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# UAV Thermal Data Processing Pipeline (GRYFN+TeAx) #
# #
# This user guide details the processing procedures for thermal imagery #
# acquired by the TeAx sensor onboard the GRYFN platform. #
# Process all sensor data except thermal using the most recent version #
# of the GRYFN Processing Tool before proceeding. #
# #
# Manual by Sungchan Oh (Sun) #
# First Created: August 31, 2023 #
# Last Updated: April 30, 2024 #
# Contact: #
# #
############################### USER INPUT ##################################
# File path to GRYFN Export Trajectory file
path_apx = "/depot/smarterag/fy2024_drone_data/yang1527/Field 58/2024_5_10_F58/GRYFN/2024_5_10_F58.graw/APX-15/flight_1/gryfnBatch_flight1_2024_5_10_F58/2024_5_10_F58/2024_5_10_F58/Export/export_2024_5_10_F58.txt"
# Directory where raw thermal images are located (*.TMC)
dir_tmc = "/depot/smarterag/fy2024_drone_data/yang1527/Field 58/2024_5_10_F58/Raw/Thermal"
##################### MISCELLANEOUS PARAMETERS ##############################
# Maxtime difference btw thermal time stamp and GPS signal reception (sec)
max_timediff = 2 # 2 or 3 sec recommended
# GPS leap seconds
leap_sec = 18 # 18 sec on 2023, chcanges to 19 on June 2024
# Geographic coordinate system
utm_zone_num = 16 # UTM zone number
utm_zone_letter = 'N' # UTM zone letter
# Set file path to output csv file
import os
path_out = os.path.join(dir_tmc, "xyz.csv")
# Create subdirectory named "nouse" to separate unnecessary data
dir_nouse = os.path.join(dir_tmc, "nouse")
if not os.path.exists(dir_nouse):
# Move "00000000.TMC" to nouse data if exists
tmc_zeros = os.path.join(dir_tmc, "00000000.TMC")
tmc_zeros_nouse = os.path.join(dir_nouse, "00000000.TMC")
if os.path.exists(tmc_zeros):
os.replace(tmc_zeros, tmc_zeros_nouse)
# Get the list of thermal images
print("Checking thermal images...")
import glob, os, time
if dir_tmc.endswith("/"):
path_tmc = dir_tmc + "*.TMC"
path_tmc = dir_tmc + "/*.TMC"
list_tmc = glob.glob(path_tmc)
# Get list of GPRMC (GPS specific info) for each thermal image
print("Loading GPS info from thermal images...")
import sys
def get_tmc_gprmc(f):
fp = open(f, encoding='latin-1')
while True:
nstr = fp.readline()
if len(nstr)==0:
if (len(nstr)<70) or (len(nstr)>80):
if ('\x01' in nstr) or ('\x00' in nstr):
if nstr.startswith("$GPRMC") and ("," in nstr):
gprmc = nstr.rstrip()
return gprmc
list_tmc_gprmc = [get_tmc_gprmc(f) for f in list_tmc]
# Get timestamp of thermal images
def get_tmc_time(gprmc):
words = gprmc.split(',')
return words[1]
list_tmc_time = [get_tmc_time(g) for g in list_tmc_gprmc]
list_tmc_h = [t[0:(t.find('.')-4)] for t in list_tmc_time]
list_tmc_m = [t[(t.find('.')-4):(t.find('.')-2)] for t in list_tmc_time]
list_tmc_s = [t[(t.find('.')-2):] for t in list_tmc_time]
list_tmc_h = [float(t)*60*60 for t in list_tmc_h]
list_tmc_m = [float(t)*60 for t in list_tmc_m]
list_tmc_s = [float(t) for t in list_tmc_s]
zipped = list(zip(list_tmc_h, list_tmc_m, list_tmc_s))
list_tmc_timestamp = [sum(z)+leap_sec for z in zipped]
# Create dataframe to record thermal timestamp
import pandas as pd
df_tmc = pd.DataFrame({"Path": list_tmc,
"Timestamp": list_tmc_timestamp})
# Load GRYFN Export Trajectory file (APX events log)
print("Loading GPS info from GRYFN Export Trajectory file (APX events)...")
df_apx = pd.read_csv(path_apx, delimiter="\t", index_col=False, skiprows=26)
# Filter out unstable measurements in APX log
print("Filtering out noisy data in GRYFN Export Trajectory file...")
cond_E = df_apx["EASTING_SD(m)"] < 0.2
cond_N = df_apx["NORTHING_SD(m)"] < 0.2
cond_Z = df_apx["HEIGHT_SD(m)"] < 0.2
cond_R = df_apx["ROLL_SD(deg)"] < 1.0
cond_P = df_apx["PITCH_SD(deg)"] < 1.0
cond_H = df_apx["HEADING_SD(deg)"] < 1.0
cond = cond_E * cond_N * cond_Z * cond_R * cond_P * cond_H
df_apx_ = df_apx[cond]
# Drop columns
df_apx_ = df_apx_.drop(cols_drop, axis=1)
# Rename columns
dict_col = {"GPS_TIME(SoD)": "Timestamp_APX",
"EASTING(m)": "X",
"NORTHING(m)": "Y",
"ROLL(deg)": "Roll",
"PITCH (deg)": "Pitch",
"HEADING(deg)": "Yaw",
"EASTING_SD(m)": "Accuracy_X",
"NORTHING_SD(m)": "Accuracy_Y",
"HEIGHT_SD(m)": "Accuracy_Vert",
"ROLL_SD(deg)": "Accuracy_Roll",
"PITCH_SD(deg)": "Accuracy_Pitch",
"HEADING_SD(deg)": "Accuracy_Yaw"}
df_apx_ = df_apx_.rename(columns=dict_col, errors="raise")
# Find the closest APX event to each thermal image
print("Matching thermal timestamp with closest GPS signal reception")
print(" from GRYFN Export Trajectory file...")
