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function run_dot_tracking_v5(io, id, sizing, tracking, experimental_parameters)
% ==========================
%% check parameter files
% ==========================
[io, id, sizing, tracking] = check_parameter_files(io, id, sizing, tracking);
% ==========================
%% save parmeters to file
% ==========================
% save input/output parameters
save(fullfile(io.results_save_directory, 'io_params.mat'), 'io');
% save id parameters
id_save_directory = fullfile(io.results_save_directory, 'id');
if ~exist(id_save_directory)
save(fullfile(id_save_directory, 'id_params.mat'), 'id');
% save size parameters
size_save_directory = fullfile(io.results_save_directory, 'size');
if ~exist(size_save_directory)
save(fullfile(size_save_directory, 'size_params.mat'), 'sizing');
% save track parameters
track_save_directory = fullfile(io.results_save_directory, 'tracks');
if ~exist(track_save_directory)
save(fullfile(track_save_directory, 'track_params.mat'), 'tracking');
% ==========================
%% extract parameters for id and sizing
% ==========================
% copy settings to data structure
particleIDprops.v = id.intensity_threshold_current;
particleIDprops.method = id.segmentation_method; %'dynamic';
particleIDprops.contrast_ratio = 0;
% copy settings to data structure
sizeprops.thresh = id.intensity_threshold_current;
sizeprops.p_area = id.min_area; %d_p^2;
sizeprops.sigma = 4;
sizeprops.errors = double(sizing.default_iwc); % retain IWC estimate if gaussian fit fails
sizeprops.method = sizing.centroid_subpixel_fit;
% ==========================
%% load image mask
% ==========================
if io.image_masking
% load image mask
image_mask = imread(io.image_mask_filepath);
% convert mask to 0 and 1
image_mask(image_mask > 0) = 1;
% convert mask to double
image_mask = double(image_mask);
% flip image mask
image_mask = flipud(image_mask);
% create a fake mask that is true everywhere
image_mask = ones(experimental_parameters.camera_design.y_pixel_number, experimental_parameters.camera_design.x_pixel_number);
% ==========================
%% calculate dot positions from prior information
% ==========================
% load calibration data
if strcmp(id.camera_model, 'soloff')
calibration_results = load(fullfile(id.camera_model_directory, 'calibration_data.mat'));
experimental_parameters.bos_pattern.X_Min = min(calibration_results.calibration_data.x_world_full{1}) * 1e3;
experimental_parameters.bos_pattern.Y_Min = min(calibration_results.calibration_data.y_world_full{1}) * 1e3;
experimental_parameters.bos_pattern.X_Min = 0; %-1.5e3; %0;
experimental_parameters.bos_pattern.Y_Min = 0; %-3e3; %0;
% calculate expected field of view based on the magnification and the
% size of the camera sensor
field_of_view = experimental_parameters.camera_design.x_pixel_number * experimental_parameters.camera_design.pixel_pitch / experimental_parameters.lens_design.magnification;
experimental_parameters.bos_pattern.dot_number = round(field_of_view/experimental_parameters.bos_pattern.dot_spacing) * 1;
% create array of x,y co-ordinates to describe the dot pattern
x_array = experimental_parameters.bos_pattern.X_Min + experimental_parameters.bos_pattern.dot_spacing * (0:experimental_parameters.bos_pattern.dot_number);
y_array = experimental_parameters.bos_pattern.Y_Min + experimental_parameters.bos_pattern.dot_spacing * (0:experimental_parameters.bos_pattern.dot_number);
[positions.x, positions.y] = meshgrid(x_array, y_array);
% load camera mapping function coefficients
if strcmp(id.camera_model, 'soloff')
mapping_coefficients = load(fullfile(id.camera_model_directory, ['camera_model_type=' num2str(id.order_z) '.mat']));
mapping_coefficients = [];
% ==========================
% calculate reference dot locations
% ==========================
if io.display_intermediate_progress
fprintf('calculating reference dot locations\n');
[pos_ref_dots.x, pos_ref_dots.y] = calculate_reference_dot_locations_new(positions, experimental_parameters, id.camera_model, mapping_coefficients, id.order_z, id.starting_index_x, id.starting_index_y);
% invert y location of dots due to flipping the image
pos_ref_dots.y = experimental_parameters.camera_design.y_pixel_number - pos_ref_dots.y;
% remove points outside FOV
indices = pos_ref_dots.x < 1 | pos_ref_dots.x > experimental_parameters.camera_design.x_pixel_number-1 | pos_ref_dots.y < 1 | pos_ref_dots.y > experimental_parameters.camera_design.y_pixel_number-1;
pos_ref_dots.x(indices) = [];
pos_ref_dots.y(indices) = [];
