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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Mon Apr 3 15:51:35 2017
@author: jiachengzhang
import numpy as np
import sys
import scipy.sparse as scysparse
import scipy.sparse.linalg as splinalg
import scipy.linalg as linalg
def Density_integration_Poisson_uncertainty(Xn,Yn,fluid_mask,grad_x,grad_y,dirichlet_label,dirichlet_value,
uncertainty_quantification=True, sigma_grad_x=None, sigma_grad_y=None, sigma_dirichlet=None):
# Evaluate the density field from the gradient fields by solving the Poisson equation.
# The uncertainty of the density field can be quantified.
Xn,Yn: 2d array of mesh grid.
fluid_mask: 2d array of binary mask of flow field. Boundary points are considered in the flow (mask should be True)
grad_x, grad_y: 2d array of gradient field.
dirichlet_label: 2d array of binary mask indicating the Dirichlet BC locations. Ohterwise Neumann. At least one point should be dirichlet.
dirichlet_value: 2d array of diriclet BC values.
uncertainty_quantification: True to perform the uncertainty quantification, False only perform integration.
sigma_grad_x, sigma_grad_y, sigma_dirichlet: the uncertainty given as std of the input fields. 2d array of fields.
Pn: the integrated density field.
sigma_Pn: the uncertainty (std) of the integrated density field.
Ny, Nx = np.shape(Xn)
dx = Xn[1,1] - Xn[0,0]
dy = Yn[1,1] - Yn[0,0]
invdx = 1.0/dx
invdy = 1.0/dy
invdx2 = invdx**2
invdy2 = invdy**2
fluid_mask_ex = np.zeros((Ny+2,Nx+2)).astype('bool')
fluid_mask_ex[1:-1,1:-1] = fluid_mask
grad_x_ex = np.zeros((Ny+2,Nx+2))
grad_x_ex[1:-1,1:-1] = grad_x
grad_y_ex = np.zeros((Ny+2,Nx+2))
grad_y_ex[1:-1,1:-1] = grad_y
dirichlet_label_ex = np.zeros((Ny+2,Nx+2)).astype('bool')
dirichlet_label_ex[1:-1,1:-1] = dirichlet_label
dirichlet_value_ex = np.zeros((Ny+2,Nx+2))
dirichlet_value_ex[1:-1,1:-1] = dirichlet_value
sigma_grad_x_ex = np.zeros((Ny+2,Nx+2))
sigma_grad_y_ex = np.zeros((Ny+2,Nx+2))
sigma_dirichlet_ex = np.zeros((Ny+2,Nx+2))
if uncertainty_quantification==True:
sigma_grad_x_ex[1:-1,1:-1] = sigma_grad_x
sigma_grad_y_ex[1:-1,1:-1] = sigma_grad_y
sigma_dirichlet_ex[1:-1,1:-1] = sigma_dirichlet
# Generate the linear operator.
j,i = np.where(fluid_mask_ex==True)
Npts = len(j)
fluid_index = -np.ones(fluid_mask_ex.shape).astype('int')
fluid_index[j,i] = range(Npts)
iC = fluid_index[j,i]
iC_label = dirichlet_label_ex[j,i]
iE = fluid_index[j,i+1]
iW = fluid_index[j,i-1]
iN = fluid_index[j+1,i]
iS = fluid_index[j-1,i]
LaplacianOperator = scysparse.csr_matrix((Npts,Npts),dtype=np.float)
