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Private-Members for autodocs extension for mkdocs #19

benne238 opened this issue Mar 26, 2021 · 1 comment

Private-Members for autodocs extension for mkdocs #19

benne238 opened this issue Mar 26, 2021 · 1 comment
feature-request Request for functionality that has not already been implemented handoff Issues that will not be fixed by the first webqueue2 team (after 7/16/21)


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Currently, autodocs for mkdocs only supports parsing the docstrings for non private functions. By default, any private functions are omitted by default with this line of code in the script

To allow for flexibility in the code, this pull request accepts an additional declaration, :private-members:. This declaration would add to the already existing :members: and :docstring: declarations. This simple fix would add additional flexibility in the code to allow for auto-documentation of more functions within a given class or module.

from markdown import Markdown
from markdown.extensions import Extension
from markdown.blockprocessors import BlockProcessor
from markdown.util import etree
import importlib
import inspect
import re
import typing

# Fuzzy regex for determining source lines in __init__ that look like
# attribute assignments.  Eg. `self.counter = 0`
SET_ATTRIBUTE = re.compile("^([ \t]*)self[.]([A-Za-z0-9_]+) *=")

def import_from_string(import_str: str) -> typing.Any:
    module_str, _, attr_str = import_str.rpartition(".")

        module = importlib.import_module(module_str)
    except ImportError as exc:
        module_name = module_str.split(".", 1)[0]
        if != module_name:
            raise exc from None
        raise ValueError(f"Could not import module {module_str!r}.")

        return getattr(module, attr_str)
    except AttributeError as exc:
        raise ValueError(f"Attribute {attr_str!r} not found in module {module_str!r}.")

def get_params(signature: inspect.Signature) -> typing.List[str]:
    Given a function signature, return a list of parameter strings
    to use in documentation.

    Eg. test(a, b=None, **kwargs) -> ['a', 'b=None', '**kwargs']
    params = []
    render_pos_only_separator = True
    render_kw_only_separator = True

    for parameter in signature.parameters.values():
        value =
        if parameter.default is not parameter.empty:
            value = f"{value}={parameter.default!r}"

        if parameter.kind is parameter.VAR_POSITIONAL:
            render_kw_only_separator = False
            value = f"*{value}"
        elif parameter.kind is parameter.VAR_KEYWORD:
            value = f"**{value}"
        elif parameter.kind is parameter.POSITIONAL_ONLY:
            if render_pos_only_separator:
                render_pos_only_separator = False
        elif parameter.kind is parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY:
            if render_kw_only_separator:
                render_kw_only_separator = False

    return params

def last_iter(seq: typing.Sequence) -> typing.Iterator:
    Given an sequence, return a two-tuple (item, is_last) iterable.

    it = iter(seq)
    item = next(it)
    is_last = False

    for next_item in it:
        yield item, is_last
        item = next_item

    is_last = True
    yield item, is_last

def trim_docstring(docstring: typing.Optional[str]) -> str:
    Trim leading indent from a docstring.

    if not docstring:
        return ""

    # Convert tabs to spaces (following the normal Python rules)
    # and split into a list of lines:
    lines = docstring.expandtabs().splitlines()
    # Determine minimum indentation (first line doesn't count):
    indent = 1000
    for line in lines[1:]:
        stripped = line.lstrip()
        if stripped:
            indent = min(indent, len(line) - len(stripped))

    # Remove indentation (first line is special):
    trimmed = [lines[0].strip()]
    if indent < 1000:
        for line in lines[1:]:

    # Strip off trailing and leading blank lines:
    while trimmed and not trimmed[-1]:
    while trimmed and not trimmed[0]:

    # Return a single string:
    return "\n".join(trimmed)

class AutoDocProcessor(BlockProcessor):

    CLASSNAME = "autodoc"
    RE = re.compile(r"(?:^|\n)::: ?([:a-zA-Z0-9_.]*) *(?:\n|$)")
    RE_SPACES = re.compile("  +")

    def __init__(self, parser, md=None):
        super().__init__(parser=parser) = md

    def test(self, parent: etree.Element, block: etree.Element) -> bool:
        sibling = self.lastChild(parent)
        return bool(
            or (
                block.startswith(" " * self.tab_length)
                and sibling is not None
                and sibling.get("class", "").find(self.CLASSNAME) != -1

    def run(self, parent: etree.Element, blocks: etree.Element) -> None:
        sibling = self.lastChild(parent)
        block = blocks.pop(0)
        m =

        if m:
            block = block[m.end() :]  # removes the first line

        block, theRest = self.detab(block)

        if m:
            import_string =
            item = import_from_string(import_string)

            autodoc_div = etree.SubElement(parent, "div")
            autodoc_div.set("class", self.CLASSNAME)

