diff --git a/api/ECNQueue.py b/api/ECNQueue.py
index 2cfcf98..cb5cd41 100644
--- a/api/ECNQueue.py
+++ b/api/ECNQueue.py
@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ def __parseHeaders(self) -> list:
         # Example:
         #	[ce] QTime-Updated-By: campb303 becomes
         # 	QTime-Updated-By: campb303
-        queuePrefixPattern = re.compile("\[.*\] {1}")
+        queuePrefixPattern = re.compile(r"\[.*?\] {1}")
         for lineNumber in range(self.__getHeaderBoundary()):
             line = self.__rawItem[lineNumber]
             lineHasQueuePrefix = queuePrefixPattern.match(line)
@@ -263,6 +263,12 @@ def __parseSections(self) -> list:
         for assignment in assignementLsit:
+        # Checks for empty content within an item and returns and
+        if contentEnd <= contentStart:
+            blankInitialMessage = self.__initialMessageParsing([""])
+            sections.append(blankInitialMessage)
+            return sections
         # Checks for Directory Identifiers
         if self.__rawItem[contentStart] == "\n" and self.__rawItem[contentStart + 1].startswith("\t"):
@@ -915,6 +921,10 @@ def __userReplyParsing(self, replyContent: list, lineNumber: int) -> dict:
             if line == "\n":
                 newLineCounter = newLineCounter + 1
+                if newLineCounter == 2 and "datetime" not in replyFromInfo.keys():
+                        errorMessage = "Expected \"Date: [datetime]\" in the header info"
+                        return self.__errorParsing(line, lineNumber + lineNum + 1, errorMessage)
             elif line == "===============================================\n":
                 endingDelimiterCount = endingDelimiterCount + 1
@@ -1190,7 +1200,19 @@ def __getUserAlias(self) -> str:
                 str: User's Career Account alias if present or empty string
-        emailUser, emailDomain = self.userEmail.split("@")
+        try:
+            emailUser, emailDomain = self.userEmail.split("@")
+        # Returns an error parse if the self.useremail doesn't contain exactally one "@" symbol
+        except ValueError:
+            # Parses through the self.headers list to find the "From" header and its line number
+            for lineNum, header in enumerate(self.headers):
+                if header["type"] == "From":
+                    headerString = header["type"] + ": " + header["content"]
+                    return self.__errorParsing(headerString, lineNum + 1, "Expected valid email Address")
         return emailUser if emailDomain.endswith("purdue.edu") else ""
     def __getFormattedDate(self, date: str) -> str: