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! Polygon Gravity Module
! Based on gravmap, by:
! Jim Richardson, Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, Univ. of Arizona
! Version 1.0, January 9, 2003
! Modernized and modularized by David Minton
! Last change 5 June 2007
! Adapted for Python using f2py by David Minton
! Last change 5 June 2019
module gravity
!$ USE omp_lib
implicit none
real*8,parameter :: pi = 3.14159265358979d0
real*8,parameter :: small = 1.0d-10
real*8,parameter :: third = 0.33333333333333333d0
real*8,parameter :: Gcon = 6.6726d-11
!$f2p real*8,parameter :: pi
!$f2p real*8,parameter :: small
!$f2p real*8,parameter :: third
!$f2p real*8,parameter :: Gcon
! A Fortran 95 version of Jim Richardson's polygrav f77 subroutine
! Author: David Minton
! program calculating polyhedron gravity after Werner,
! Cel. Mech. Dyn. Astron. 1994, _59_, 253-278
! Last change: 5 Jun 2019
subroutine polygrav(x0,m,v,mxn,rot_cen,rot_rate,d,a,pot)
implicit none
! x0(1:3) are coords of a point at which the potential and
! attraction is evaluated
real*8,dimension(3),intent(in) :: x0,rot_cen,rot_rate
real*8,dimension(:,:),intent(in) :: m,mxn
integer,dimension(:,:),intent(in) :: v
real*8,intent(in) :: d
real*8,dimension(3),intent(out) :: a
real*8,intent(out) :: pot
!f2py intent(in) x0
!f2py intent(in) rot_cen
!f2py intent(in) rot_rate
!f2py intent(in) m
!f2py intent(in) mxn
!f2py intent(in) v
!f2py intent(in) d
!f2py intent(out) a
!f2py intent(out) pot
integer :: nface
real*8,dimension(3) :: rvec,omegavec,tmp,ans
real*8 :: omegmag2,rpar2
integer :: i
real*8 :: nl,dl
! ---- specific routine variables -----
! Setting up lists of points this way makes for a large amount of
! redundancy.
real*8 :: x1 , y1, z1
real*8 :: x2 , y2, z2
real*8 :: x3 , y3, z3
! x12, x23 are 2 of the three edges (1-2) and (2-3)
real*8 :: x12, y12, z12
real*8 :: x23, y23, z23
! n is the cross-product normal vector; nmag the magnitude, nhat
! the unit vector
real*8 nhatx,nhaty,nhatz
! ihat is a unit vector along the 1-2 edge of each face
real*8 :: x12mag,ihatx,ihaty,ihatz
! jhat is a unit vector perp to ihat and nhat
real*8 :: jmag,jhatx,jhaty,jhatz
! xi, eta, zeta are face-centered coordinates
real*8:: xi1,eta1,zeta1
real*8:: xi2,eta2,zeta2
real*8:: xi3,eta3,zeta3
! r12, r23, r31 are lengths of edges of face
real*8 :: r12,r23,r31
! bracketed factors cf p. 263 of the paper
real*8 :: nnum,denom1,denom2,denom3
! x0p, y0p, z0p are x0,y0,z0 rotated into face coordinates
real*8 :: x0p,y0p,z0p
! coord diffs from (x0,y0,z0) to face vertices
real*8 :: dx1,dy1,dz1,dz
real*8 :: dx2,dy2,dz2
real*8 :: dx3,dy3,dz3
real*8 :: r1,r2,r3,L12,L23,L31,S1,S2,S3
! more factors
real*8 :: det12, det23, det31, sfac, af
real*8 :: snum,sdenom1,sdenom2,sdenom3
! attraction -- dUdx0 are in face coordinates, dUdx are in
! body coords
real*8 :: dUdx0,dUdy0,dUdz0
real*8 :: dUdx,dUdy,dUdz
real*8 :: dU
real*8 :: ax,ay,az
! ---------- begin routine ----------
! reset measured parameters for particle attraction
nface = size(v,2)
! ----- begin surface face loop -----