# RHS = np.zeros(Npts)
# Var_RHS = np.zeros(Npts) # variance
# Also generate the linear operator which maps from the grad_x, grad_y, dirichlet val to the rhs.
Map_grad_x = scysparse.csr_matrix((Npts,Npts),dtype=np.float)
Map_grad_y = scysparse.csr_matrix((Npts,Npts),dtype=np.float)
Map_dirichlet_val = scysparse.csr_matrix((Npts,Npts),dtype=np.float)
# First, construct the linear operator and RHS as if all they are all Nuemanan Bc
# if the east and west nodes are inside domain
loc = (iE!=-1)*(iW!=-1)
LaplacianOperator[iC[loc],iC[loc]] += -2.0*invdx2
LaplacianOperator[iC[loc],iE[loc]] += +1.0*invdx2
LaplacianOperator[iC[loc],iW[loc]] += +1.0*invdx2
# RHS[iC[loc]] += (grad_x_ex[j[loc],i[loc]+1] - grad_x_ex[j[loc],i[loc]-1])*(invdx*0.5)
# Var_RHS[iC[loc]] += (invdx*0.5)**2 * (sigma_grad_x_ex[j[loc],i[loc]+1]**2 + sigma_grad_x_ex[j[loc],i[loc]-1]**2)
Map_grad_x[iC[loc],iE[loc]] += invdx*0.5
Map_grad_x[iC[loc],iW[loc]] += -invdx*0.5
# if the east node is ouside domian
loc = (iE==-1)
LaplacianOperator[iC[loc],iC[loc]] += -2.0*invdx2
LaplacianOperator[iC[loc],iW[loc]] += +2.0*invdx2
# RHS[iC[loc]] += -(grad_x_ex[j[loc],i[loc]] + grad_x_ex[j[loc],i[loc]-1])*invdx
# Var_RHS[iC[loc]] += invdx**2 * (sigma_grad_x_ex[j[loc],i[loc]]**2 + sigma_grad_x_ex[j[loc],i[loc]-1]**2)
Map_grad_x[iC[loc],iC[loc]] += -invdx
Map_grad_x[iC[loc],iW[loc]] += -invdx
# if the west node is ouside domian
loc = (iW==-1)
LaplacianOperator[iC[loc],iC[loc]] += -2.0*invdx2
LaplacianOperator[iC[loc],iE[loc]] += +2.0*invdx2
# RHS[iC[loc]] += (grad_x_ex[j[loc],i[loc]] + grad_x_ex[j[loc],i[loc]+1])*invdx
# Var_RHS[iC[loc]] += invdx**2 * (sigma_grad_x_ex[j[loc],i[loc]]**2 + sigma_grad_x_ex[j[loc],i[loc]+1]**2)
Map_grad_x[iC[loc],iC[loc]] += invdx
Map_grad_x[iC[loc],iE[loc]] += invdx
# if the north and south nodes are inside domain
loc = (iN!=-1)*(iS!=-1)
LaplacianOperator[iC[loc],iC[loc]] += -2.0*invdy2
LaplacianOperator[iC[loc],iN[loc]] += +1.0*invdy2
LaplacianOperator[iC[loc],iS[loc]] += +1.0*invdy2
# RHS[iC[loc]] += (grad_y_ex[j[loc]+1,i[loc]] - grad_y_ex[j[loc]-1,i[loc]])*(invdy*0.5)
# Var_RHS[iC[loc]] += (invdy*0.5)**2 * (sigma_grad_y_ex[j[loc]+1,i[loc]]**2 + sigma_grad_y_ex[j[loc]-1,i[loc]]**2)
Map_grad_y[iC[loc],iN[loc]] += invdy*0.5
Map_grad_y[iC[loc],iS[loc]] += -invdy*0.5
# if the north node is ouside domian
loc = (iN==-1)
LaplacianOperator[iC[loc],iC[loc]] += -2.0*invdy2
LaplacianOperator[iC[loc],iS[loc]] += +2.0*invdy2
# RHS[iC[loc]] += -(grad_y_ex[j[loc],i[loc]] + grad_y_ex[j[loc]-1,i[loc]])*invdy
# Var_RHS[iC[loc]] += invdy**2 * (sigma_grad_y_ex[j[loc],i[loc]]**2 + sigma_grad_y_ex[j[loc]-1,i[loc]]**2)
Map_grad_y[iC[loc],iC[loc]] += -invdy
Map_grad_y[iC[loc],iS[loc]] += -invdy
# if the south node is ouside domian
loc = (iS==-1)
LaplacianOperator[iC[loc],iC[loc]] += -2.0*invdy2
LaplacianOperator[iC[loc],iN[loc]] += +2.0*invdy2
# RHS[iC[loc]] += (grad_y_ex[j[loc],i[loc]] + grad_y_ex[j[loc]+1,i[loc]])*invdy
# Var_RHS[iC[loc]] += invdy**2 * (sigma_grad_y_ex[j[loc],i[loc]]**2 + sigma_grad_y_ex[j[loc]+1,i[loc]]**2)
Map_grad_y[iC[loc],iC[loc]] += invdy
Map_grad_y[iC[loc],iN[loc]] += invdy
# Then change the boundary conidtion at locatiosn of Dirichlet.
loc = (iC_label==True)
LaplacianOperator[iC[loc],:] = 0.0
LaplacianOperator[iC[loc],iC[loc]] = 1.0*invdx2
# RHS[iC[loc]] = dirichlet_value_ex[j[loc],i[loc]] * invdx2
# Var_RHS[iC[loc]] = sigma_dirichlet_ex[j[loc],i[loc]]**2 * invdx2**2
Map_grad_x[iC[loc],:] = 0.0
Map_grad_y[iC[loc],:] = 0.0
Map_dirichlet_val[iC[loc],iC[loc]] = 1.0*invdx2
# Solve for the field.
grad_x_vect = grad_x_ex[j,i]
grad_y_vect = grad_y_ex[j,i]
dirichlet_val_vect = dirichlet_value_ex[j,i]
RHS = + +
# Solve the linear system
Pn_ex = np.zeros((Ny+2,Nx+2))
p_vect = splinalg.spsolve(LaplacianOperator, RHS)
Pn_ex[j,i] = p_vect
# Uncertainty propagation
sigma_Pn_ex = np.zeros((Ny+2,Nx+2))
if uncertainty_quantification==True:
# Propagate to get the covariance matrix for RHS
Cov_grad_x = scysparse.diags(sigma_grad_x_ex[j,i]**2,shape=(Npts,Npts),format='csr')
Cov_grad_y = scysparse.diags(sigma_grad_y_ex[j,i]**2,shape=(Npts,Npts),format='csr')
Cov_dirichlet_val = scysparse.diags(sigma_dirichlet_ex[j,i]**2,shape=(Npts,Npts),format='csr')
Cov_RHS = Map_grad_x*Cov_grad_x*Map_grad_x.transpose() + Map_grad_y*Cov_grad_y*Map_grad_y.transpose() + \
Laplacian_inv = linalg.inv(LaplacianOperator.A)
Cov_p = np.matmul(np.matmul(Laplacian_inv, Cov_RHS.A), Laplacian_inv.T)
Var_p_vect = np.diag(Cov_p)
sigma_Pn_ex[j,i] = Var_p_vect**0.5
return Pn_ex[1:-1,1:-1], sigma_Pn_ex[1:-1,1:-1]
def Density_integration_WLS_uncertainty(Xn,Yn,fluid_mask,grad_x,grad_y,dirichlet_label,dirichlet_value,
uncertainty_quantification=True, sigma_grad_x=None, sigma_grad_y=None, sigma_dirichlet=None):
# Evaluate the density field from the gradient fields by solving the WLS system.
# The uncertainty of the density field is also quantified and returned.
Xn,Yn: 2d array of mesh grid.
fluid_mask: 2d array of binary mask of flow field. Boundary points are considered in the flow (mask should be True)
grad_x, grad_y: 2d array of gradient field.
dirichlet_label: 2d array of binary mask indicating the Dirichlet BC locations. Ohterwise Neumann. At least one point should be dirichlet.
dirichlet_value: 2d array of diriclet BC values.
uncertainty_quantification: True to perform the uncertainty quantification, False only perform integration.
sigma_grad_x, sigma_grad_y, sigma_dirichlet: the uncertainty given as std of the input fields. 2d array of fields.
Pn: the integrated density field.
sigma_Pn: the uncertainty (std) of the integrated density field.
