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158 lines (137 sloc) 5.23 KB
function cell_downsample_Hessian_segmentation(props)
% =========================================================================
img_fname = props.img_fname;
case_string = props.case_string;
optionFigure = props.optionFigure;
window_range = props.window_range;
downsample_factor = props.downsample_factor;
con = props.connectivity;
peak_min = props.peak_min;
basic_t = props.basic_t;
area_min = props.area_min;
area_max = props.area_max;
% =========================================================================
info = imfinfo(img_fname);
num_images = numel(info);
x1 = window_range(1);
x2 = window_range(2);
y1 = window_range(3);
y2 = window_range(4);
downsize_halfWin = max(floor(downsample_factor/2),1);
ave_filter = fspecial('average', [downsample_factor downsample_factor]);
case_dir = fullfile('cases',case_string);
out_dir_images = fullfile(case_dir,'images');
out_dir_segmentation = fullfile(case_dir,'segmentation');
% if optionFigure
% out_dir_frames = fullfile(case_dir,'frames');
% mkdir(out_dir_frames);
% myVideo = VideoWriter(fullfile(out_dir_frames,sprintf('undersampled_%.2d.avi',downsample_factor)));
% myVideo.FrameRate = 5; % Default 30
% myVideo.Quality = 75; % Default 75
% open(myVideo)
% figure('color','w','position',[0 200 1800 1000])
% end
parfor current_frame = 1:num_images
img_raw = imread(img_fname, current_frame);
img_cropped = medfilt2(img_raw(y1:y2,x1:x2));
Y = prctile(img_cropped(:),99.9);
img_adjusted = uint8(double(img_cropped)/double(Y) * 0.9 * double(intmax('uint8')));
img_aveFiltered = uint8(filter2(ave_filter, img_adjusted));
s = size(img_aveFiltered);
n_x = floor(s(2)/downsample_factor);
n_y = floor(s(1)/downsample_factor);
img_aveFiltered = img_aveFiltered(1:n_y*downsample_factor,1:n_x*downsample_factor);
img_downSampled = img_aveFiltered(downsize_halfWin:downsample_factor:end-downsize_halfWin,downsize_halfWin:downsample_factor:end-downsize_halfWin);
[lambda1,lambda2] = Hessian_2D(img_downSampled);
He_mask = (lambda2<0)&(lambda1<0);
He_mask([1:3,end-3:end],:) = 0;
He_mask(:,[1:3,end-3:end]) = 0;
cen_He = cell2mat(struct2cell(regionprops(He_mask,'Centroid'))');
N_mask = length(cen_He);
img_mean = ceil(mean(img_downSampled(:)));
BW = imbinarize(img_downSampled, img_mean/255);
cen_BW = cell2mat(struct2cell(regionprops(BW,'Centroid'))');
[L, N_BW] = bwlabel(BW);
for r = 1:N_mask
[dis_min, true_num] = finding_true_num_2D(cen_BW,cen_He(r,:));
L(L==true_num) = N_BW + 1;
BW_new = (L == N_BW + 1);
L_new = bwlabel(BW_new,8);
img_HessianFiltered = img_downSampled;
img_HessianFiltered(~BW) = 0;
core = cell_core_segmentation(img_HessianFiltered,peak_min,con);
seg_raw = repelem(core,downsample_factor,downsample_factor);
seg = cell_refinement(seg_raw,img_aveFiltered,basic_t,area_min,area_max);
img_adjusted = img_adjusted(1:n_y*downsample_factor,1:n_x*downsample_factor);
filename = fullfile(out_dir_images,sprintf('image_%.4d.tif',current_frame));
imwrite(img_adjusted,filename); %for saving preprocessed images
% if optionFigure
% subplot(361)
% imshow(img_cropped)
% title('Raw image')
% subplot(362)
% imshow(img_adjusted)
% title('Intensity adjusted')
% subplot(363)
% imshow(img_aveFiltered)
% title('Moving averaging filtered')
% subplot(367)
% imshow(img_downSampled)
% title(sprintf('Downsampled by factor of %.1d',downsample_factor))
% subplot(368)
% imagesc(lambda1)
% caxis([-10 10])
% axis equal off
% title('Hessian \lambda_1')
% subplot(369)
% imagesc(lambda2)
% axis equal off
% caxis([-10 10])
% title('Hessian \lambda_2')
% subplot(3,6,13)
% imshow(img_HessianFiltered)
% title('Hessian filtered')
% subplot(3,6,14)
% imagesc(core)
% axis equal off
% title('Segmented cell core')
% subplot(3,6,15)
% imagesc(seg)
% axis equal off
% title('Refined cell profile')
% subplot(3,6,[4 5 6 10 11 12 16 17 18])
% imshow(img_adjusted); hold on;
% contour(seg~=0,1,'b','linewidth',2); hold on;
% % plot(cell_pos(:,1),cell_pos(:,2),'rX','markersize',5,'linewidth',2,'linesmoothing','on'); hold on;
% % ellipse(cell_paras(:,1),cell_paras(:,2),cell_paras(:,3),cell_pos(:,1),cell_pos(:,2),'r',50); hold on;
% title(sprintf('Segmented cell from frame = %.3d',current_frame))
% % print(fullfile(out_dir_frames,sprintf('segmentation_frame=%.4d.tiff',current_frame)),'-dtiff','-r100')
% set(gca,'nextplot','replacechildren');
% frame = getframe(gcf);
% writeVideo(myVideo, frame)
% end
% if optionFigure
% close(myVideo)
% end