!$OMP REDUCTION(+:ax,ay,az,pot)
do i=1,nface
! retrieve polygon vertices coord
x1 = m(1,v(1,i))
y1 = m(2,v(1,i))
z1 = m(3,v(1,i))
x2 = m(1,v(2,i))
y2 = m(2,v(2,i))
z2 = m(3,v(2,i))
x3 = m(1,v(3,i))
y3 = m(2,v(3,i))
z3 = m(3,v(3,i))
! vertex check
! if((x0.eq.x1).or.(x0.eq.x2).or.(x0.eq.x3)) x0 = x0 + 0.001d0
! if((y0.eq.y1).or.(y0.eq.y2).or.(y0.eq.y3)) y0 = y0 + 0.001d0
! if((z0.eq.z1).or.(z0.eq.z2).or.(z0.eq.z3)) z0 = z0 + 0.001d0
! retrieve polygon normal vector coord
nhatx = mxn(1,i)
nhaty = mxn(2,i)
nhatz = mxn(3,i)
! calculate edge 1-2
x12 = x2 - x1
y12 = y2 - y1
z12 = z2 - z1
! calculate edge 2-3
x23 = x3 - x2
y23 = y3 - y2
z23 = z3 - z2
! choose ihat = x12/|x12|
x12mag = sqrt((x12*x12)+(y12*y12)+(z12*z12))
if (x12mag .eq. 0.d0) x12mag = small
ihatx = x12 / x12mag
ihaty = y12 / x12mag
ihatz = z12 / x12mag
! jhat = (nhat x ihat)
jhatx = (nhaty * ihatz) - (nhatz * ihaty)
jhaty = (nhatz * ihatx) - (nhatx * ihatz)
jhatz = (nhatx * ihaty) - (nhaty * ihatx)
jmag = sqrt((jhatx*jhatx)+(jhaty*jhaty)+(jhatz*jhatz))
if (jmag .eq. 0.d0) jmag = small
jhatx = jhatx / jmag
jhaty = jhaty / jmag
jhatz = jhatz / jmag
! calculate face-plane coordinates
xi1 = (ihatx*x1) + (ihaty*y1) + (ihatz*z1)
eta1 = (jhatx*x1) + (jhaty*y1) + (jhatz*z1)
zeta1 = (nhatx*x1) + (nhaty*y1) + (nhatz*z1)
xi2 = (ihatx*x2) + (ihaty*y2) + (ihatz*z2)
eta2 = (jhatx*x2) + (jhaty*y2) + (jhatz*z2)
zeta2 = (nhatx*x2) + (nhaty*y2) + (nhatz*z2)
xi3 = (ihatx*x3) + (ihaty*y3) + (ihatz*z3)
eta3 = (jhatx*x3) + (jhaty*y3) + (jhatz*z3)
zeta3 = (nhatx*x3) + (nhaty*y3) + (nhatz*z3)
! find face-plane polygon edge lengths
! side 1-2
r12 = (xi2 - xi1)**2
r12 = r12 + ((eta2 - eta1)**2)
r12 = r12 + ((zeta2 - zeta1)**2)
r12 = sqrt(r12)
if (r12 .eq. 0.d0) r12 = small
! side 2-3
r23 = (xi3 - xi2)**2
r23 = r23 + ((eta3 - eta2)**2)
r23 = r23 + ((zeta3 - zeta2)**2)
r23 = sqrt(r23)
if (r23 .eq. 0.d0) r23 = small
! side 3-1
r31 = (xi1 - xi3)**2
r31 = r31 + ((eta1 - eta3)**2)
r31 = r31 + ((zeta1 - zeta3)**2)
r31 = sqrt(r31)
if (r31 .eq. 0.d0) r31 = small
! rotate test particle to face coordinates
x0p = (ihatx*x0(1)) + (ihaty*x0(2)) + (ihatz*x0(3))
y0p = (jhatx*x0(1)) + (jhaty*x0(2)) + (jhatz*x0(3))
z0p = (nhatx*x0(1)) + (nhaty*x0(2)) + (nhatz*x0(3))
! coordinate diffs from test particle to face vertices
dx1 = xi1 - x0p
dy1 = eta1 - y0p
dz1 = zeta1 - z0p
dx2 = xi2 - x0p
dy2 = eta2 - y0p
dz2 = zeta2 - z0p
dx3 = xi3 - x0p
dy3 = eta3 - y0p
dz3 = zeta3 - z0p
dz = (dz1 + dz2 + dz3) * third
if (dz .eq. 0.d0) dz = small
! dists from test point to vertices
r1 = sqrt((dx1*dx1)+(dy1*dy1)+(dz1*dz1))
if (r1 .eq. 0.d0) r1 = small
r2 = sqrt((dx2*dx2)+(dy2*dy2)+(dz2*dz2))
if (r2 .eq. 0.d0) r2 = small
r3 = sqrt((dx3*dx3)+(dy3*dy3)+(dz3*dz3))
if (r3 .eq. 0.d0) r3 = small
! p. 263 upper factors
det12 = (dx1 * dy2) - (dx2 * dy1)
det23 = (dx2 * dy3) - (dx3 * dy2)
det31 = (dx3 * dy1) - (dx1 * dy3)
dl = (r1 + r2 - r12)
if (dl .eq. 0.d0) dl = small
nl = (r1 + r2 + r12) / dl
if (nl .le. 0.d0) nl = small
L12 = log(nl)
L12 = L12 / r12
dl = (r2 + r3 - r23)
if (dl .eq. 0.d0) dl = small
