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function core = erosion_dilation(img,peak_min,con)
% =========================================================================
% segment cells via a 2D erosion\dilation method.
% by Tianqi Guo, Feb 2018
% =========================================================================
% index-shift matrix for 4\8 pixel neighbourhood
if con == 4
dx = [ 0 0 -1 1];
dy = [ -1 1 0 0];
elseif con == 8
dx = [ 0 0 -1 1 -1 -1 1 1];
dy = [-1 1 0 0 -1 1 -1 1];
% range for peak intensities
[s1,s2] = size(img);
% range for peak intensities
peak_lo = peak_min;
peak_hi = max(img(:));
peak_step = 5;
% keyboard;
% =========================================================================
% erosion procedure
img = double(img);
% count for discovered local intensity peaks and particle numbers
p = 0;
level_set = peak_lo : peak_step : peak_hi + peak_step;
level_num = size(level_set,2);
region_peak_ind = cell(level_num,1);
% gradually increase intensity threshold for peaks
for i = 1 : level_num
level = level_set(i);
% all intensities below current threshold are set to zero
img_l = img;
img_l(img_l < level) = 0;
% find the connected regions for the current level
% each region potentially has a local maximum, i.e. a peak
CC = bwconncomp(img_l);
peak_ind = [];
for j = 1 : size(CC.PixelIdxList,2)
region_ind = cell2mat(CC.PixelIdxList(j));
[~,ind] = max(img(region_ind));
peak_ind(j) = region_ind(ind(1));
region_peak_ind{i} = peak_ind;
% peaks with pixel index (ii, jj)
% peaks = zeros(particle_num,3);
peaks = [];
for i = 2 : level_num
peaks_old = cell2mat(region_peak_ind(i-1));
peaks_new = cell2mat(region_peak_ind(i));
flagSubset = ~ismember(peaks_old,peaks_new);
[ii, jj] = ind2sub(size(img),peaks_old(flagSubset));
dp = sum(flagSubset);
peaks(p+1:p+dp,:) = [ii; jj]';
p = p + dp;
[ii, jj] = ind2sub(size(img),cell2mat(region_peak_ind(level_num)));
dp = length(ii);
peaks(p+1:p+dp,:) = [ii; jj]';
p = p + dp;
peaks = peaks(1:p,:);
% =========================================================================
% dilation procedure
% the matrix that marks each voxel in particle cores with the particle number
core = zeros(size(img));
% a slower but more robust version of the dilation procedure
edge_i = zeros(1,p);
boundaries = cell(1,p);
for current_particle = 1 : p
core_i = peaks(current_particle,1);
core_j = peaks(current_particle,2);
boundaries{current_particle} = [core_i, core_j];
edge_i(current_particle) = img(core_i, core_j) * 0.25;
core(core_i, core_j) = current_particle;
while ~isempty(boundaries)
new_boundaries = {};
for i = 1:length(boundaries)
boundary = boundaries{i};
new_boundary = [];
for j = 1:size(boundary,1)
x = boundary(j,1);
y = boundary(j,2);
current_particle = core(x,y);
for search_voxel = 1 : size(dx,2)
% the indices of the surrounding voxel
xx = x + dx(search_voxel);
yy = y + dy(search_voxel);
if (xx < 1) || (xx > s1) || (yy < 1) || (yy > s2) || (core(xx,yy) > 0)
% if this voxel is brighter than the basic threshold
% and dimmer than the current voxel
if (img(xx,yy) >= edge_i(current_particle)) && (img(xx,yy) <= img(x,y)) %img(core_i,core_j)) %
% mark this voxel with current particle number
core(xx,yy) = current_particle;
new_boundary = [new_boundary;xx yy];
if ~isempty(new_boundary)
new_boundaries{length(new_boundaries)+1} = new_boundary;
boundaries = new_boundaries;
% a faster but less robust version of the dilation procedure
% % for each peak recorded in the erosion procedure
% for current_particle = 1 : p
% % initialize the flood-fill with the peak location as the seed
% seed = peaks(current_particle,:);
% core_i = seed(1);
% core_j = seed(2);
% core(core_i,core_j) = current_particle;
% edge_i = img(core_i,core_j) * 0.50;
% % place the seed into the search stack
% l = 1;
% list = zeros(200,2);
% list(l,:) = seed;
% % the flood-fill procedure that marks the voxels with particle number
% while l > 0
% % take the voxel from the tail of the stack
% pixel = list(l,:);
% x = pixel(1);
% y = pixel(2);
% l = l - 1;
% % look around the current voxel in the neighbors
% for search_voxel = 1 : size(dx,2)
% % the indices of the surrounding voxel
% xx = x + dx(search_voxel);
% yy = y + dy(search_voxel);
% if (xx < 1) || (xx > s1) || (yy < 1) || (yy > s2)
% continue
% end;
% % if this voxel is brighter than the basic threshold
% % and dimmer than the current voxel
% if (img(xx,yy) >= edge_i) && (img(xx,yy) <= img(x,y)) % img(core_i,core_j)) %
% % if this voxel has not been visited before
% if (core(xx,yy) == 0)
% % mark this voxel with current particle number
% core(xx,yy) = current_particle;
% % place this voxel into the stack
% l = l + 1;
% list(l,:) = [xx,yy];
% end
% % if this voxel has been visited from other cores
% if (core(xx,yy) > 0) && (core(xx,yy) ~= current_particle)
% % this voxel doesn't belong to a particle core
% % since it is under the influece of more than one particle
% core(xx,yy) = -1;
% end
% end
% end
% end
% end
% % mark all the non-core voxels with zero
% core(core == -1) = 0;
% end