_size)
def forward(self, state, state_dist):
state_joined =[state, state_dist])
output = F.relu(self.linear1(state_joined))
output = F.relu(self.linear2(output))
output = F.softmax(self.linear3(output), dim=-1)
return output
def train(args):
actor = Actor(args.num_states, args.num_actions, args.hidden_size)
NumActParam = 2*args.num_states * args.hidden_size + args.hidden_size + args.hidden_size**2 + args.hidden_size + args.hidden_size*args.num_actions + args.num_actions
optimizer = optim.Adam(list(actor.parameters()))
# Floating point representation of states
states_float = torch.tensor(range(0, args.num_states)).float()
for j in range(args.J):
w = torch.zeros(NumActParam)
w_avg = torch.zeros(NumActParam)
for _ in range(args.L):
# Initial state distribution
curr_state_dist = torch.ones(args.num_states) / args.num_states
curr_state = Categorical(curr_state_dist).sample().long()
""" ------------ Sampling (x, mu, u) ------------ """
FLAG = False
while not FLAG:
if torch.rand(1) > args.gamma:
FLAG = True
""" --------- Update Subroutine -------------- """
""" ------------ Current State ------------------- """
curr_state_one_hot = torch.zeros(args.num_states)
curr_state_one_hot[curr_state] = 1
""" ------------- Mean of Current State Distribution ------------- """
curr_state_dist_mean =, curr_state_dist)
""" ------------- Current Action ------------------ """
policy = Categorical(actor(curr_state_one_hot, curr_state_dist))
curr_action = policy.sample().long()
""" ------------- Next State --------------- """
fraction = 1 - (curr_state_dist_mean/args.num_states)
if curr_action == 0:
next_state = curr_state
chi = torch.rand(1)
next_state = curr_state + (chi * fraction * (args.num_states - 1 - curr_state)).long()
next_state_one_hot = torch.zeros(args.num_states)
next_state_one_hot[next_state] = 1
""" -------------- Next State Distribution ------------- """
next_state_dist = torch.zeros(args.num_states)
for state_t in range(0, args.num_states):
one_hot_state_t = torch.zeros(args.num_states)
one_hot_state_t[state_t] = 1
for action_t in range(0, args.num_actions):
dist_vec = torch.zeros(args.num_states)
if action_t == 0:
dist_vec[state_t] = 1
prob_mass = 1/(fraction * (args.num_states - 1 - state_t))
total_prob = torch.tensor(1.0)
state_t_plus_1 = state_t
while total_prob > 0 and state_t_plus_1 < args.num_states:
dist_vec[state_t_plus_1] = torch.minimum(prob_mass, total_prob)
total_prob -= torch.minimum(prob_mass, total_prob)
state_t_plus_1 += 1
prob = actor(one_hot_state_t, curr_state_dist)[action_t] * curr_state_dist[state_t]
next_state_dist += dist_vec * prob
""" --------------------- Update ------------------ """
curr_state = copy.copy(next_state)
curr_state_dist = copy.copy(next_state_dist)
""" ------------ Sampling Advantage Functions ---------- """
FLAG = False
SumRewards = torch.tensor([0.])
while not FLAG:
if torch.rand(1) > args.gamma:
FLAG = True
""" --------- Update Subroutine -------------- """
""" ------------ Current State ------------------- """
curr_state_one_hot = torch.zeros(args.num_states)
curr_state_one_hot[curr_state] = 1
""" ------------- Mean of Current State Distribution ------------- """
curr_state_dist_mean =, curr_state_dist)
""" ------------- Current Action ------------------ """
policy = Categorical(actor(curr_state_one_hot, curr_state_dist))
curr_action = policy.sample().long()
""" ------------- Next State --------------- """
fraction = 1 - (curr_state_dist_mean/args.num_states)
if curr_action == 0:
next_state = curr_state
chi = torch.rand(1)
next_state = curr_state + (chi * fraction * (args.num_states - 1 - curr_state)).long()
next_state_one_hot = torch.zeros(args.num_states)
next_state_one_hot[next_state] = 1
""" -------------- Next State Distribution ------------- """
next_state_dist = torch.zeros(args.num_states)
for state_t in range(0, args.num_states):
one_hot_state_t = torch.zeros(args.num_states)
one_hot_state_t[state_t] = 1
for action_t in range(0, args.num_actions):
dist_vec = torch.zeros(args.num_states)
if action_t == 0:
dist_vec[state_t] = 1
prob_mass = 1/(fraction * (args.num_states - 1 - state_t))
total_prob = torch.tensor(1.0)
state_t_plus_1 = state_t
while total_prob > 0 and state_t_plus_1 < args.num_states:
dist_vec[state_t_plus_1] = torch.minimum(prob_mass, total_prob)
total_prob -= torch.minimum(prob_mass, total_prob)
state_t_plus_1 += 1
prob = actor(one_hot_state_t, curr_state_dist)[action_t] * curr_state_dist[state_t]
next_state_dist += dist_vec * prob
""" -------------- SumRewards Update ---------- """
SumRewards += args.alpha_r * curr_state - args.beta_r * curr_state_dist_mean - args.lambda_r * curr_action
""" --------------------- Update ------------------ """
curr_state = copy.copy(next_state)
curr_state_dist = copy.copy(next_state_dist)
Value_R = 0
Q_R = 0
if torch.rand(1) < 0.5:
Value_R = SumRewards
Q_R = SumRewards
Advantage_R = 2*(Q_R-Value_R)
# Gradient Update for the Sub-Problem
log_prob = policy.log_prob(curr_action)
phi_grads = []
for f in actor.parameters():
phi_grads =
h_grads = (, phi_grads)-Advantage_R)*phi_grads
w = w - args.alpha * h_grads
w_avg += w/args.L
count = 0
for phi in actor.parameters(): -= (args.eta/(1-args.gamma))*w_avg[count]
count += 1
if not os.path.exists('Models'):
os.mkdir('Models'), f'Models/Actor.pkl')
def evaluateMARLLocal(args, N):
actor = Actor(args.num_states, args.num_actions)
if not os.path.exists(f'Models/Actor.pkl'):
raise ValueError('Model does not exist.')
