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Latest commit 90fe8a4 Jun 11, 2022 History
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import os
import traceback
import itertools
import numpy as np
from math import ceil
from import sort
from import read
from fga.util import *
norm = np.linalg.norm
def cut_cell(unit_atom,xy_par):
The function fits the atoms object in the given cell/parallelogram. It will only work if the cell is generated by multiplying
the unit cell by a valid projection matrix
:unit_atom: (ase atoms object) to be cut
:xy_cell: four corners of the parallelogram along which the atoms object is cut
:return: (cut ase atoms object)
atoms = unit_atom.copy()
original_cell = atoms.cell
new_cell = [[xy_par[1][0],xy_par[1][1],0],[xy_par[2][0],xy_par[2][1],0],[0,0,original_cell[2][2]]]
#Repeat and orient atom before cutting
mag_new_cell = norm((new_cell[0][0] + new_cell[1][0], new_cell[0][1] + new_cell[1][1]))
min_len = min(norm((atoms.cell[0][0], atoms.cell[0][1])),norm((atoms.cell[1][0], atoms.cell[1][1])))
repetition = int(ceil(1.5*mag_new_cell/min_len))
atoms *= (repetition,repetition,1)
atoms = square_up(atoms)
#Setup rough box
cell = atoms.cell
max_x = max(0, cell[0][0], cell[1][0], cell[0][0] + cell[1][0]) + 0.5
min_x = min(0, cell[0][0], cell[1][0], cell[0][0] + cell[1][0]) - 0.5
max_y = max(0, cell[0][1], cell[1][1], cell[0][1] + cell[1][1]) + 0.5
min_y = min(0, cell[0][1], cell[1][1], cell[0][1] + cell[1][1]) - 0.5
#Delete atoms not in the rough box
valid = []
for x in range(len(atoms)):
x_value = atoms.get_positions()[x][0]
y_value = atoms.get_positions()[x][1]
if x_value < min_x or x_value > max_x or y_value > max_y or y_value < min_y:
del atoms[[i for i in range(len(atoms)) if i not in valid]]
#Rotate axis to make parallel
atoms.rotate('x', [1,0,0], rotate_cell=True)
atoms = remove_doubles(atoms)
atoms.translate((0.1, 0.1, 0.1))
atoms = remove_doubles(atoms)
atoms = sort(atoms,tags=None)
return atoms
def convert_matrix_parallelogram(unit_cell,matrix,max_size=40,max_length_ratio=1.5,unrotate=False):
Multiply unit cell with the projection matrix.
Accept projected cell if within certain parameters and then rotate along x axis
:unit_cell: (2x2 matrix) [x_vector,y_vector]
:matrix: [[i,j],[k,l]] Projection matrix
:max_size: (float) maximum size of cell diagonal
:max_length_ratio: (float) Maximum ratio of x_vector to y_vector
:unrotate: (Boolean) to return rotated or unrotated films
:return: [corner1,corner2,corner3.corner4]
Four corners of the parallelogram (corner = (x,y))
xy_cell = unit_cell[0:2,0:2]
mat = np.matmul(matrix,xy_cell)
new_cell = [(0,0),(mat[0][0],mat[0][1]),(mat[1][0],mat[1][1]), (mat[0][0]+mat[1][0],mat[0][1]+mat[1][1])]
if norm(new_cell[2]) == 0:
#print("divide by zero")
return False
len_ratio = norm(new_cell[1])/norm(new_cell[2])
if norm(new_cell[3]) > max_size or norm((new_cell[1][0]-new_cell[2][0], new_cell[1][1], new_cell[2][1])) > max_size:
#print("doesnt satisfy max_size")
return False
if len_ratio > max_length_ratio or len_ratio < 1/max_length_ratio:
#print("doesnt satisfy max_ratio")
return False
if abs(clock_angle(new_cell[1], new_cell[2])) >= np.pi/2: #Rotate cells which are obtuse
new_cell = [(0, 0), (-1*new_cell[1][0] , -1*new_cell[1][1]), (new_cell[3][0] - 1*new_cell[1][0], new_cell[3][1] -1*new_cell[1][1]), (new_cell[2][0] - 1*new_cell[1][0], new_cell[2][1] -1*new_cell[1][1])]
#Check if the parallelofram isnt too small
a = np.array([new_cell[1][0], new_cell[1][1]])
b = np.array([new_cell[2][0], new_cell[2][1]])
if abs(np.cross(a, b)) < 0.0001:
#print("its a line")
return False
elif np.cross(a, b) < 0: #To find left handed cells