num_dots_ref = numel(pos_ref_dots.x);
% if predicted locations lie in the masked region then ignore
if io.image_masking
for dot_index = 1:num_dots_ref
if image_mask(round(pos_ref_dots.y(dot_index)), round(pos_ref_dots.x(dot_index))) == 0
pos_ref_dots.x(dot_index) = NaN;
pos_ref_dots.y(dot_index) = NaN;
nan_indices = isnan(pos_ref_dots.x) | isnan(pos_ref_dots.y);
pos_ref_dots.x(nan_indices) = [];
pos_ref_dots.y(nan_indices) = [];
% save position of reference dots to structure
id.x_ref = pos_ref_dots.x;
id.y_ref = pos_ref_dots.y;
% ==========================
%% get directory listings for images, vectors and diameters
% ==========================
% get directory listing for images
[image_filenames,num_image_files] = get_directory_listing(io.image_directory, 'im*.tif' );
% calculate number of image pairs to read
num_image_pairs = num_image_files/2;
if num_image_pairs > (io.imfend - io.imfstart + io.imfstep)/2
num_image_pairs = (io.imfend - io.imfstart + io.imfstep)/2;
% get directory listing for correlation vectors results
if strcmp(tracking.initialization_method, 'correlation') || strcmp(id.diameter_estimation_method, 'correlation')
% get directory listing for vectors
[vector_filenames,~] = get_directory_listing(, [io.correlation_results.basename '*.mat'], 'corrplane');
vector_filenames = [];
% ==========================
%% reference image
% ==========================
if io.display_intermediate_progress
fprintf('Reference Image\n');
% image index (the reference image will be the second one in the
% sequence)
if strcmp(io.image_type, 'experimental')
im_index = io.imfstart + 1;
im_index = io.imfstart;
% load image
im_ref = imread(fullfile(image_filenames(im_index).folder, image_filenames(im_index).name));
% prepare image for processing
im_ref = pre_process_image(im_ref, id.minimum_subtraction, id.minimum_intensity_level, image_mask);
% ---------------------------
%% Identification and Sizing
% ---------------------------
if strcmp(id.identification_method, 'standard')
% ---------------------------------------------
% standard dot identification and sizing
% ---------------------------------------------
% Dot identification
if io.display_intermediate_progress
fprintf('running dot identification\n');
[id_ref.p_matrix, id_ref.peaks, id_ref.num_p] = particle_ID(im_ref,particleIDprops);
% Dot sizing
if io.display_intermediate_progress
fprintf('running dot sizing\n');
% perform dot sizing for frame 1 (only for the first
% image pair as all reference images are identical)
[size_ref.XYDiameter, size_ref.mapsizeinfo, size_ref.locxy] = particle_sizing(im_ref, id_ref.p_matrix, id_ref.num_p, sizeprops);
elseif contains(id.identification_method, 'apriori')
% ------------------------------------------------------------
% dot identification and sizing using prior information about
% the dot locations
% ------------------------------------------------------------
% Dot identification
if io.display_intermediate_progress
fprintf('running dot identification\n');
% create dummy structure for identification results
id_ref = struct;
id_ref.x_ref = id.x_ref;
id_ref.y_ref = id.y_ref;
% predicted dot diameters for the reference image
d_p = id.dot_diameter*ones(size(pos_ref_dots.x));
% Dot identification
if io.display_intermediate_progress
fprintf('running dot sizing\n');
% identify and size dots using their known locations on the
% target
[size_ref.XYDiameter, size_ref.peaks, size_ref.mapsizeinfo, size_ref.locxy, size_ref.mapint] = combined_ID_size_apriori_10(im_ref, pos_ref_dots.x, pos_ref_dots.y, d_p+2, sizing.centroid_subpixel_fit, sizing.default_iwc, id.min_area, id.W_area, id.W_intensity, id.W_distance);
% remove NaN entries
size_ref = remove_nan_entries_from_sizing(size_ref);
% extract dot co-ordinates
x_ref = size_ref.XYDiameter(:,1);
y_ref = size_ref.XYDiameter(:,2);
z_ref = zeros(size(x_ref));
% ==========================
%% load and process image pairs
% ==========================
% number of image pairs to read
num_image_pairs = (io.imfend - io.imfstart)/io.imfstep + 1;
for image_pair_index = 1:num_image_pairs
% display progress to user
fprintf('Image Pair Number: %d\n', image_pair_index);
% ==========================
%% load gradient image
% ==========================
% grad image index
if strcmp(io.image_type, 'experimental')
im_index = io.imfstart + 2 * (image_pair_index - 1);
im_index = io.imfstart + 2 * (image_pair_index - 1) + 1;
% load image
im_grad = imread(fullfile(image_filenames(im_index).folder, image_filenames(im_index).name));
% prepare image for processing
