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%This is the demo-code for paper 'Tensor Train Neighborhood Preserving
%Embedding' Fig.3 and Fig.6%
%% addpath the the package to be used
clear all; close all; clc;
addpath 'tensorlab' % package for Tens2mat
addpath 'FOptM-share' % package for Convex under unitary constraint
addpath 'mdmp' % Tensor Trace
addpath 'TT_TensNet' % Merge the proposed networks
addpath 'TT_Approximate'% Approximation Algorithm
addpath 'TNPE' % TNPE algorithm package
addpath 'Self_Tool' % manifold dimensional and KNN clasifier
addpath 'Data_file'
%% parameter setup
Dataset = 'Weizmann'; % dataset to be tested
noise = 0; % noised to the input data
repeats = 10;% the amount of iteration to get the average results
pathname = ['Result_', Dataset];% the folder to save the results
%% data and path processing
[images, labels,K_list,tau_list,tensor_shape,classsize_list,class] = load_data(Dataset);
if ~exist(pathname)
mkdir(pathname);% build the result folder for the testing
%% Runing results
for repeatId = 1: repeats % each repeat
for tauId = 1: length(tau_list) % each thresholding tau
for classsizeId = 1: length(classsize_list) % each training size
%display information
showinfo = ['At ' num2str(repeatId) ' iterations, '...
'tau ' num2str(tauId/length(tau_list))...
', classsize ' num2str(classsizeId/length(classsize_list))];
display(['********** ' showinfo ' *************' ]);
% tunable parameter setup
tau = tau_list(tauId);
class_size = classsize_list(classsizeId);
[train_data, train_label, test_data, test_label] =get_data(Dataset, images, labels, class,class_size,noise);% get train/test data
% graph parameter
Graph.K = class * class_size-1 ;
Graph.epsilon = 1;
% TT-Network solver parameter
para_TN.maxiter = 20;
para_TN.error_tot = 10 ^ -2;
para_TN.display = 1;
% App solver parameter
para_App.maxiter = 200;
para_App.error_tot = 10 ^ -2;
para_App.display = 1;
para_TNPE.Tmax = 50;
para_TNPE.toler = 10 ^-2; = 1;
% KNN classifier parameter
KNN.K = K_list;
% Algo1: Approximate TTNPE embedding solver
App = main_App(train_data, train_label, test_data,...
test_label, tensor_shape, tau, Graph, para_App,KNN);
% Algo2: TNPE
TNPE = main_TNPE(train_data, train_label, test_data,...
test_label, tensor_shape, tau, Graph, para_TNPE,KNN);
TN = 'Not used';
% Algo3: KNN directly solver
KNN_start = cputime;
[KNNS.PreLabel, KNNS.PreErr] = Classfier_KNN(train_data, ...
train_label, test_data, test_label, KNN.K);
KNNS.time_classify = cputime - KNN_start;
KNNS.Storage = numel(train_data);
% save file
filename = [pathname '/Result' ...
'_noise' num2str(noise), ...
'_repeat' num2str(repeatId),...
'_tau' num2str(tau_list(tauId)),...
'_classsize' num2str(classsize_list(classsizeId)) '.mat'];
save(filename, 'App', 'TN','TNPE','KNNS');
%% plot results
FigurePlot(tau_list, classsize_list, repeats, noise, Dataset, K_list, K_list(1), tensor_shape);