new_cell = [(0, 0), (new_cell[2][0] , new_cell[2][1]), (new_cell[1][0], new_cell[1][1]), (new_cell[3][0], new_cell[3][1])]
#Save unrotated cell for atom orientations
unrotate_cell = new_cell
#Rotate along x-axis
theta = -1*clock_angle((1,0), new_cell[1])
rotatedPolygon = []
for corner in new_cell:
new_cell = rotatedPolygon
#Final unnecessary check
if abs(new_cell[2][1]) < 0.0001 and abs(new_cell[3][1]) < 0.0001:
#print("values too small")
return False
if unrotate:
return unrotate_cell
return new_cell
def make_unique_cells(search_size,unit_atom_cell,max_size=40,max_length_ratio=1.3,tol=1e-4):
Make unique cells for the given range of projection matrices
:search_size: (int) search size decides the maxumum repetition of cell in xy direction
:unit_atom_cell: (2x2 matrix) unit cell to be projected
:max_size: (float) maximum size of cell diagonal
:max_length_ratio: (float) Maximum ratio of x_vector to y_vector
:unrotate: (Boolean) to return rotated or unrotated films
:return: Dictionary of unique cells
cells[i][0] --> [corner1,corner2,corner3.corner4] Four corners of the parallelogram (corner = (x,y))
cells[i][1] --> [[i,j],[k,l]] Projection matrix
#Make all projection matrix and multiply them by the unit cell
cells = []
for i,j in itertools.product(range(-search_size,search_size+1,1),range(-search_size,search_size+1,1)):
for k,l in itertools.product(range(search_size+1),range(search_size+1)):
if (i == 0 and j == 0) or (l == 0 and k == 0):
matrix = [[i,j],[k,l]]
cell = convert_matrix_parallelogram(unit_atom_cell,matrix,max_size=max_size,max_length_ratio=max_length_ratio,unrotate=False)
if cell:
if not cells:
print("No cells found")
return False
#Check for repetitions
val = 0
clean_cells = [cells[0]]
for og_cell in cells:
for new_cell in clean_cells:
if check(i[1][0], j[1][0]) and check(i[1][1], j[1][1]) and check(i[2][0], j[2][0]) and check(i[2][1], j[2][1]):
val = 1
if val != 1:
val = 0
return clean_cells
def make_valid_pairs(substrate_cells,film_cells,unit_film,unit_substrate,max_ratio_change=0.5,max_num_of_atoms=200,max_theta_dialation=0.5,remove_same_magnitude=False):
Try to fit the film paralleograms on substrate parallelograms
:substrate_cells: Output from make_unique_cells() for substrate
:film_cells: Output from make_unique_cells() for film
:unit_film: ase atoms object of film
:unit_substrate: ase atoms object of substrate
:max_ratio_change: (float) Maximum ratio to be looked on the either side of perfect fit
:max_num_of_atoms: (int) Maximum number of atoms allowed in cell
:max_theta_dialation: (float) Maximum difference in between the inner angle of two parallelograms
:remove_same_magnitude: (Boolean) whether cells with same diagonal magnitude be removed
:return: dictionary of valid pairs
pair[0] --> Four corners of substrate parallelogram 'sub_cell'
pair[1] --> Projection matrix to get the sub parallelogram 'sub_matrix'
pair[2] --> Four corners of film parallelogram 'film_cell'
pair[3] --> Projection matrix to get the film parallelogram 'film_matrix'
sub_area = get_area(unit_substrate.cell)
film_area = get_area(unit_film.cell)
ratio = sub_area/film_area
max_error = max_error = calc_error(unit_film.cell,(1 + max_ratio_change) * unit_film.cell)
pairs = []
#loop over all pairs
for sub,film in itertools.product(substrate_cells,film_cells):
sx, sy = sub[0][1], sub[0][2] #Substrate - X and Y vector
fx, fy = film[0][1], film[0][2] #Film - X and Y vector
sub_scale = round(get_area([sx, sy])/sub_area, 2) #Scale of substrate modification
film_scale = round(get_area([fx, fy])/film_area, 2) #Scale of film modification
if ratio - max_ratio_change <= film_scale/sub_scale <= ratio + max_ratio_change: #Check Ratio
error = calc_error([sx, sy],[fx, fy])
if error <= max_error: #Check Error