Ny, Nx = np.shape(Xn)
dx = Xn[1,1] - Xn[0,0]
dy = Yn[1,1] - Yn[0,0]
invdx = 1.0/dx
invdy = 1.0/dy
invdx2 = invdx**2
invdy2 = invdy**2
fluid_mask_ex = np.zeros((Ny+2,Nx+2)).astype('bool')
fluid_mask_ex[1:-1,1:-1] = fluid_mask
dirichlet_label_ex = np.zeros((Ny+2,Nx+2)).astype('bool')
dirichlet_label_ex[1:-1,1:-1] = dirichlet_label
dirichlet_value_ex = np.zeros((Ny+2,Nx+2))
dirichlet_value_ex[1:-1,1:-1] = dirichlet_value
grad_x_ex = np.zeros((Ny+2,Nx+2))
grad_x_ex[1:-1,1:-1] = grad_x
grad_y_ex = np.zeros((Ny+2,Nx+2))
grad_y_ex[1:-1,1:-1] = grad_y
sigma_grad_x_ex = np.zeros((Ny+2,Nx+2))
sigma_grad_y_ex = np.zeros((Ny+2,Nx+2))
sigma_dirichlet_ex = np.zeros((Ny+2,Nx+2))
sigma_grad_x_ex[1:-1,1:-1] = sigma_grad_x
sigma_grad_y_ex[1:-1,1:-1] = sigma_grad_y
sigma_dirichlet_ex[1:-1,1:-1] = sigma_dirichlet
# Generate the index for mapping the pressure and pressure gradients.
j,i = np.where(fluid_mask_ex==True)
Npts = len(j)
fluid_index = -np.ones(fluid_mask_ex.shape).astype('int')
fluid_index[j,i] = range(Npts)
# Generate the mask for the gradients
fluid_mask_Gx_ex = np.logical_and(fluid_mask_ex[:,1:],fluid_mask_ex[:,:-1])
fluid_mask_Gy_ex = np.logical_and(fluid_mask_ex[1:,:],fluid_mask_ex[:-1,:])
# Generate the linear operator and the mapping matrix for generating the rhs.
# For Gx
jx,ix = np.where(fluid_mask_Gx_ex==True)
Npts_x = len(jx)
iC = fluid_index[jx,ix]
iE = fluid_index[jx,ix+1]
Operator_Gx = scysparse.csr_matrix((Npts_x,Npts),dtype=np.float)
Map_Gx = scysparse.csr_matrix((Npts_x,Npts),dtype=np.float)
Operator_Gx[range(Npts_x),iC] += -invdx
Operator_Gx[range(Npts_x),iE] += invdx
Map_Gx[range(Npts_x),iC] += 0.5
Map_Gx[range(Npts_x),iE] += 0.5
# For Gy
jy,iy = np.where(fluid_mask_Gy_ex==True)
Npts_y = len(jy)
iC = fluid_index[jy,iy]
iN = fluid_index[jy+1,iy]
Operator_Gy = scysparse.csr_matrix((Npts_y,Npts),dtype=np.float)
Map_Gy = scysparse.csr_matrix((Npts_y,Npts),dtype=np.float)
Operator_Gy[range(Npts_y),iC] += -invdy
Operator_Gy[range(Npts_y),iN] += invdy
Map_Gy[range(Npts_y),iC] += 0.5
Map_Gy[range(Npts_y),iN] += 0.5
# For Dirichlet BC
j_d, i_d = np.where(dirichlet_label_ex==True)
Npts_d = len(j_d)
iC = fluid_index[j_d,i_d]
Operator_d = scysparse.csr_matrix((Npts_d,Npts),dtype=np.float)
Map_d = scysparse.eye(Npts_d,Npts_d,format='csr') * invdx
Operator_d[range(Npts_d),iC] += 1.0*invdx
# dirichlet value vector and cov
dirichlet_vect = dirichlet_value_ex[j_d,i_d]
dirichlet_sigma_vect = sigma_dirichlet_ex[j_d,i_d]
cov_dirichlet = scysparse.diags(dirichlet_sigma_vect**2, format='csr')
# Generate the vector and cov for pgrad.
pgrad_x_vect = grad_x_ex[j,i]
pgrad_y_vect = grad_y_ex[j,i]
pgrad_vect = np.concatenate((pgrad_x_vect,pgrad_y_vect))
cov_pgrad_x = sigma_grad_x_ex[j,i]**2
cov_pgrad_y = sigma_grad_y_ex[j,i]**2
cov_pgrad_vect = np.concatenate((cov_pgrad_x, cov_pgrad_y))
cov_pgrad = scysparse.diags(cov_pgrad_vect, format='csr')