# Initial state distribution
init_state_dist = torch.ones(args.num_states)/args.num_states
# Initial infinite population mean-field state distribution
curr_mf_state_dist = torch.ones(args.num_states) / args.num_states
# Current Joint State
curr_joint_state = Categorical(init_state_dist).sample([N]).long()
next_joint_state = torch.zeros(N).long()
# Floating point representation of states
states_float = torch.tensor(range(0, args.num_states)).float()
# Doubly Stochastic Interaction Matrix
W = torch.ones([N, N])/N
ValueRewardMARL = 0
curr_gamma = 1
for iter_count in range(args.run_eval):
curr_average_reward = 0
curr_joint_state_one_hot = torch.zeros([N, args.num_states])
curr_joint_state_one_hot[range(0, N), curr_joint_state] = 1
curr_state_dist = torch.matmul(W, curr_joint_state_one_hot)
for agent_index in range(0, N):
agent_state = curr_joint_state[agent_index]
agent_state_one_hot = curr_joint_state_one_hot[agent_index, :]
agent_state_dist = curr_state_dist[agent_index, :]
agent_state_dist_mean =, agent_state_dist)
""" ------- Local Policy --------- """
agent_action = Categorical(actor(agent_state_one_hot, curr_mf_state_dist)).sample()
agent_reward = args.alpha_r * agent_state - args.beta_r * agent_state_dist_mean - args.lambda_r * agent_action
curr_average_reward += agent_reward/N
# Next State for the agent
if agent_action == 1:
chi = torch.rand(1)
fraction = 1 - (agent_state_dist_mean/args.num_states)
next_joint_state[agent_index] = curr_joint_state[agent_index] + (chi*fraction*(args.num_states - 1 - curr_joint_state[agent_index])).long()
next_joint_state[agent_index] = curr_joint_state[agent_index]
ValueRewardMARL += curr_gamma*args.gamma*curr_average_reward
curr_gamma *= args.gamma
""" --------------- Mean-Field Update ------------ """
curr_mf_state_dist_mean =, curr_mf_state_dist)
mf_fraction = 1 - (curr_mf_state_dist_mean / args.num_states)
next_mf_state_dist = torch.zeros(args.num_states)
for state_t in range(0, args.num_states):
one_hot_state_t = torch.zeros(args.num_states)
one_hot_state_t[state_t] = 1
for action_t in range(0, args.num_actions):
dist_vec = torch.zeros(args.num_states)
if action_t == 0:
dist_vec[state_t] = 1
prob_mass = 1 / (mf_fraction * (args.num_states - 1 - state_t))
total_prob = torch.tensor(1.0)
state_t_plus_1 = state_t
while total_prob > 0 and state_t_plus_1 < args.num_states:
dist_vec[state_t_plus_1] = torch.minimum(prob_mass, total_prob)
total_prob -= torch.minimum(prob_mass, total_prob)
state_t_plus_1 += 1
prob = actor(one_hot_state_t, curr_mf_state_dist)[action_t] * curr_mf_state_dist[state_t]
next_mf_state_dist += dist_vec * prob
""" ----------- Update -------------------- """
curr_joint_state = copy.copy(next_joint_state)
curr_mf_state_dist = copy.copy(next_mf_state_dist)
return ValueRewardMARL
def evaluateMARLNonLocal(args, N):
actor = Actor(args.num_states, args.num_actions)
if not os.path.exists(f'Models/Actor.pkl'):
raise ValueError('Model does not exist.')
# Initial state distribution
init_state_dist = torch.ones(args.num_states)/args.num_states
# Current Joint State
curr_joint_state = Categorical(init_state_dist).sample([N]).long()
next_joint_state = torch.zeros(N).long()
# Floating point representation of states
states_float = torch.tensor(range(0, args.num_states)).float()
# Doubly Stochastic Interaction Matrix
W = torch.ones([N, N])/N
ValueRewardMARL = 0
curr_gamma = 1
for iter_count in range(args.run_eval):
curr_average_reward = 0
curr_joint_state_one_hot = torch.zeros([N, args.num_states])
curr_joint_state_one_hot[range(0, N), curr_joint_state] = 1
curr_state_dist = torch.matmul(W, curr_joint_state_one_hot)
for agent_index in range(0, N):
agent_state = curr_joint_state[agent_index]
agent_state_one_hot = curr_joint_state_one_hot[agent_index, :]
agent_state_dist = curr_state_dist[agent_index, :]
agent_state_dist_mean =, agent_state_dist)
agent_action = Categorical(actor(agent_state_one_hot, agent_state_dist)).sample()
agent_reward = args.alpha_r * agent_state - args.beta_r * agent_state_dist_mean - args.lambda_r * agent_action
curr_average_reward += agent_reward/N
# Next State for the agent
if agent_action == 1:
chi = torch.rand(1)
fraction = 1 - (agent_state_dist_mean/args.num_states)
next_joint_state[agent_index] = curr_joint_state[agent_index] + (chi*fraction*(args.num_states - 1 - curr_joint_state[agent_index])).long()
next_joint_state[agent_index] = curr_joint_state[agent_index]
ValueRewardMARL += curr_gamma*args.gamma*curr_average_reward
curr_gamma *= args.gamma
""" ----------- State Update -------------------- """
curr_joint_state = copy.copy(next_joint_state)
return ValueRewardMARL