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# Path to input and output data
path.rgb.long <- ("./df_rgb_long.csv")
path.hsi.long <- ("./df_hsi_long.csv")
path.rpt <- ("./rpt_no_public.csv")
# List of varieties to be excluded, if any; otherwise, exclude.variety as "c()"
exclude.variety <-c("P1", "P2", "P3", "P4")
# Number of phenotypes for analysis
# phenotypes with 1st to n-th highest phenotypes are used
n.rpt <- 30
# Clustering (tSNE) parameters
list.pp <- c(5, 10, 20, 40, 50) # Perplexity [5, 50]
list.iter <- seq(100, 500, by=5) # Number of iteration [,1000]
case <- 1
# Columns to delete (1)
drops.1 <- c("View", "frame_nr", "variable")
if (case==1){
# Columns to delete (2)
# Define the order of variety for displaying
variety.order = c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L",
"M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X",
"Y", "Z", "AA", "BB", "CC", "DD", "EE", "FF", "GG", "HH",
"II", "JJ", "KK", "LL", "MM", "NN")
# Load RGB and HSI data in long format
message("Loading data...")
df.rgb <- read.csv(path.rgb.long)
df.hsi <- read.csv(path.hsi.long)
df.rpt <- read.csv(path.rpt)
# Exclude varieties, as needed
if (length(exclude.variety)>0){
df.rgb <- df.rgb %>% filter(!VARIETY %in% exclude.variety)
df.hsi <- df.hsi %>% filter(!VARIETY %in% exclude.variety)
# Combine RGB and HSI data
df <- rbind(df.rgb, df.hsi)
# Create a new variable column by concatenating View, frame_nr, variable
df$variable.concat <- paste(df$View, df$frame_nr, df$variable, sep="_")
# Remove View, frame_nr, variable column
df <- df[ , !(names(df) %in% drops.1)]
# Reshape data
"+DFP+GROWTH_STAGE ~ variable.concat")
df <- reshape2::dcast(df, as.formula(form), value.var="value")
# Order varieties for displaying
if (!is.null(variety.order)){
df$VARIETY <- factor(df$VARIETY, levels = variety.order)
for (treatment in unique(df$TREATMENT)){
for (growth.stage in unique(df$GROWTH_STAGE)){
print(paste0("Generating plots for ",
treatment, ", ", growth.stage, " case..."))
# Subset data by treatment and growth stage
df.temp <- df[which(df$TREATMENT==treatment &
df$GROWTH_STAGE==growth.stage), ]
# Remove unnecessary columns for clustering
df.temp <- df.temp[ , !(names(df.temp) %in% drops.2)]
# Subset repeatability data by treatment and growth stage
df.rpt.temp <- df.rpt[which(df.rpt$TREATMENT==treatment &
df.rpt$GROWTH_STAGE==growth.stage), ]
df.rpt.temp <- df.rpt.temp[order(df.rpt.temp$rpt, decreasing=T), ]
df.rpt.temp <- df.rpt.temp[1:n.rpt, ]
# Create a new variable column by concatenating View, frame_nr, variable
df.rpt.temp$variable.concat <- paste(df.rpt.temp$View,
df.rpt.temp$variable, sep="_")
# Select variables (phenotypes) with high repeatability
if (case==1){
df.temp <- df.temp[, c("VARIETY", df.rpt.temp$variable.concat)]
# Select complete columns for analysis (exclude NaN, Inf, -Inf)
df.temp[sapply(df.temp, is.infinite)] <- NA
df.temp <- df.temp[ , colSums(]
if (nrow(df.temp)<5) next
# Scale data
for (c in 2:ncol(df.temp)) df.temp[, c] <- scale(df.temp[,c])
if (case==1){
# Set label as factor (VARIETY)
df.temp$VARIETY <- as.factor(df.temp$VARIETY)
# Get training data
num.train <- 0.8 * nrow(df.temp)
rows <- sample(1:nrow(df.temp), num.train)
train <- df.temp[rows, ]
colors = rainbow(length(unique(df.temp$VARIETY)))
names(colors) = unique(df.temp$VARIETY)
for (pp in list.pp){
list.img <- c()
for (iter in list.iter){
tsne <- Rtsne(train[,-1],
dims=2, perplexity=pp, max_iter=iter,
verbose=F, check_duplicates = FALSE)
# Visuzlize clusters
fn <- paste0(paste("./tsne", treatment, growth.stage,
pp, iter, sep="_"), ".png")
list.img <- c(list.img, fn)
plot(tsne$Y, t='n',
main=paste("tSNE", treatment, growth.stage, pp, iter),
xlab="tSNE dimension 1",
ylab="tSNE dimension 2",
"cex.main"=2, "cex.lab"=1.5)
text(tsne$Y, labels=train$VARIETY, col=colors[train$VARIETY])
# Create animated gif file
imgs <- lapply(list.img, image_read)
joined.img <- image_join(imgs)
animated.img <- image_animate(joined.img, fps = 10)
fn.gif <- paste0(paste("./tsne", treatment, growth.stage, pp,
sep="_"), ".gif")
image_write(image = animated.img, path=fn.gif)
message(paste0("Exported ", fn.gif))
# Delete png files
for (f in list.img) unlink(f)