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from GPR_Optimizer import GPR_Optimizer
from GPR_Optimizer import multivariate_gaussian_signal, calculate_distances
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#from scipy.stats import multivariate_normal
#from skopt.plots import plot_evaluations, plot_convergence, plot_objective, plot_gaussian_process, plot_histogram, plot_histogram, plot_objective_2D, plot_regret
#from skopt.plots import expected_minimum, expected_minimum_random_sampling
import warnings
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
import time
import threading
def check_user_input(input_thread):
if input_thread.is_alive():
return False
return input_thread.input == ''
# Define the cost function
ndims = 2
norm_y = 1 #normalization for y. y = y/norm_y ############## CHANGE ###############
def objective(x):
offset = 0
val = multivariate_gaussian_signal(x, ndims=ndims, amplitude=100, sigma=0.2, noisetype='gaussian', background_noise=10, N_gaussian=10) + offset
#err = np.sqrt(np.abs(val)) + 1 # std
err = 1e0 # constant value.
return val/norm_y, err/norm_y
def main():
opt = GPR_Optimizer(
dimensions = [(-1., 1.)] * ndims,
length_scale = [0.2] * ndims, # in units of parameters
length_scale_bounds = [(1e-2, 1e2)] * ndims, # can be same
noise_level = 0.1, # float or None. WhiteNoise kernel hp. if normalize_y=True, then this is noise/ std(y)
noise_level_bounds = [(1e-3,1e-1)],
n_initial_points = 60, # using LH sampling for random points
acq_func = "LCB", #"EI", "LCB", "PI", "gp_hedge" (all three). LCB explores the most. Stay wiht it.
kappa = 4*1.96, # for LCB and PI. 1.96 for std. Larger for more exploration. Smaller for local optimization.
xi = 5*0.01, # expected improvement for EI. Not used for LCB.
normalize_y = True, # subtracts mean, and normalize std y data right before fitting without normalizing alpha or hyperparameters. Don't use.
x_initial = [ [1]*ndims ], # initial x points to run
n_restarts_optimizer=0, # how many times to search for hyperparameters. Takes 10,000 values in hp space. If acq_optimzer = 'lbfgs', does grad minimaization on 'n_restart_optimizer' + 1 the best points
sigma_value = 0.5, # sigma^2 in the kernel sigma^2 exp(- |x - x'|^2/2l^2 ), initial kernel value. When normalize_y = true, this shoudl be between 1e-2 and 1. It is similar to the spread of the y, so becaues we are using normalize_ y = True, shoudl be < 1
sigma_value_bounds=(1e-1,1), # Constant Kernel bounds
acq_optimizer ='sampling', # 'lbfgs' or 'sampling' to speed up. It samples 10,000 points in hp space. If lbfgs, does optimization (20 iteractiosn of lbfgs) on these points. If sampling, just picks the best. Can take a long time for many parmaters. Currently if tell takes > 1s, it will put out warning.
verbose = False,
alpha = [] # don't use. Will not normalize std when using normalize_y = True. Use tell(x,y,y_err) to enter data.
def update_optimizer(config_path):
nonlocal opt # 使用 nonlocal 声明以修改外层作用域的opt
opt = opt.load_optimizer_from_file(config_path)
#opt.std_for_y_norm = 1
#opt.mean_for_y_norm = 0
#x_true = [0]*ndims # used for convergence
# Run optimizer
input_thread = InputThread(optimizer=opt,config_path=config_path, update_callback=update_optimizer)
for i in range(100):
while input_thread.paused:
time.sleep(0.1) # 添加短暂延迟以避免密集的CPU使用
next_x = opt.ask()
f_val, err = objective(next_x)
opt.tell(next_x, f_val, error=err, fit=True)
opt.write_to_file(config_path=config_path) # 更新配置文件
# Plot results
res = opt.get_result()
print("best point:", res.x,
xvalues = res.x_iters
yvalues = res.func_vals
# # Plots
# plt.figure()
# opt.plot_objective() # plots the gpr function (add error), minimum='expected_minimum' or 'result'
# plt.figure()
# opt.plot_convergence() # plot at every iteration the best point. I want to plot each point.
# plt.figure()
# opt.plot_hyperparameters() # if normalize_y = True, then this is in those units.
# plt.figure()
# opt.plot_evaluations()
class InputThread(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self,optimizer, config_path, update_callback):
self.opt = optimizer
self.update_callback = update_callback
self.paused = False
self.daemon = True
def run(self):
while True:
if not self.paused:
input("press enter to pause...\n")
self.paused = True
elif self.paused:
input("paused, press enter to resume...\n")
self.paused = False
if __name__ == "__main__":