            self.render_signature(autodoc_div, item, import_string)
            for line in block.splitlines():
                if line.startswith(":docstring:"):
                    docstring = trim_docstring(item.__doc__)
                    self.render_docstring(autodoc_div, item, docstring)
                elif line.startswith(":members:") or line.startswith(":private-members"):
                    private = False
                    if line.startswith(":private-members:"): private = True
                    members = line.split()[1:] or None
                    self.render_members(autodoc_div, item, private, members=members)

        if theRest:
            # This block contained unindented line(s) after the first indented
            # line. Insert these lines as the first block of the master blocks
            # list for future processing.
            blocks.insert(0, theRest)

    def render_signature(
        self, elem: etree.Element, item: typing.Any, import_string: str
    ) -> None:
        module_string, _, name_string = import_string.rpartition(".")

        # Eg: `some_module.attribute_name`
        signature_elem = etree.SubElement(elem, "div")
        signature_elem.set("class", "autodoc-signature")

        if inspect.isclass(item):
            qualifier_elem = etree.SubElement(signature_elem, "em")
            qualifier_elem.text = "class "

        name_elem = etree.SubElement(signature_elem, "code")
        if module_string:
            name_elem.text = module_string + "."
        main_name_elem = etree.SubElement(name_elem, "strong")
        main_name_elem.text = name_string

        # If this is a property, then we're done.
        if not callable(item):

        # Eg: `(a, b='default', **kwargs)``
        signature = inspect.signature(item)

        bracket_elem = etree.SubElement(signature_elem, "span")
        bracket_elem.text = "("
        bracket_elem.set("class", "autodoc-punctuation")

        if signature.parameters:
            for param, is_last in last_iter(get_params(signature)):
                param_elem = etree.SubElement(signature_elem, "em")
                param_elem.text = param
                param_elem.set("class", "autodoc-param")

                if not is_last:
                    comma_elem = etree.SubElement(signature_elem, "span")
                    comma_elem.text = ", "
                    comma_elem.set("class", "autodoc-punctuation")

        bracket_elem = etree.SubElement(signature_elem, "span")
        bracket_elem.text = ")"
        bracket_elem.set("class", "autodoc-punctuation")

    def render_docstring(
        self, elem: etree.Element, item: typing.Any, docstring: str
    ) -> None:
        docstring_elem = etree.SubElement(elem, "div")
        docstring_elem.set("class", "autodoc-docstring")

        md = Markdown(
        docstring_elem.text = md.convert(docstring)

    def render_members(
        self, elem: etree.Element, item: typing.Any, private: bool, members: typing.List[str] = None
    ) -> None:
        members_elem = etree.SubElement(elem, "div")
        members_elem.set("class", "autodoc-members")

        if members is None:
            if private :
                members = sorted([attr for attr in dir(item) if (not attr.startswith("__") and attr.startswith("_"))])
                members = sorted([attr for attr in dir(item) if not attr.startswith("_")])
        info_items = []
        for attribute_name in members:
            attribute = getattr(item, attribute_name)
            docs = trim_docstring(getattr(attribute, "__doc__", ""))
            info = (attribute_name, docs)

        for attribute_name, docs in info_items:
            attribute = getattr(item, attribute_name)
            self.render_signature(members_elem, attribute, attribute_name)
            self.render_docstring(members_elem, attribute, docs)

class MKAutoDocExtension(Extension):
    def extendMarkdown(self, md: Markdown) -> None:
        processor = AutoDocProcessor(md.parser, md=md)
        md.parser.blockprocessors.register(processor, "mkautodoc", 110)

def makeExtension():
    return MKAutoDocExtension()
@campb303 campb303 added the feature-request Request for functionality that has not already been implemented label Mar 29, 2021
@campb303 campb303 added this to To do in v1.0 via automation Mar 29, 2021
@campb303 campb303 added this to the production-ready milestone Mar 29, 2021
@campb303 campb303 added high-priority Needs immediate extra focus overdue labels Mar 29, 2021
@campb303 campb303 removed high-priority Needs immediate extra focus overdue labels Apr 28, 2021
@campb303 campb303 modified the milestones: production-ready, write-access May 17, 2021
@campb303 campb303 removed this from the write-access milestone Jul 6, 2021
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campb303 commented Jul 6, 2021

This will not be completed by the current team. It does present a difficulty in creating wholeistic documentation. For the handoff, we'll rely on docstrings.

@campb303 campb303 added the handoff Issues that will not be fixed by the first webqueue2 team (after 7/16/21) label Jul 6, 2021
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feature-request Request for functionality that has not already been implemented handoff Issues that will not be fixed by the first webqueue2 team (after 7/16/21)
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