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function [XYDiameter, peaks, mapsizeinfo, locxy, mapint]=combined_ID_size_apriori_10(im, x_ref, y_ref, d_p, sizing_method, default_iwc, min_area, W_area, W_intensity, W_distance)
% This function was modifed from combined_partID and particle_sizing
% written by Cardwell.
% This function performs particle/dot identification and sizing without
% the use of intensity thresholds for the segmentation process. It
% instead uses prior information about location of dots on the image.
% im - image
% x_ref - x location of dots [pix.]
% y_ref - y location of dots [pix.]
% d_p - particle diameter [pix.]
% sizing_method - subpixel fit (e.g., iwc/tpg/lsg)
% default_iwc - option to default to the iwc estimate if the gaussian fits fail.
% min_area - minimum area for a blob to be considered a particle [pix.]
% W_area - area weight for calculating the peak coefficient used to
% differentiate between true and false blobs
% W_intensity - weight for peak intensity
% W_distance - weight for distance from center
% XYDiameter = 6-column matrix; 1st column is x-centorid location, 2nd
% column is y-centroid location, 3rd column is particle diameter, 4th
% column is true max. intensity, 5th column is particle id#, 6th
% column is sizing method
% mapsizeinfo - (2 column array) defines the size (row col) of the each
% sized particle
% locxy - (2 column array) ROW/COL? location associated with the upper
% left pixel of the particle's rectangular projection
% modified by Lalit Rajendran. - 09/13/2018
%This function uses a combination of the 'blob' and 'dynamic threshold
%segmentation' algorithms in an attempt to reduce the computational cost of
%the dynamic while still retaining its ability to accuartely segment
%overlaped particles. Special care must be taken in the intital
%thresholding of the image to partially segment the blobs without removing
%too many of the low intensity particle images
%(beta) N.Cardwell - 10.28.2009
% This file is part of prana, an open-source GUI-driven program for
% calculating velocity fields using PIV or PTV.
% Copyright (C) 2012 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State
% University
% prana is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
% (at your option) any later version.
% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% along with this program. If not, see <>.
% number of dots expected to be in the image
num_p = length(x_ref);
% ensure that the diameter is an array to avoid dimension mismatch
if numel(d_p) == 1
d_p = d_p * ones(num_p, 1);
% intialize arrays
p_matrix = zeros(size(im));
p_ctr = 0;
mapint = cell(1, num_p);
locxy = nan * ones(num_p, 2);
mapsizeinfo = nan * ones(num_p, 2);
size_flag = nans(num_p, 1);
% create a particle intensity matrix
for p = 1:num_p
%% 1. create window around expected dot locatoin
% image array indices corresponding to the particle center
r_p = floor(y_ref(p));
c_p = floor(x_ref(p));
if isnan(r_p) || isnan(c_p)
% ignore if particle is not in field of view
if r_p <= 0 || c_p <= 0 || r_p >= size(im,1) || c_p >= size(im,2)
% extents of the particle image map
r_min = floor(y_ref(p) - d_p(p)/2);
c_min = floor(x_ref(p) - d_p(p)/2);
r_max = ceil(y_ref(p) + d_p(p)/2);
c_max = ceil(x_ref(p) + d_p(p)/2);
% clip boundaries
if r_min < 1
r_min = 1;
if c_min < 1
c_min = 1;
if r_max > size(im,1)
r_max = size(im,1);
if c_max > size(im,2)
c_max = size(im,2);
% ignore if resulting image map is too small
if r_max - r_min <= 1 || c_max - c_min <= 1
% intensity of the expected dot neighborhood
im_p = im(r_min:r_max, c_min:c_max);
mapint{p} = double(im_p);
locxy(p,:) = [c_min, r_min];
mapsizeinfo(p,:) = [r_max - r_min + 1, c_max - c_min + 1];
% if all pixels are zero, then continue
if(sum(im_p) == 0)
%% 2. Perform dynamic segmentation to detect additional peaks
% crop out the blob and segment it
