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# reshape_table_round2.r
# This R script processes RGB and HSI data (xlsx format) from
# the Ag Alumni Seed Phenotyping Facility (AAPF), Purdue.
# It transforms the data into a long format suitable for
# analysis using R packages.
# User input needed here
# Set file paths to the individual masterfiles-per-repetition
paths.rgb <-
paths.hsi <-
# Set file paths to the output tables in long format (R-compatible)
path.rgb.long <- ("./df_rgb_long.csv")
path.hsi.long <- ("./df_hsi_long.csv")
# Specify unwanted measurements
# Note: Unwanted data includes incomplete scan results, test scans,
# and data generated during AAPF tour demos, etc.
# Steps
# 1. Run this R script.
# 2. Identify potential unwanted measurements:
# Examine the script's output (Data Overview 1 & 2) for data with a
# significantly lower plant count compared to the available plants.
# 3. Review and select:
# Based on Data Overviews 1 & 2, determine which measurements
# to exclude from your analysis.
# 4. Locate variables:
# Find the df.unwanted.{rgb|hsi} variables within the script.
# 5. Add timestamps:
# Append the date and time (e.g., "2023-10-30 11:15:00") to the
# placeholder df.unwanted.{rgb|hsi}.
df.unwanted.rgb <- data.frame(
EXP_ID =c( 374, 374, 374, 374, 396),
TREATMENT=c("20 -1", "50-3", "50-3", "50-4", "20-1"),
SCAN_DATETIME_BY15MIN=c("2023-10-30 11:15:00",
"2023-09-28 09:15:00",
"2023-09-28 09:00:00",
"2023-09-28 09:45:00",
"2024-04-29 12:00:00"),
df.unwanted.hsi <- data.frame(
SCAN_DATETIME_BY30MIN=c("2024-03-08 10:30:00"),
# Update treatment description
# If incorrect data is entered during the PPEW process,
# use df.convert.treatment to make corrections.
df.convert.treatment <- data.frame(
from=c("20 -1", "20-2", "50-3", "50-4", "20-1", "20-2"),
to =c("20", "20", "80", "80", "20", "20"),
# Assign growth stage according to
# (1) experiment ID, (2) treatment, and (3) days since planting (DFP).
# Use Data Overview 5 to identify the correct growth stage for
# each data point based on the given combination.
df.growth.stage <- data.frame(
EXP_ID =c(374, 374, 374, 374, 375, 375, 375, 375,
378, 378, 378, 378, 380, 380, 380, 380,
390, 390, 390, 390, 391, 391, 391, 391,
396, 396, 396, 396, 401, 401, 401, 401),
TREATMENT =c(20, 20, 80, 80, 20, 20, 80, 80,
20, 20, 80, 80, 20, 20, 80, 80,
20, 20, 80, 80, 20, 20, 80, 80,
20, 20, 80, 80, 20, 20, 80, 80),
DFP =c(33, 59, 32, 50, 35, 56, 28, 48,
35, 60, 28, 56, 34, 63, 28, 53,
35, 63, 28, 48, 35, 63, 28, 56,
42, 70, 42, 63, 42, 73, 43, 65),
GROWTH_STAGE=c('V8', 'VT', 'V8', 'VT', 'V8', 'VT', 'V8', 'VT',
'V8', 'VT', 'V8', 'VT', 'V8', 'VT', 'V8', 'VT',
'V8', 'VT', 'V8', 'VT', 'V8', 'VT', 'V8', 'VT',
'V8', 'VT', 'V8', 'VT', 'V8', 'VT', 'V8', 'VT'))
# No changes required in this section
# Columns in master files
regex.col.rgb <- paste("Filename", "EXP ID", "POT_BARCODE", "VARIETY",
"frame_nr", "Width", "Height", "Surface", "Angle",
"Convex_hull", "Roundness", "Center_of_mass_distance",
"Center_of_mass_x", "Center_of_mass_y",
"Hue", "Saturation", "Intensity", "Fluorescence",
"[HSVF][[:digit:]]{1,3}", sep="|")
regex.col.hsi <- paste("EXP ID", "POT_BARCODE", "VARIETY", "TREATMENT",
# Columns to be removed after importing
nouse.col.rgb <- c("Filename")
nouse.col.hsi <- c("Filename-VNIR-SIDE", "Filename-VNIR-TOP",
"Filename-SWIR-SIDE", "Filename-SWIR-TOP")
# Columns used as interim identifier
id.vars <- c("EXP ID", "POT_BARCODE", "SCAN_TIME", "SCAN_DATE",
