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function [x_c, d_p, I0, R, covariance_matrix] = gauss_lsq_peakfit_2D_general_normalized(I, sizing_method, display_figure)
% This function does Gaussian least square fitting of 2D particle image
% function and evaluates the full covariance matrix to resolve any rotation
% in corr-elation function
% Input:
% I: particle image
% sizing_method: 'lsg', 'clsg'
% display_figure: option to display intermediate results of the
% optimization
% Output:
% x_c: particle centroid
% d_p: particle diameter
% I0: peak intensity
% R: correlation coefficient
% covariance_matrix: The estimated Covariance for Gaussian least square fit
% This function is written by Sayantan Bhattacharya
% ----------------------------------
% Improvements to previous versions
% ----------------------------------
% use a normalized Gaussian model. See the following paper for more
% information.
% Rajendran et. al. (2020) Uncertainty amplification due to
% density/refractive-index gradients in Background-Oriented Schlieren
% experiments.
% it uses a normalized version of the precision matrix such that it is
% directly the inverse of the covariance matrix
% it returns the x and y diameters instead of major and minor axes
% allows the centroids to also be variable during the
% optimization process
% allows both 'lsg' and 'clsg' to be used
% Modified by Lalit Rajendran (
% ----------------------------------
%Subtracting the minimum of the correlation plane
I = I - min(I(:));
% Max Value of correlation plane
Imax = max(I(:));
% This is the linear index of the correlation maximum (this only takes the first maximum
% value if multiple are found - this is unlikely, but should be addressed)
% max_linear_index=find(I==max(I(:)),1);
[ii_max, jj_max] = find(I==Imax, 1);
% calculate centroid and diaemter using intensity weighted centroid
[x_centroid,y_centroid,diameter,~] = centroidfit(I, [0, 0]);
centroid = [x_centroid, y_centroid];
diameter = [diameter, diameter];
% extract centroids
iwc_flag = 0;
% check if any of the results are nan
if ~isnan(centroid(1))
jj_max = centroid(1);
iwc_flag = iwc_flag + 1;
if ~isnan(centroid(2))
ii_max = centroid(2);
iwc_flag = iwc_flag + 1;
% account for case when centroidfit failed in diameter calculation but could calculate a
% centroid
if isnan(diameter(1)) && iwc_flag == 0
diameter(1) = size(I,2);
if isnan(diameter(2)) && iwc_flag == 0
diameter(2) = size(I,1);
% if diameter is greater than the size of the image, then fix that problem
if diameter(1) > size(I, 2)
diameter(1) = size(I, 2);
if diameter(2) > size(I, 1)
diameter(2) = size(I, 1);
% exit function if iwc fails
if iwc_flag > 0
fprintf('IWC fit failed. Exiting.\n');
x_c = ones(1, 2) * NaN;
d_p = ones(1, 2) * NaN;
I0 = NaN;
theta = NaN;
CovarianceMat = ones(2) * NaN;
% extract diameters
Dx = diameter(1);% X correlation diameter for jj direction
Dy = diameter(2);% Y correlation diameter for ii direction
% assign window to be used for least squares fitting
x_min = 1;
x_max = size(I, 2);
y_min = 1;
y_max = size(I, 1);
% Extracted peak region
% Fitting options
options=optimset('MaxIter', 20,'MaxFunEvals', 50,'TolX', 1e-9,'TolFun', 1e-9,...
'Algorithm','Levenberg-Marquardt', 'Scaleproblem', 'jacobian'); %, 'FinDiffType', 'central');
% options = optimoptions(@lsqnonlin,'MaxIterations',1200,'MaxFunctionEvaluations',5000,'Display','off');
%Grid points (This is double checked and matches the cropped region for
%least square fit
[xg, yg]=meshgrid(x_min:x_max,y_min:y_max);
Xp = locxy_i(:,2);
Yp = locxy_i(:,1);
% initial conditions: x=[I0, Clevel, xc, yc, a, c, b]
x0=double([Imax, 0, x_centroid, y_centroid, Dx, Dy, 0]);
% lower bound (L-M optimization cannot handle LB/UB)
LB = [];
% upper bound
UB = [];
% Run solver; default to iwc if it fails
% run optimization
[xvars, ~, ~, exitflag]=lsqnonlin(@calculate_intensity_profile, x0, LB, UB, options, ...
peak_region, Xvec, sizing_method, display_figure);
% extract optimization results if it was succesful
if exitflag >= 0 %== 1 || exitflag == 3
% ----------------------------
% extract optimization results
% ----------------------------
% peak intensity
I0 = xvars(1);
% x centroid
xloc = xvars(3); %jj_max;
% y centroid
yloc = xvars(4); %ii_max;
% x diameter
Dx = xvars(5); %xvars(3);
% y diameter
Dy = xvars(6); %xvars(4);
% correlation coefficient
R = xvars(7);
% if x diameter is larger than size of the image, fix this
if Dx > size(I, 2)
Dx = size(I, 2);
% if y diameter is larger than size of the image, fix this
if Dy > size(I, 1)
Dy = size(I, 1);
% construct the covariance matrix
covariance_matrix =[(Dx/4)^2, R * Dx/4 * Dy/4;...