im_grad = pre_process_image(im_grad, id.minimum_subtraction, id.minimum_intensity_level, image_mask);
% ==========================
%% load results from correlation processing for the current image pair
% ==========================
if strcmp(tracking.initialization_method, 'correlation') || strcmp(id.diameter_estimation_method, 'correlation')
% load vectors from cross-correlation
vector_index = (image_pair_index-1)/(io.correlation_frame_step/2) + 1;
correlation_results_current = load(fullfile(vector_filenames(vector_index).folder, vector_filenames(vector_index).name));
% ==========================
%% Identification and Sizing
% ==========================
if strcmp(id.identification_method, 'standard')
% ---------------------------------------------
% standard dot identification and sizing
% ---------------------------------------------
%% Dot identification
if io.display_intermediate_progress
fprintf('running dot identification\n');
% perform dot identification for frame 2
[id_grad.p_matrix, id_grad.peaks, id_grad.num_p] = particle_ID(im_grad, particleIDprops);
%% Dot sizing
if io.display_intermediate_progress
fprintf('running dot sizing\n');
% perform dot sizing for frame 2
[size_grad.XYDiameter, size_grad.mapsizeinfo, size_grad.locxy]=particle_sizing(im_grad, id_grad.p_matrix, id_grad.num_p, sizeprops);
elseif contains(id.identification_method, 'apriori')
% ------------------------------------------------------------
% dot identification and sizing using prior information about
% the dot locations
% ------------------------------------------------------------
% create dummy structure for identification results
id_grad = struct;
% estimate effective diameter from correlation
if strcmp(id.diameter_estimation_method, 'correlation')
d_p = estimate_effective_dot_diameter(correlation_results_current.X, correlation_results_current.Y, correlation_results_current.Di(:,:,end), pos_ref_dots.x, pos_ref_dots.y, id.dot_diameter);
d_p = id.dot_diameter*ones(size(pos_ref_dots.x));
% estimate probable locations of dots on frame 2 based on their
% position in frame 1 and the displacement field from
% correlation or light ray displacements
if strcmp(id.initialization_method, 'correlation')
[x_grad_est, y_grad_est] = calculate_predicted_dot_positions_02(x_ref, y_ref, id.initialization_method, correlation_results_current.X, correlation_results_current.Y, correlation_results_current.U, correlation_results_current.V);
x_grad_est = x_ref;
y_grad_est = y_ref;
%% Dot sizing
if io.display_intermediate_progress
fprintf('running dot sizing\n');
% identify and size dots using their known locations on the target
[size_grad.XYDiameter, size_grad.peaks, size_grad.mapsizeinfo, size_grad.locxy, size_grad.mapint] = combined_ID_size_apriori_10(im_grad, x_grad_est, y_grad_est, d_p+2, sizing.centroid_subpixel_fit, sizing.default_iwc, id.min_area, id.W_area, id.W_intensity, id.W_distance);
% remove NaN entries
size_grad = remove_nan_entries_from_sizing(size_grad);
% extract co-ordinates
x_grad = size_grad.XYDiameter(:,1);
y_grad = size_grad.XYDiameter(:,2);
z_grad = zeros(size(x_grad));
% ==========================
%% Tracking
% ==========================
if io.display_intermediate_progress
fprintf('running dot tracking\n');
% if a guess for the dot positions in the second frame is required
% and does not already exist, then calculae it
if ~strcmp(tracking.initialization_method, 'none')
if ~exist('X2_est', 'var') && ~exist('Y2_est', 'var')
if strcmp(image_type, 'original')
[x_grad_est, y_grad_est] = calculate_predicted_dot_positions(x_ref, y_ref, tracking.initialization_method, correlation_results_current.X, correlation_results_current.Y, correlation_results_current.U, correlation_results_current.V);
elseif strcmp(image_type, 'deform')
x_grad_est = x_ref;
y_grad_est = y_ref;
% if the guess is not required then set it to be the positions of
% the dots in the first frame
x_grad_est = x_ref;
y_grad_est = y_ref;
% expected z co-ordinates of dots in the second frame (zero)
z_grad_est = zeros(size(x_ref));
% extract dot diameters from frame 1
d_ref = sqrt(size_ref.XYDiameter(:,3).^2 + size_ref.XYDiameter(:,4).^2);
% extract dot diameters from frame 2
d_grad = sqrt(size_grad.XYDiameter(:,3).^2 + size_grad.XYDiameter(:,4).^2);
% extract dot intensities from frame 1
I_ref = size_ref.XYDiameter(:,6);
% extract dot intensities from frame 2
I_grad= size_grad.XYDiameter(:,6);
% track the particles in the image pair using the 3D weighted
% nearest neighbor tracking method
[tracks] = weighted_nearest_neighbor3D(x_ref, x_grad, x_grad_est, y_ref, y_grad, y_grad_est,...