"VARIETY", "TREATMENT", "DFP", "View", "frame_nr")
# Columns to be removed while processing
drops.col.rgb <- c("SCAN_TIME", "SCAN_DATE",
drops.col.hsi <- c("SCAN_TIME", "SCAN_DATE",
# Column order of output table
rgb.col.order <- c("EXP ID", "POT_BARCODE", "TREATMENT", "VARIETY",
"DFP", "GROWTH_STAGE", "View", "frame_nr",
"variable", "value")
hsi.col.order <- c("EXP ID", "POT_BARCODE", "TREATMENT", "VARIETY",
"DFP", "GROWTH_STAGE", "View", "frame_nr",
"variable", "value")
# Column used as factor while processing
col.factor <- c("EXP ID", "VARIETY", "TREATMENT",
"View", "frame_nr", "GROWTH_STAGE")
# Main code starts here
# Import libraries
# Create empty RGB dataframe
mat <- matrix(ncol=0, nrow=0)
df.rgb <- data.frame(mat)
# Import RGB data
for (path.rgb in paths.rgb){
for (tab.rgb in excel_sheets(path = path.rgb)){
if (tab.rgb=="PPEW") next
if (tab.rgb=="Information") next
# Read a rgb worksheet
temp <- read_excel(path.rgb, sheet=tab.rgb)
# Remove hand-made columns
cols <- grepl(regex.col.rgb, as.character(colnames(temp)))
temp <- temp[cols]
# Remove unused columns
temp <- temp[,!names(temp) %in% nouse.col.rgb]
# Simplify "View" (Side{Bottom|Small|Full|Tall} to Side{Average|All})
if (tolower(tab.rgb) == "side average") temp["View"] <- "SideAverage"
if (tolower(tab.rgb) == "side all") temp["View"] <- "SideAll"
# Reorder frames (frame_nr)
# Steps
# 1. Identify the side view with the largest plant volume.
# 2. Reindex frame_nr values (0 to 11, from the default pot orientation)
# to match the new order starting from the side with the largest
# plant area
list.sideall <- unique(temp[, c('POT_BARCODE', 'SCAN_DATE', 'SCAN_TIME')])
if (tolower(tab.rgb) == "side all"){
for(i in 1:nrow(list.sideall)){
row <- list.sideall[i,]
# Get plant surface area
where <- vector(length=12)
for (f in seq(1,12)){
where[f] <- which(temp$POT_BARCODE==row$POT_BARCODE &
temp.surface <- temp[where, "Surface"]
# Find direction with largest plant area
max.f <- which.max(temp.surface$Surface)
# Update frame_nr (0 as the view with the largest plant area)
for (f in seq(1,12)){
temp[where[f], "frame_nr"] <- ((f-1)-max.f) %% 12
# Find id columns that does not exist <-id.vars[!id.vars %in% names(temp)]
# Assign values in the id columns that didn't exist
for ( in{
if ( == "View" && tolower(tab.rgb) =="top"){
temp["View"] = "Top"
if ( == "frame_nr"){
temp["frame_nr"] = -1
# Change table to long format
temp.long <- reshape2::melt(temp, id.vars = id.vars, = "variable")
# Combine rows from different worksheets
df.rgb <- rbind(df.rgb, temp.long)
# Debugging
#print(paste(path.rgb, " ", tab.rgb))
message('Succeeded importing RGB data...')
# Overview 1: Show summary of RGB data by date
df.rgb.perscan <- df.rgb[which(df.rgb$View=="Top" & df.rgb$variable=="Surface"), ]
message('\n* Data Overview 1 (RGB): Summary by Date\n')
print(count(df.rgb.perscan, `EXP ID`, TREATMENT, DFP))
# Overview 2: Show summary of RGB data by date and time
format <- "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
df.rgb.perscan["SCAN_DATETIME"] =
as.POSIXct(paste(as.Date(df.rgb.perscan$SCAN_DATE), df.rgb.perscan$SCAN_TIME),
df.rgb.perscan["SCAN_DATETIME_BY15MIN"] =
lubridate::round_date(df.rgb.perscan$SCAN_DATETIME, "15 minutes")
message('\n* Data Overview 2 (RGB): Summary by Date and Time\n')
print(count(df.rgb.perscan, `EXP ID`, TREATMENT, DFP, SCAN_DATETIME_BY15MIN))
message('\nThoroughly review the data to identify incomplete or test scans.')