import numpy as np
def join_tmc_apx(df_tmc, df_apx, max_timediff):
len_tmc = df_tmc.shape[0]
Timestamp_ = [np.nan] * len_tmc
X_ = [np.nan] * len_tmc;
Y_ = [np.nan] * len_tmc;
Z_ = [np.nan] * len_tmc
Roll_ = [np.nan] * len_tmc;
Pitch_ = [np.nan] * len_tmc;
Yaw_ = [np.nan] * len_tmc
X_sd_ = [np.nan] * len_tmc;
Y_sd_ = [np.nan] * len_tmc;
Z_sd_ = [np.nan] * len_tmc;
Roll_sd_ = [np.nan] * len_tmc;
Pitch_sd_ = [np.nan] * len_tmc;
Yaw_sd_ = [np.nan] * len_tmc;
for i, row in df_tmc.iterrows():
# Find APX event
diff = row["Timestamp"] - df_apx["Timestamp_APX"]
diff_min = diff.abs().min()
j = diff.abs().argmin()
# Uncomment this for quality check
#diff_sign_change = (np.diff(np.sign(diff))!=0)*1
#if diff_min > max_timediff or diff_sign_change.sum()==0:
# print("nan")
# continue
#elif diff_sign_change.sum()==1:
# i_change = diff_sign_change.argmax()
# print(i, i_change)
# print(diff[i_change], diff[i_change+1])
#if i>300:
# break
if diff_min < max_timediff:
# Get APX attributes
Timestamp_[i] = df_apx["Timestamp_APX"][j]
X_[i] = df_apx["X"][j]
Y_[i] = df_apx["Y"][j]
Z_[i] = df_apx["Z"][j]
Roll_[i] = df_apx["Roll"][j]
Pitch_[i] = df_apx["Pitch"][j]
Yaw_[i] = df_apx["Yaw"][j]
X_sd_[i] = df_apx["Accuracy_X"][j]
Y_sd_[i] = df_apx["Accuracy_Y"][j]
Z_sd_[i] = df_apx["Accuracy_Vert"][j]
Roll_sd_[i] = df_apx["Accuracy_Roll"][j]
Pitch_sd_[i] = df_apx["Accuracy_Pitch"][j]
Yaw_sd_[i] = df_apx["Accuracy_Yaw"][j]
# For images not taken inside the timewindow of the flight,
# move those files to nouse directory
bn = os.path.basename(df_tmc.Path[i])
path_nouse = os.path.join(dir_nouse, bn)
os.replace(df_tmc.Path[i], path_nouse)
# Create output dataframe
df_out = df_tmc.copy()
df_out['Timestamp_APX'] = Timestamp_
df_out['X'] = X_
df_out['Y'] = Y_
df_out['Z'] = Z_
df_out['Roll'] = Roll_
df_out['Pitch'] = Pitch_
df_out['Yaw'] = Yaw_
df_out['Accuracy_X'] = X_sd_
df_out['Accuracy_Y'] = Y_sd_
df_out['Accuracy_Vert'] = Z_sd_
df_out['Accuracy_Roll'] = Roll_sd_
df_out['Accuracy_Pitch'] = Pitch_sd_
df_out['Accuracy_Yaw'] = Yaw_sd_
df_out = df_out.dropna() # Drop invalid results
df_out = df_out.rename(columns={"Path": "Path_TMC"})
df_out = df_out.rename(columns={"Timestamp": "Timestamp_TMC"})
return df_out
df_out = join_tmc_apx(df_tmc, df_apx_, max_timediff)
# Convert easting, northing to latitude, longitude
from pyproj import Proj
from pyproj import Transformer
#from pyproj import transform
def utm2latlon_df(df, zone_number, zone_letter):
utm_proj = Proj(proj='utm',
south=(zone_letter < 'N'))
lonlat_proj = Proj(proj='latlong', datum='WGS84')
transformer = Transformer.from_proj(utm_proj, lonlat_proj)
lon, lat = transformer.transform(df['X'].values,df['Y'].values)
# Deprecated
#lon, lat = transform(utm_proj, lonlat_proj, df['X'].values, df['Y'].values)
return pd.DataFrame({'Lon': lon, 'Lat': lat})
df_latlon = utm2latlon_df(df_out, utm_zone_num, utm_zone_letter)
df_out = pd.concat([df_out, df_latlon], axis=1)
# Calculate time difference
df_out["t_diff"] = df_out['Timestamp_TMC'] - df_out['Timestamp_APX']
# Calculate XY error
XY_sd_ = df_out[['Accuracy_X','Accuracy_Y']].max(axis=1)
df_out["Accuracy_Horz"] = XY_sd_
# Calculate rmse of time difference
import math
n = df_out.shape[0]
rmse = math.sqrt(sum([d*d for d in df_out["t_diff"]])/n)
print("Average time difference btw thermal timestamp and UAV GPS (APX event): {:.4f} sec.".format(rmse))
# Reorder columns
col_export = ['X', 'Y', 'Z']
df_out = df_out[col_export]
# Export dataframe as a csv file
print("Exporting csv file...")
df_out.to_csv(path_out, index=False)