z_ref, z_grad, z_grad_est, d_ref, d_grad, I_ref, I_grad, [tracking.distance_weight, tracking.size_weight, tracking.intensity_weight], tracking.search_radius);
% ==========================
%% correct sub-pixel estimate of displacement using a correlation based estimate
% ==========================
% calculate number of tracks
num_tracks = size(tracks, 1);
% data structure to hold the correlation plane
Cp = cell(num_tracks, 1);
if tracking.perform_correlation_correction
if io.display_intermediate_progress
fprintf('Performing Correlation Correction\n');
% get final sub-pixel displacement estimate by cross-correlation intensity
% maps of the dots
U = zeros(num_tracks,1);
V = zeros(num_tracks,1);
for track_index = 1:num_tracks
if rem(track_index, 1000) == 0
if io.display_intermediate_progress
fprintf('Track: %d of %d\n', track_index, num_tracks);
% extract current track
track_current = tracks(track_index, :);
[U(track_index), V(track_index), Cp{track_index}] = cross_correlate_dots_07(im_ref, im_grad, size_ref, size_grad, track_current, tracking.correlation_correction.subpixel_fit, tracking.correlation_correction.zero_mean, tracking.correlation_correction.min_sub);
% append results to track
tracks = [tracks, U, V];
% ==========================
%% flip tracking results to account for reordering reference and gradient images
% ==========================
if strcmp(io.image_type, 'experimental')
if io.display_intermediate_progress
fprintf('flipping tracks for experimental data\n');
% swap x positions
tracks(:, [1, 2]) = tracks(:, [2, 1]);
% swap y positions
tracks(:, [3, 4]) = tracks(:, [4, 3]);
% swap z positions
tracks(:, [5, 6]) = tracks(:, [6, 5]);
% swap diameters
tracks(:, [7, 8]) = tracks(:, [8, 7]);
% swap intensities
tracks(:, [9, 10]) = tracks(:, [10, 9]);
% swap particle ids
tracks(:, [11, 12]) = tracks(:, [12, 11]);
if tracking.perform_correlation_correction
% change sign on displacements from correlation correction
tracks(:, 14) = -tracks(:, 14);
tracks(:, 15) = -tracks(:, 15);
% ==========================
%% displacement vector validation
% ==========================
% peform validation if specified
if tracking.perform_validation
if io.display_intermediate_progress
fprintf('performing validation\n');
% ==========================
%% create array to hold results
% ==========================
% extract number of columns
num_cols = size(tracks, 2);
% add columns at the end of the tracks array to hold the
% validated displacements
tracks = padarray(tracks, [0, 3], NaN, 'post');
% copy u displacements
tracks(:, num_cols+1) = tracks(:, num_cols-1);
% copy v displacements
tracks(:, num_cols+2) = tracks(:, num_cols);
% set column to hold the validation flag (0 for % replaced, 1 for not replaced)
tracks(:, num_cols+3) = 0;
% ==========================
%% displacement thresholding
% ==========================
if io.display_intermediate_progress
fprintf('performing displacement thresholding\n');
% add another column to hold the validation flag (0 for
% replaced, 1 for not replaced)
tracks = padarray(tracks, [0, 1], 0, 'post');
if tracking.validation.perform_displacement_thresholding
if io.display_intermediate_progress
fprintf('performing displacement thresholding\n');
% find indices that are outside the specified thershold
indices = find(abs(tracks(:, num_cols+1)) > tracking.validation.max_displacement_threshold ...
| abs(tracks(:, num_cols+2)) > tracking.validation.max_displacement_threshold);
tracks(indices, num_cols+1) = NaN;
tracks(indices, num_cols+2) = NaN;
tracks(indices, num_cols+3) = tracks(indices, num_cols+3) + 1;
% ==========================
%% uod
% ==========================
if tracking.validation.perform_uod
if io.display_intermediate_progress
fprintf('performing uod\n');
% perform uod
[u_val, v_val, val, ~, ~] = uod_ptv(tracks(:, 1), tracks(:, 3), tracks(:, num_cols-1), tracks(:, num_cols), ...
tracking.validation.replace_vectors, tracking.validation.uod_residual_threshold, tracking.validation.uod_epsilon);
% update tracks
tracks(:, num_cols+1) = u_val;
tracks(:, num_cols+2) = v_val;
if tracking.validation.replace_vectors
% add replacement flag
tracks(:, num_cols+3) = tracks(:, num_cols+3) + val;
% ==========================
%% save results to file
% ==========================
if io.display_intermediate_progress
fprintf('saving results to file\n');
% name to save the file
save_filename = ['file_' num2str(im_index, '%04d') '.mat'];
% save results to file
save_tracking_results_to_file_ref_grad(id_ref, id_grad, id_save_directory, ...
size_ref, size_grad, size_save_directory, ...
tracks, Cp, track_save_directory, save_filename);