message('Record the details of any unwanted data in ')
message('"EXP ID", "TREATMENT", and "SCAN_DATETIME_BY15MIN" formats')
message('and input these values into df.unwanted.rgb')
message('to exclude them from the analysis...\n')
if (!askYesNo('Proceed?')) stop()
# Overview 3: Show summary of RGB data after removing unwanted data
df.rgb["SCAN_DATETIME"] =
as.POSIXct(paste(as.Date(df.rgb$SCAN_DATE), df.rgb$SCAN_TIME), format=format)
lubridate::round_date(df.rgb$SCAN_DATETIME, "15 minutes")
for(i in 1:nrow(df.unwanted.rgb)){
row <- df.unwanted.rgb[i,]
df.rgb <- df.rgb %>% filter(!(`EXP ID` == row$EXP_ID &
df.rgb.perscan <- df.rgb[which(df.rgb$View=="Top" & df.rgb$variable=="Surface"), ]
message('\n* Data Overview 3 (RGB): Summary After Filtering Unwanted Data\n')
print(count(df.rgb.perscan, `EXP ID`, TREATMENT, DFP))
message('\nReview the data to identify incorrect TREATMENT values')
message('Input the incorrect and corrected values into df.convert.treatment...\n')
if (!askYesNo('Proceed?')) stop()
# Overview 4: Update treatment in the RGB data
for(i in 1:nrow(df.convert.treatment)){
row <- df.convert.treatment[i,]
df.rgb$TREATMENT[df.rgb$TREATMENT==row$from] <- row$to
df.rgb.perscan <- df.rgb[which(df.rgb$View=="Top" & df.rgb$variable=="Surface"), ]
message('\n* Data Overview 4 (RGB): Treatment Updated\n')
print(count(df.rgb.perscan, `EXP ID`, TREATMENT, DFP))
# Overview 5: Update DFP in the RGB data (should be less than 365)
df.rgb$DFP = df.rgb$DFP %% 365
df.rgb.perscan <- df.rgb[which(df.rgb$View=="Top" & df.rgb$variable=="Surface"), ]
message('\n* Data Overview 5 (RGB): DFP Updated\n')
print(count(df.rgb.perscan, `EXP ID`, TREATMENT, DFP))
message('\nReview the data to identify growth stage according to DFP.')
message('Record the details of growth stage information in ')
message('"EXP ID", "TREATMENT", "DFP", and "GROWTH_STAGE" formats')
message('and input these values into df.growth.stage...\n')
if (!askYesNo('Proceed?')) stop()
# Overview 6: Add growth stage in the RGB data
for(i in 1:nrow(df.growth.stage)){
row <- df.growth.stage[i,]
df.rgb$GROWTH_STAGE[(df.rgb$`EXP ID` == row$EXP_ID) &
(df.rgb$TREATMENT == row$TREATMENT) &
(df.rgb$DFP == row$DFP)] <- row$GROWTH_STAGE
df.rgb.perscan <- df.rgb[which(df.rgb$View=="Top" & df.rgb$variable=="Surface"), ]
message('\n* Data Overview 6 (RGB): Growth Stage Added\n')
print(count(df.rgb.perscan, `EXP ID`, TREATMENT, DFP, GROWTH_STAGE))
# Drop unused columns
df.rgb <- df.rgb[ , !(names(df.rgb) %in% drops.col.rgb)]
# Change column order
df.rgb <- df.rgb[, rgb.col.order]
df.rgb[col.factor] <- lapply(df.rgb[col.factor], factor)
# Export RGB dataframe
message('\nExporting RGB dataframe (long format)...')
write.csv(df.rgb, path.rgb.long, row.names=F)
# Create empty HSI dataframe
mat <- matrix(ncol=0, nrow=0)
df.hsi <- data.frame(mat)
# Import HSI data
for (path.hsi in paths.hsi){
for (tab.hsi in excel_sheets(path = path.hsi)){
if (tab.hsi=="PPEW") next
if (tab.hsi=="Information") next
# Read a HSI worksheet
temp <- read_excel(path.hsi, sheet=tab.hsi)
# Remove erroneous ghost column
temp <- select(temp, -starts_with("..."))
# Remove hand-made columns
cols <- grepl(regex.col.hsi, as.character(colnames(temp)))
temp <- temp[cols]
# Remove unused columns
temp <- temp[,!names(temp) %in% nouse.col.hsi]
# Add "View" column
temp["View"] <- NA
if (grepl("side", tolower(tab.hsi), fixed=T)==T) temp["View"] <- "Side"
if (grepl("top", tolower(tab.hsi), fixed=T)==T) temp["View"] <- "Top"
# Add "frame_nr" column
temp["frame_nr"] = -1
# Change table into long format
temp.long <- reshape2::melt(temp, id.vars = id.vars, = "variable")
# Combine rows from different worksheets
df.hsi <- rbind(df.hsi, temp.long)
## Debugging
#print(paste(path.hsi, " ", tab.hsi))
message('Succeeded importing HSI data...')