R * Dx/4 * Dy/4, (Dy/4)^2];
% flag to indicate optimization was successful
fit_flag = 0;
% flag to indicate optimization was unsuccessful
fit_flag = 1;
% flag to indicate optimization was unsuccessful
fit_flag = 1;
% use IWC results if case of failed optimization
if fit_flag == 1
% inform the user
fprintf('\n Least squared fit failed, defaulting to IWC \n');
% x centroid
% y centroid
% x diameter
% y diameter
% peak intensity
% correlation coefficient
R = 0;
% covariance matrix
covariance_matrix =[(Dx/4)^2, R * Dx/4 * Dy/4;...
R * Dx/4 * Dy/4, (Dy/4)^2];
% aggreate centroids
x_c = [xloc, yloc];
% aggregate diameters
d_p = [Dx, Dy];
function display_intensity_profile(I_meas, I_fit)
% This function displays the measured intensity profile from the image and
% an intensity profile from a Gaussian approximation
% extract max measured intensity
I_max = max(I_meas(:));
% display measured intensity
subplot(2, 3, 1)
caxis([0 I_max])
% display predicted intensity
subplot(2, 3, 2)
caxis([0 I_max])
% display error
subplot(2, 3, 3)
imagesc(abs(I_fit - I_meas))
caxis([0 I_max])
% display measured intensity, calculated intensity and error along a
% horizontal slice through the center
subplot(2, 3, 4)
r0 = round(size(I_meas, 1)/2);
plot(I_meas(r0,:), '*')
hold on
plot(I_fit(r0,:), '-')
plot(abs(I_fit(r0,:) - I_meas(r0,:)), 'o')
hold off
title(['r = ' num2str(r0, '%d')])
% display measured intensity, calculated intensity and error along a
% vertical slice through the center
subplot(2, 3, 5)
c0 = round(size(I_meas, 2)/2);
plot(I_meas(:, c0), '*')
hold on
plot(I_fit(:, c0), '-')
plot(abs(I_fit(:, c0) - I_meas(:, c0)), 'o')
hold off
title(['c = ' num2str(c0, '%d')])
l1 = legend('Data', 'Fit', 'Error', 'location', 'eastoutside');
l1.Position = [0.7425 0.2367 0.0926 0.1099];
set(gcf, 'Position', [122 252 993 619]);
% pause figure for viewer
function F = calculate_intensity_profile(x, mapint_i, Xvec, sizing_method, display_figure)
% This function calculates an intensity profile for the Gaussian given the
% dot parameters
% -------------------------------------
% extract variables from input argument
% -------------------------------------
% peak intensity
I0 = x(1);
% background intensity level
Clevel = x(2);
% x centroid
x_c = x(3);
% y centroid
y_c = x(4);
% x standard deviation (1/4th of the diameter)
eta_x = x(5)/4;
% y standard deviation (1/4th of the diameter)
eta_y = x(6)/4;
% correlation coefficient
R = x(7);
% construct the covariance matrix
C = [eta_x^2, R * eta_x * eta_y; R * eta_x * eta_y, eta_y^2];
% calculate the precision matrix
B = inv(C);
% assumed function for the intensity profile
fun = @(x, y) exp(-0.5 * ((x - x_c) .* (B(1,1) * (x - x_c) + B(1,2) * (y - y_c)) + ...
(y - y_c) .* (B(2,1) * (x - x_c) + B(2,2) * (y - y_c)) ...
% initialize intensity profile of the dot
gauss_int = zeros(size(Xvec,2),1);
% loop through pixels and calculate intensity profile based on current
% guesses for the dot parameters
for i=1:size(Xvec,2)
% current pixel
xi = Xvec(1,i);
yi = Xvec(2,i);
% use the formulation for the discrete least squares
if strcmpi(sizing_method, 'lsg')
gauss_int(i) = fun(xi, yi);
% use the formulation for the continuous least squares
elseif strcmpi(sizing_method, 'clsg')
gauss_int(i) = integral2(fun, xi-0.5, xi+0.5, yi-0.5, yi+0.5);
% account for background intensity and scaling
gauss_int = Clevel + I0 * gauss_int;
% calculate error in the guessed intensity profile
F = mapint_i(:) - gauss_int;
% display intensity maps if required
if display_figure
display_intensity_profile(mapint_i, reshape(gauss_int, size(mapint_i, 1), size(mapint_i, 2)));