# Construct the full operator.
Operator_GLS = scysparse.bmat([[Operator_Gx],[Operator_Gy],[Operator_d]])
# Construct the full mapping matrics and get the rhs.
Map_pgrad = scysparse.bmat([[Map_Gx, None],[None, Map_Gy],[scysparse.csr_matrix((Npts_d,Npts),dtype=np.float), None]])
Map_dirichlet = scysparse.bmat([[scysparse.csr_matrix((Npts_x+Npts_y,Npts_d),dtype=np.float)],[Map_d]])
rhs = +
# Evaluate the covriance matrix for the rhs
cov_rhs = Map_pgrad * cov_pgrad * Map_pgrad.transpose() + Map_dirichlet * cov_dirichlet * Map_dirichlet.transpose()
# Solve for the WLS solution
weights_vect = cov_rhs.diagonal()**(-1)
weights_matrix = scysparse.diags(weights_vect,format='csr')
# Operator_WLS = weights_matrix * Operator_GLS
# rhs_WLS =
sys_LHS = Operator_GLS.transpose() * weights_matrix * Operator_GLS
sys_rhs = (Operator_GLS.transpose() * weights_matrix).dot(rhs)
# Get the solution from lsqr
# p_vect_wls = splinalg.lsqr(Operator_WLS,rhs_WLS)[0]
# Pn_WLS = np.zeros(fluid_mask_ex.shape)
# Pn_WLS[j,i] = p_vect_wls
# Solve for the WLS solution
p_vect_wls = splinalg.spsolve(sys_LHS, sys_rhs)
Pn_WLS_ex = np.zeros(fluid_mask_ex.shape)
Pn_WLS_ex[j,i] = p_vect_wls
# Perform the uncertainty propagation
sigma_Pn_ex = np.zeros((Ny+2,Nx+2))
if uncertainty_quantification == True:
cov_sys_rhs = (Operator_GLS.transpose() * weights_matrix) * cov_rhs * (Operator_GLS.transpose() * weights_matrix).transpose()
sys_LHS_inv = linalg.inv(sys_LHS.A)
Cov_p = np.matmul(np.matmul(sys_LHS_inv, cov_sys_rhs.A), sys_LHS_inv.T)
Var_p_vect = np.diag(Cov_p)
sigma_Pn_ex[j,i] = Var_p_vect**0.5
return Pn_WLS_ex[1:-1,1:-1], sigma_Pn_ex[1:-1,1:-1]
def Density_integration_WLS_uncertainty_weighted_average(Xn,Yn,fluid_mask,grad_x,grad_y,dirichlet_label,dirichlet_value,
uncertainty_quantification=True, sigma_grad_x=None, sigma_grad_y=None, sigma_dirichlet=None):
# Evaluate the density field from the gradient fields by solving the WLS system.
# The uncertainty of the density field is also quantified and returned.
# The gradient interpolation (from grid points to staggered location) is done by a weighted average approach
# which minimizes the sum of squared bias error and random error.
Xn,Yn: 2d array of mesh grid.
fluid_mask: 2d array of binary mask of flow field. Boundary points are considered in the flow (mask should be True)
grad_x, grad_y: 2d array of gradient field.
dirichlet_label: 2d array of binary mask indicating the Dirichlet BC locations. Ohterwise Neumann. At least one point should be dirichlet.
dirichlet_value: 2d array of diriclet BC values.
uncertainty_quantification: True to perform the uncertainty quantification, False only perform integration.
sigma_grad_x, sigma_grad_y, sigma_dirichlet: the uncertainty given as std of the input fields. 2d array of fields.
Pn: the integrated density field.
sigma_Pn: the uncertainty (std) of the integrated density field.