% [p_matrix_crop,peaks_crop,~]=dynamic_threshold_segmentation_v3(im_crop,0,0);
[p_matrix_crop,peaks_crop,~]=dynamic_threshold_segmentation_v5(im_crop,0,0, r_p, c_p);
flag = 1;
loop_ctr = 0;
% check if multiple peaks have been detected
if max(peaks_crop(:) > 1)
%% combine peaks that are close to each other
while flag > 0 && loop_ctr <=20
flag = 0;
loop_ctr = loop_ctr + 1;
% find peak locations
[r_peak,c_peak] = ind2sub(size(im_p), find(peaks_crop > 0));
% ensure no duplicate peaks
peak_indices = peaks_crop(peaks_crop(:) > 0);
if length(unique(peak_indices)) < length(peak_indices)
% detect unique peaks
[~, ind] = unique(peaks_crop(peaks_crop>0));
% detect repeating peaks
duplicate_ind = setdiff(1:size(peaks_crop(peaks_crop>0), 1), ind);
% zero out (remove) repeating peaks
for ctr = 1:numel(duplicate_ind)
peaks_crop(r_peak(duplicate_ind(ctr)), c_peak(duplicate_ind(ctr))) = 0;
% peaks_crop(r_peak(duplicate_ind), c_peak(duplicate_ind)) = 0;
% find new peak locations if duplicates were identified and
% removed
[r_peak,c_peak] = ind2sub(size(im_p), find(peaks_crop > 0));
peak_indices = unique(peak_indices);
% find distance between peaks
distance_matrix = ones(length(r_peak)) * NaN;
for i = 1:length(r_peak)
for j = i+1:length(r_peak)
distance_matrix(i, j) = sqrt((r_peak(i)-r_peak(j)).^2 + (c_peak(i) - c_peak(j)).^2);
distance_matrix(j, i) = distance_matrix(i,j);
% find nearest neighbor
[min_distance(i), neighbor(i)] = min(distance_matrix(i,:));
% pair peaks if distance is less than dot radius
paired = zeros(1,length(r_peak));
for i = 1:length(r_peak)
% check if distance between peaks is less than dot radius
if ~paired(i) && ~paired(neighbor(i)) && min_distance(i) < d_p(p)/2
flag = flag + 1;
% pair peaks
paired(i) = 1;
paired(neighbor(i)) = 1;
% delete original peaks
peaks_crop(r_peak(i), c_peak(i)) = 0;
peaks_crop(r_peak(neighbor(i)), c_peak(neighbor(i))) = 0;
% add new peak at midpoint to be same as ith peak
mid_point = [0.5*(r_peak(i) + r_peak(neighbor(i))), 0.5*(c_peak(i) + c_peak(neighbor(i)))];
peaks_crop(round(mid_point(1)), round(mid_point(2))) = peak_indices(i);
% combine p_matrix for the two peaks
p_matrix_crop(p_matrix_crop == peak_indices(neighbor(i))) = peak_indices(i);
% re-number peaks
peak_nums_sorted = sort(unique(peaks_crop(peaks_crop > 0)));
for peak_index = 1:length(peak_nums_sorted)
peaks_crop(peaks_crop == peak_nums_sorted(peak_index)) = peak_index;
p_matrix_crop(p_matrix_crop == peak_nums_sorted(peak_index)) = peak_index;
%% detect the peak that corresponds to the particle
% number of peaks identified from dynamic segmentation
num_peaks = max(peaks_crop(:));
% arrays to hold peak properties
peak_area = zeros(1, num_peaks);
peak_intensities = zeros(1, num_peaks);
peak_distance = zeros(1, num_peaks);
% calculate statistics of the identified blobs
stats = regionprops(p_matrix_crop, double(im_p), 'area', 'maxintensity', 'centroid');
if length(stats) < max(peaks_crop(:))
for peak_index = 1:max(peaks_crop(:))
% find number of elements for each peak
peak_area(peak_index) = stats(peak_index).Area; %sum(sum(p_matrix_crop == peak_index));
if peak_area(peak_index) == 0
% find peak intensity
peak_intensities(peak_index) = stats(peak_index).MaxIntensity; %im_p(peaks_crop == peak_index);
% calculate peak distance from predicted position
peak_distance(peak_index) = (stats(peak_index).Centroid(1) - (x_ref(p) - c_min + 0.5)).^2 + (stats(peak_index).Centroid(2) - (y_ref(p) - r_min + 0.5)).^2;
% peak_distance(peak_index) = (stats(peak_index).Centroid(1) - (size(im_crop,2)/2+0.5)).^2 + (stats(peak_index).Centroid(2) - (size(im_crop,1)/2+0.5)).^2;
% ignore this dot is all identified blobs have areas that are
% too small
if max(peak_area) < min_area
mapint{p} = nans(size(mapint{p}, 1), size(mapint{p}, 2));
% calculate a weighted coefficient of the peaks
peak_coefficients = (W_area * peak_area/max(peak_area) + ...