total_atoms = film_scale*len(unit_film)+sub_scale*len(unit_substrate)
theta_dilat = (clock_angle((1,0), sub[0][2]) - clock_angle((1,0), film[0][2]))/clock_angle((1,0), sub[0][2])*100
if total_atoms < max_num_of_atoms and abs(theta_dilat) < max_theta_dialation: #Check dilations and number of atoms
x_dist = distortion(sx, fx)
y_dist = distortion(sy, fy)
mag = norm(sub[0][3])
if pairs and remove_same_magnitude: #Check for cells with same magnitude
for pair in pairs:
if check(pair['magnitude'],mag):
if is_looping:
pairs.append({'sub_cell': sub[0],'sub_matrix': sub[1],
'film_cell': film[0],'film_matrix': film[1],
'ratio': round(film_scale/sub_scale, 4),
'film_scale': film_scale, 'sub_scale': sub_scale,
'x_distortion': x_dist,'y_distortion': y_dist,
'error':error, 'magnitude':mag})
return pairs
def put_film_substrate(film,sub,buffer=2,vacuum=10):
Fit the cut film on cut substrate
:film: ase atoms object
:sub: ase atoms object
:buffer: distance between film and substrate
:vacuum: the vacuum between z images
#Substract the vacuum from substrate
min_z_sub = np.min(sub.get_positions()[:, 2])
for atom in sub:
atom.position[2] = atom.position[2] - min_z_sub
#Set the substrate unit cell ad film unit cell
film.set_cell([sub.cell[0],sub.cell[1],film.cell[2]], scale_atoms=True)
max_z_sub = np.max(sub.get_positions()[:, 2])
min_z_film = np.min(film.get_positions()[:, 2])
for atom in film:
atom.position[2] = atom.position[2] - min_z_film + max_z_sub + buffer
#Put everything together
sub += film
sub.set_scaled_positions(sub.get_scaled_positions()), vacuum=vacuum)
sub = sort(sub,tags=None)
return sub
def one_conbination_run(unit_substrate_path,unit_film_path,sub_search_size=4,film_search_size=4
For the given pair of substrate and film, make all the pairs
:unit_substrate_path: (str) Path to substrate POSCAR
:unit_film_path: (str) Path to film POSCAR
:sub_search_size: (int) maxumum repetition of cell in xy direction for the substrate
:film_search_size: (int) maxumum repetition of cell in xy direction for the film
sub_name = str(unit_substrate_path.split("/")[-1][6:])
film_name = str(unit_film_path.split("/")[-1][6:])
print("Making cells for ",film_name," on ",sub_name)
base_dir = "./Generated_films/Substrate" + sub_name + "/Film" + film_name
except Exception as e:
print("Warning! The library exists")
print("Substrate Search space :",sub_search_size)
print("Film Search space :",film_search_size)
unit_substrate = read(unit_substrate_path)
unit_film = read(unit_film_path)
substrate_cells = make_unique_cells(sub_search_size,unit_substrate.cell,max_size=max_size,max_length_ratio=max_length_ratio)
print("Total substrate cells found :",len(substrate_cells))
if not substrate_cells:
print("None of the substrate cells satisfy parameters")
print("------------------------------------------- \n")
film_cells = make_unique_cells(film_search_size,unit_film.cell,max_size=max_size,max_length_ratio=max_length_ratio)
print("Total film cells found :",len(film_cells))
if not film_cells:
print("None of the film cells satisfy parameters")
print("------------------------------------------- \n")
pairs = make_valid_pairs(substrate_cells,film_cells,unit_film,unit_substrate,
if not pairs:
print("No valid pairs found. Exiting loop")
print("------------------------------------------- \n")
pairs = sorted(pairs, key=lambda d: d['error'])
print("Total pairs found :",len(pairs))
print("Minimum Ratio :",pairs[0]['film_scale'],"film on",pairs[0]['sub_scale'],"substrate")
for pair in pairs:
film_cell = convert_matrix_parallelogram(unit_film.cell,pair['film_matrix'],max_size=max_size,max_length_ratio=max_length_ratio,unrotate=True)