nl = (r2 + r3 + r23) / dl
if (nl .le. 0.d0) nl = small
L23 = log(nl)
L23 = L23 / r23
dl = (r3 + r1 - r31)
if (dl .eq. 0.d0) dl = small
nl = (r3 + r1 + r31) / dl
if (nl .le. 0.d0) nl = small
L31 = log(nl)
L31 = L31 / r31
! calculate the inner bracketed factors on p. 263
nnum = (xi1*(eta2-eta3))+(xi2*(eta3-eta1))+(xi3*(eta1-eta2))
denom1 = ((xi2-xi1)*(xi1-xi3))+((eta2-eta1)*(eta1-eta3))
denom2 = ((xi3-xi2)*(xi2-xi1))+((eta3-eta2)*(eta2-eta1))
denom3 = ((xi1-xi3)*(xi3-xi2))+((eta1-eta3)*(eta3-eta2))
! outer brackets and S terms (page 263)
snum = dz * nnum
sdenom1 = ((det31*det12) + ((dz*dz)*denom1)) / (-1.0d0*r1)
if (sdenom1 .eq. 0.d0) sdenom1 = small
sdenom2 = ((det12*det23) + ((dz*dz)*denom2)) / (-1.0d0*r2)
if (sdenom2 .eq. 0.d0) sdenom2 = small
sdenom3 = ((det23*det31) + ((dz*dz)*denom3)) / (-1.0d0*r3)
if (sdenom3 .eq. 0.d0) sdenom3 = small
S1 = atan(snum / sdenom1)
if (( S1 = pi + S1
if (( S1 = S1 - pi
S2 = atan(snum / sdenom2)
if (( S2 = pi + S2
if (( S2 = S2 - pi
S3 = atan(snum / sdenom3)
if (( S3 = pi + S3
if (( S3 = S3 - pi
! sum factor with sign dependent Pi
if ( sfac = 1.0d0
if ( sfac = -1.0d0
af = (S1 + S2 + S3) - (sfac*pi)
! gravitational potential
dU = (0.5d0 * dz) * ((det12*L12)+(det23*L23)+(det31*L31))
dU = dU - (0.5d0 * dz * dz * af)
! attraction (in face coordinates, pp. 264-265)
dUdx0 = ((eta2-eta1)*L12)+((eta3-eta2)*L23)+((eta1-eta3)*L31)
dUdx0 = (-0.5d0*dz) * dUdx0
dUdy0 = ((xi2-xi1)*L12)+((xi3-xi2)*L23)+((xi1-xi3)*L31)
dUdy0 = (0.5d0*dz) * dUdy0
dUdz0 = (-0.5d0) * ((det12*L12)+(det23*L23)+(det31*L31))
dUdz0 = dudz0 + (dz * af)
! need to convert to body coords before summing attractions
! inverse rotation matrix is just transpose of rotation matrix
dUdx = (ihatx*dUdx0) + (jhatx*dUdy0) + (nhatx*dUdz0)
dUdy = (ihaty*dUdx0) + (jhaty*dUdy0) + (nhaty*dUdz0)
dUdz = (ihatz*dUdx0) + (jhatz*dUdy0) + (nhatz*dUdz0)
! sum up total attraction and potential
pot = pot + dU
ax = ax + dUdx
ay = ay + dUdy
az = az + dUdz
! ----- end face summation loop ---
end do
a(1) = ax
a(2) = ay
a(3) = az
pot = pot * Gcon * d
a = a * Gcon * d
! Calculate rotational component
if (omegmag2<small) return
tmp = cross_product(rot_rate,rvec)
ans = cross_product(rot_rate,tmp)
a = a - ans
! Now get the perp vector
tmp =- ans / omegmag2
rpar2 = tmp(1)**2 + tmp(2)**2 + tmp(3)**2
pot = pot + 0.5d0 * omegmag2 * rpar2
end subroutine polygrav
subroutine test_omp()
implicit none
integer :: nthreads = 1
!$ write(*,*) 'Dynamic thread allocation: ',OMP_get_dynamic()
!$ nthreads = OMP_get_max_threads() ! In the *parallel* case
!$ write(*,'(a)') ' OpenMP parameters:'
!$ write(*,'(a)') ' ------------------'
!$ write(*,'(a,i3,/)') ' Number of threads = ', nthreads
end subroutine test_omp
function cross_product(ar1,ar2) result(ans)
implicit none
real*8,dimension(3),intent(in) :: ar1,ar2
!f2py intent(in) ar1
!f2py intent(in) ar2
real*8,dimension(3) :: ans
ans(1) = ar1(2) * ar2(3) - ar1(3) * ar2(2)
ans(2) = ar1(3) * ar2(1) - ar1(1) * ar2(3)
ans(3) = ar1(1) * ar2(2) - ar1(2) * ar2(1)
end function cross_product
end module gravity