Ny, Nx = np.shape(Xn)
dx = Xn[1,1] - Xn[0,0]
dy = Yn[1,1] - Yn[0,0]
invdx = 1.0/dx
invdy = 1.0/dy
invdx2 = invdx**2
invdy2 = invdy**2
fluid_mask_ex = np.zeros((Ny+2,Nx+2)).astype('bool')
fluid_mask_ex[1:-1,1:-1] = fluid_mask
dirichlet_label_ex = np.zeros((Ny+2,Nx+2)).astype('bool')
dirichlet_label_ex[1:-1,1:-1] = dirichlet_label
dirichlet_value_ex = np.zeros((Ny+2,Nx+2))
dirichlet_value_ex[1:-1,1:-1] = dirichlet_value
grad_x_ex = np.zeros((Ny+2,Nx+2))
grad_x_ex[1:-1,1:-1] = grad_x
grad_y_ex = np.zeros((Ny+2,Nx+2))
grad_y_ex[1:-1,1:-1] = grad_y
sigma_grad_x_ex = np.zeros((Ny+2,Nx+2))
sigma_grad_y_ex = np.zeros((Ny+2,Nx+2))
sigma_dirichlet_ex = np.zeros((Ny+2,Nx+2))
sigma_grad_x_ex[1:-1,1:-1] = sigma_grad_x
sigma_grad_y_ex[1:-1,1:-1] = sigma_grad_y
sigma_dirichlet_ex[1:-1,1:-1] = sigma_dirichlet
# Generate the index for mapping the pressure and pressure gradients.
j,i = np.where(fluid_mask_ex==True)
Npts = len(j)
fluid_index = -np.ones(fluid_mask_ex.shape).astype('int')
fluid_index[j,i] = range(Npts)
# Generate the mask for the gradients
fluid_mask_Gx_ex = np.logical_and(fluid_mask_ex[:,1:],fluid_mask_ex[:,:-1])
fluid_mask_Gy_ex = np.logical_and(fluid_mask_ex[1:,:],fluid_mask_ex[:-1,:])
# Generate the linear operator and the mapping matrix for generating the rhs.
# For Gx
jx,ix = np.where(fluid_mask_Gx_ex==True)
Npts_x = len(jx)
iC = fluid_index[jx,ix]
iE = fluid_index[jx,ix+1]
Operator_Gx = scysparse.csr_matrix((Npts_x,Npts),dtype=np.float)
Operator_Gx[range(Npts_x),iC] += -invdx
Operator_Gx[range(Npts_x),iE] += invdx
# The Mapping Gx that maps grided gradients to staggered location is by weighted average.
Map_Gx = scysparse.csr_matrix((Npts_x,Npts),dtype=np.float)
V_C = grad_x_ex[jx,ix]
V_E = grad_x_ex[jx,ix+1]
sigma_C = sigma_grad_x_ex[jx,ix]
sigma_E = sigma_grad_x_ex[jx,ix+1]
weight_C = ((V_C-V_E)**2 + 2*sigma_E**2) / (2*(V_C-V_E)**2 + 2*sigma_C**2 + 2*sigma_E**2)
weight_E = 1.0 - weight_C
Map_Gx[range(Npts_x),iC] += weight_C
Map_Gx[range(Npts_x),iE] += weight_E
# For Gy
jy,iy = np.where(fluid_mask_Gy_ex==True)
Npts_y = len(jy)
iC = fluid_index[jy,iy]
iN = fluid_index[jy+1,iy]
Operator_Gy = scysparse.csr_matrix((Npts_y,Npts),dtype=np.float)