sub_cell = convert_matrix_parallelogram(unit_substrate.cell,pair['sub_matrix'],max_size=max_size,max_length_ratio=max_length_ratio,unrotate=True)
film = cut_cell(unit_film,film_cell)
sub = cut_cell(unit_substrate,sub_cell)
atoms = put_film_substrate(film,sub,buffer=buffer,vacuum=vacuum)
fs1 = int(pair['film_scale'])
ss1 = int(pair['sub_scale'])
path = base_dir+'/'+str(round(fs1/ss1,2))+'_'+str(fs1)+'_'+str(ss1)+'_'+str(int(pair['magnitude']))
poscar_path = path + '/POSCAR'
txt = cell_summary(pair,film,sub,film_name,sub_name)
with open(path + '/cell_summary.txt', 'w') as f:
except Exception as e:
print("------------------------------------------- \n")
def get_best_cell(unit_substrate_path,unit_film_path,sub_search_size=4,film_search_size=4
For the given pair of substrate and film, make all the pairs
:unit_substrate_path: (str) Path to substrate POSCAR
:unit_film_path: (str) Path to film POSCAR
:sub_search_size: (int) maxumum repetition of cell in xy direction for the substrate
:film_search_size: (int) maxumum repetition of cell in xy direction for the film
sub_name = str(unit_substrate_path.split("/")[-1][6:])
film_name = str(unit_film_path.split("/")[-1][6:])
unit_substrate = read(unit_substrate_path)
unit_film = read(unit_film_path)
substrate_cells = make_unique_cells(sub_search_size,unit_substrate.cell,max_size=max_size,max_length_ratio=max_length_ratio)
if not substrate_cells:
print("None of the substrate cells satisfy parameters")
print("------------------------------------------- \n")
film_cells = make_unique_cells(film_search_size,unit_film.cell,max_size=max_size,max_length_ratio=max_length_ratio)
if not film_cells:
print("None of the film cells satisfy parameters")
print("------------------------------------------- \n")
pairs = make_valid_pairs(substrate_cells,film_cells,unit_film,unit_substrate,
pairs = sorted(pairs, key=lambda d: d['error'])
if not pairs:
print("No valid pairs found. Exiting loop")
print("------------------------------------------- \n")
pair = pairs[0]
film_cell = convert_matrix_parallelogram(unit_film.cell,pair['film_matrix'],max_size=max_size,max_length_ratio=max_length_ratio,unrotate=True)
sub_cell = convert_matrix_parallelogram(unit_substrate.cell,pair['sub_matrix'],max_size=max_size,max_length_ratio=max_length_ratio,unrotate=True)
film = cut_cell(unit_film,film_cell)
sub = cut_cell(unit_substrate,sub_cell)
atoms = put_film_substrate(film,sub,buffer=buffer,vacuum=vacuum)
print("------------------------------------------- \n")
print("------------------------------------------- \n")
return atoms
def cell_summary(pair,film,sub,film_name,sub_name):
The function writes a text file with all the necessary information
:pair: Output from make_valid_pairs()
:film: ase atoms object for film
:sub: ase atoms object for substrate
:film_name: (str) name of film
:sub_name: (str) name of substrate
:return: (str)
txt = film_name + " on " + sub_name + '\n'
txt += "Film Scale : " + str(pair['film_scale']) + '\n'
txt += "Sub Scale : " + str(pair['sub_scale']) + '\n'
txt += "Number of Atoms : " + str(len(sub)) + '\n'
txt += "Chemical Formula : " + str(sub.get_chemical_formula()) +'\n'
txt += "Area of Cell : " + str(round(get_area(sub.cell),3)) + " Angstroms^2" + '\n'
txt += "Magnitude of Cell : " + str(round(pair['magnitude'], 3)) + " Angstroms" + '\n'
txt += "Ratio : " + str(round(pair['film_scale']/pair['sub_scale'], 3)) + '\n'
txt += "Substrate: : " + str(pair['sub_matrix']) +'\n'
txt += "Film : " + str(pair['film_matrix']) +'\n'
txt += "X-Distortion : " + str(pair['x_distortion']) + " % " + '\n'
txt += "Y-Distortion : " + str(pair['y_distortion']) + " % " + '\n'
txt += "Theta-Dilation : " + str(round(pair['theta_dilation'],3)) + " % " + '\n'
return txt