W_intensity * peak_intensities/max(peak_intensities) + ...
W_distance * (1 - peak_distance/max(peak_distance))) * 1/(W_area + W_intensity + W_distance);
% sort peaks in descending order of the weighted coefficient
[~, i_coeff] = sort(peak_coefficients, 'descend');
% pick the peak with the highest coefficient to be the correct
% blob
maxloc = i_coeff(1);
% set pixels with other values of peaks to zero
peak_loc = find(peaks_crop == maxloc);
[r_peak, c_peak] = ind2sub(size(p_matrix_crop), peak_loc);
% fill in the peaks
peaks(r_min + r_peak-1, c_min + c_peak-1) = p;
% set pixels corresponding to other peaks as 0
im_p(p_matrix_crop ~= maxloc) = 0;
% ensure that the dot image is convex (to avoid incursions of
% zero pixels in the dot intensity map in the dynamic
% segmentation process)
% first create binary image
im_bw = double(im_p);
im_bw(im_bw > 0) = 1;
% identify the convex hull in the image and the bounding box
stats = regionprops(im_bw, double(im_p), 'conveximage', 'boundingbox');
% identify extents of the bounding box
rmin_crop = ceil(stats.BoundingBox(2));
cmin_crop = ceil(stats.BoundingBox(1));
rmax_crop = ceil(stats.BoundingBox(2)) + stats.BoundingBox(4) - 1;
cmax_crop = ceil(stats.BoundingBox(1)) + stats.BoundingBox(3) - 1;
% ensure that the image is convex and without holes
im_p = double(im_crop(rmin_crop:rmax_crop, cmin_crop:cmax_crop)) .* stats.ConvexImage;
mapint{p} = double(im_p);
% update the dot window location on the global image
r_min = r_min + rmin_crop - 1;
c_min = c_min + cmin_crop - 1;
locxy(p,:) = [c_min, r_min];
mapsizeinfo(p,:) = [stats.BoundingBox(4), stats.BoundingBox(3)];
% % crop im to only contain pixels corresponding to the actual
% % dot
% [r,c] = ind2sub(size(p_matrix_crop), find(p_matrix_crop == maxloc));
% im_p_2 = im_p(min(r):max(r), min(c):max(c));
% im_p = im_p_2;
% mapint{p} = double(im_p);
% % update origin location on the global co-ordinate system
% if min(r) > 1 || min(c) > 1
% r_min = r_min + min(r) - 1;
% c_min = c_min + min(c) - 1;
% r_max = r_min + max(r) - 1;
% c_max = c_min + max(c) - 1;
% locxy(p,:) = [c_min, r_min];
% mapsizeinfo(p,:) = [r_max - r_min, c_max - c_min];
% end
peaks(r_p, c_p) = p;
size_flag(p) = 1;
%% turn off sizing for dots with failed ID
for p = 1:num_p
if size_flag(p) ~= 1
mapint{p} = nans(size(mapint{p}, 1), size(mapint{p}, 2));
locxy(p, :) = nans(1, 2);
%% sizing
XYDiameter = perform_dot_sizing(num_p, mapint, locxy, sizing_method, default_iwc);