# Overview 1: Show summary of HSI data by date
df.hsi.perscan <- df.hsi[which(df.hsi$View=="Top" & df.hsi$variable=="NDVI_mean"), ]
message('\n* Data Overview 1 (HSI): Summary by Date\n')
print(count(df.hsi.perscan, `EXP ID`, TREATMENT, DFP))
# Overview 2: Show summary of HSI data by date and time
format <- "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
df.hsi.perscan["SCAN_DATETIME"] =
as.POSIXct(paste(as.Date(df.hsi.perscan$SCAN_DATE), df.hsi.perscan$SCAN_TIME),
df.hsi.perscan["SCAN_DATETIME_BY30MIN"] =
lubridate::round_date(df.hsi.perscan$SCAN_DATETIME, "30 minutes")
message('\n* Data Overview 2 (HSI): Summary by Date and Time\n')
print(count(df.hsi.perscan, `EXP ID`, TREATMENT, DFP, SCAN_DATETIME_BY30MIN))
message('\nThoroughly review the data to identify incomplete or test scans.')
message('Record the details of any unwanted data in ')
message('"EXP ID", "TREATMENT", and "SCAN_DATETIME_BY15MIN" formats')
message('and input these values into df.unwanted.hsi')
message('to exclude them from the analysis...\n')
if (!askYesNo('Proceed?')) stop()
# Overview 3: Show summary of HSI data after removing unwanted data
df.hsi["SCAN_DATETIME"] =
as.POSIXct(paste(as.Date(df.hsi$SCAN_DATE), df.hsi$SCAN_TIME), format=format)
lubridate::round_date(df.hsi$SCAN_DATETIME, "30 minutes")
for(i in 1:nrow(df.unwanted.hsi)){
row <- df.unwanted.hsi[i,]
df.hsi <- df.hsi %>% filter(!(`EXP ID` == row$EXP_ID &
df.hsi.perscan <- df.hsi[which(df.hsi$View=="Top" & df.hsi$variable=="NDVI_mean"), ]
message('\n* Data Overview 3 (HSI): Summary After Filtering Unwanted Data\n')
print(count(df.hsi.perscan, `EXP ID`, TREATMENT, DFP))
message('\nReview the data to identify incorrect TREATMENT values')
message('Input the incorrect and corrected values into df.convert.treatment...\n')
if (!askYesNo('Proceed?')) stop()
# Overview 4: Update treatment in the HSI data
for(i in 1:nrow(df.convert.treatment)){
row <- df.convert.treatment[i,]
df.hsi$TREATMENT[df.hsi$TREATMENT==row$from] <- row$to
df.hsi.perscan <- df.hsi[which(df.hsi$View=="Top" & df.hsi$variable=="NDVI_mean"), ]
message('\n* Data Overview 4 (HSI): Treatment Updated\n')
print(count(df.hsi.perscan, `EXP ID`, TREATMENT, DFP))
# Overview 5: Update DFP in the HSI data (should be less than 365)
df.hsi$DFP = df.hsi$DFP %% 365
df.hsi.perscan <- df.hsi[which(df.hsi$View=="Top" & df.hsi$variable=="NDVI_mean"), ]
message('\n* Data Overview 5 (HSI): DFP Updated\n')
print(count(df.hsi.perscan, `EXP ID`, TREATMENT, DFP))
message('\nReview the data to identify growth stage according to DFP.')
message('Record the details of growth stage information in ')
message('"EXP ID", "TREATMENT", "DFP", and "GROWTH_STAGE" formats')
message('and input these values into df.growth.stage...\n')
if (!askYesNo('Proceed?')) stop()
# Overview 6: Add growth stage in the HSI data
for(i in 1:nrow(df.growth.stage)){
row <- df.growth.stage[i,]
df.hsi$GROWTH_STAGE[(df.hsi$`EXP ID` == row$EXP_ID) &
(df.hsi$TREATMENT == row$TREATMENT) &
(df.hsi$DFP == row$DFP)] <- row$GROWTH_STAGE
df.hsi.perscan <- df.hsi[which(df.hsi$View=="Top" & df.hsi$variable=="NDVI_mean"), ]
message('\n* Data Overview 6 (HSI): Growth Stage Added\n')
print(count(df.hsi.perscan, `EXP ID`, TREATMENT, DFP, GROWTH_STAGE))
# Drop unused columns
df.hsi <- df.hsi[ , !(names(df.hsi) %in% drops.col.hsi)]
# Change column order
df.hsi <- df.hsi[, hsi.col.order]
df.hsi[col.factor] <- lapply(df.hsi[col.factor], factor)
# Export HSI dataframe
message('\nExporting HSI dataframe (long format)...')
write.csv(df.hsi, path.hsi.long, row.names=F)