Operator_Gy[range(Npts_y),iC] += -invdy
Operator_Gy[range(Npts_y),iN] += invdy
# The Mapping Gy that maps grided gradients to staggered location is by weighted average.
Map_Gy = scysparse.csr_matrix((Npts_y,Npts),dtype=np.float)
V_C = grad_y_ex[jy,iy]
V_N = grad_y_ex[jy+1,iy]
sigma_C = sigma_grad_y_ex[jy,iy]
sigma_N = sigma_grad_y_ex[jy+1,iy]
weight_C = ((V_C-V_N)**2 + 2*sigma_N**2) / (2*(V_C-V_N)**2 + 2*sigma_C**2 + 2*sigma_N**2)
weight_N = 1.0 - weight_C
Map_Gy[range(Npts_y),iC] += weight_C
Map_Gy[range(Npts_y),iN] += weight_N
# For Dirichlet BC
j_d, i_d = np.where(dirichlet_label_ex==True)
Npts_d = len(j_d)
iC = fluid_index[j_d,i_d]
Operator_d = scysparse.csr_matrix((Npts_d,Npts),dtype=np.float)
Map_d = scysparse.eye(Npts_d,Npts_d,format='csr') * invdx
Operator_d[range(Npts_d),iC] += 1.0*invdx
# dirichlet value vector and cov
dirichlet_vect = dirichlet_value_ex[j_d,i_d]
dirichlet_sigma_vect = sigma_dirichlet_ex[j_d,i_d]
cov_dirichlet = scysparse.diags(dirichlet_sigma_vect**2, format='csr')
# Generate the vector and cov for pgrad.
pgrad_x_vect = grad_x_ex[j,i]
pgrad_y_vect = grad_y_ex[j,i]
pgrad_vect = np.concatenate((pgrad_x_vect,pgrad_y_vect))
cov_pgrad_x = sigma_grad_x_ex[j,i]**2
cov_pgrad_y = sigma_grad_y_ex[j,i]**2
cov_pgrad_vect = np.concatenate((cov_pgrad_x, cov_pgrad_y))
cov_pgrad = scysparse.diags(cov_pgrad_vect, format='csr')
# Construct the full operator.
Operator_GLS = scysparse.bmat([[Operator_Gx],[Operator_Gy],[Operator_d]])
# Construct the full mapping matrics and get the rhs.
Map_pgrad = scysparse.bmat([[Map_Gx, None],[None, Map_Gy],[scysparse.csr_matrix((Npts_d,Npts),dtype=np.float), None]])
Map_dirichlet = scysparse.bmat([[scysparse.csr_matrix((Npts_x+Npts_y,Npts_d),dtype=np.float)],[Map_d]])
rhs = +
# Evaluate the covriance matrix for the rhs
cov_rhs = Map_pgrad * cov_pgrad * Map_pgrad.transpose() + Map_dirichlet * cov_dirichlet * Map_dirichlet.transpose()
# Solve for the WLS solution
weights_vect = cov_rhs.diagonal()**(-1)
weights_matrix = scysparse.diags(weights_vect,format='csr')
# Operator_WLS = weights_matrix * Operator_GLS
# rhs_WLS =
sys_LHS = Operator_GLS.transpose() * weights_matrix * Operator_GLS
sys_rhs = (Operator_GLS.transpose() * weights_matrix).dot(rhs)
# Get the solution from lsqr
# p_vect_wls = splinalg.lsqr(Operator_WLS,rhs_WLS)[0]
# Pn_WLS = np.zeros(fluid_mask_ex.shape)
# Pn_WLS[j,i] = p_vect_wls
# Solve for the WLS solution
p_vect_wls = splinalg.spsolve(sys_LHS, sys_rhs)
Pn_WLS_ex = np.zeros(fluid_mask_ex.shape)
Pn_WLS_ex[j,i] = p_vect_wls
# Perform the uncertainty propagation
sigma_Pn_ex = np.zeros((Ny+2,Nx+2))
if uncertainty_quantification == True:
cov_sys_rhs = (Operator_GLS.transpose() * weights_matrix) * cov_rhs * (Operator_GLS.transpose() * weights_matrix).transpose()
sys_LHS_inv = linalg.inv(sys_LHS.A)
Cov_p = np.matmul(np.matmul(sys_LHS_inv, cov_sys_rhs.A), sys_LHS_inv.T)
Var_p_vect = np.diag(Cov_p)
sigma_Pn_ex[j,i] = Var_p_vect**0.5
return Pn_WLS_ex[1:-1,1:-1], sigma_Pn_ex[1:-1,1:-1]