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# PP2
from Bio import SeqIO
import numpy as np
# read in protein sequences
# protein sequences must be pro1.fasta and pro2.fasta
recordpro1 ="pro1.fasta","fasta") # convert to string format
pro1seq = str(recordpro1.seq)
recordpro2 ="pro2.fasta","fasta")
pro2seq = str(recordpro2.seq)
# define number of desired alignments
# if no more alignments present, print no alignments found
numseq = 4
# read in scoring table, must be BLOSUM62
scoring = np.loadtxt("BLOSUM62",skiprows=1,usecols=range(1,25))
# list of AA in order of table
aa = ['A','R','N','D','C','Q','E','G','H','I','L','K','M','F','P','S','T','W','Y','V','B','Z','X','*']
# define score lookup function
#a1 = sequence 1, number of rows
#a2 = sequence 2, number of columns
def scoreLookup(a1,a2):
for i in range(24):
if a1 == aa[i]:
i1 = i
if a2 == aa[i]:
i2 = i
score = scoring[i1,i2]
return score
# perform local alignment (Smith Waterman)
def localAlign(s1,s2):
# define dimensions
xdim = len(s1)
ydim = len(s2)
# create scoring matrix
alignmatrix = np.zeros((xdim,ydim))
dirmatrix = np.chararray((xdim, ydim), itemsize=2) # matrix used to determine direction of optimal alignment
# set up outermost values
# row 1
for i in range(ydim):
if scoreLookup(s1[0],s2[i]) >= 0:
alignmatrix[0,i] = scoreLookup(s1[0],s2[i])
alignmatrix[0,i] = 0
dirmatrix[0,i] = 'LL' # define alignment direction
# column 1
for i in range(xdim):
if scoreLookup(s1[i],s2[0]) >= 0:
alignmatrix[i,0] = scoreLookup(s1[i],s2[0])
alignmatrix[i,0] = 0
dirmatrix[i,0] = 'UU' # define alignment direction
dirmatrix[0,0] = 'S'
go = -10 # gap opening penalty
ge = -1 # gap extension penalty
# default values
gap = False
gaplength = 0
# iterate through scoring matrix
for i in range(1,ydim):
for n in range(1,xdim):
# list to store all possible scores
possiblescores = [0,0,0,0]
# match/mismatch
possiblescores[0] = alignmatrix[n-1,i-1] + scoreLookup(s1[n],s2[i])
# gap extension
if gap == True:
possiblescores[1] = alignmatrix[n-1,i] + ge*gaplength
possiblescores[2] = alignmatrix[n,i-1] + ge*gaplength
# gap opening
if gap == False:
possiblescores[1] = alignmatrix[n-1,i] + go
possiblescores[2] = alignmatrix[n,i-1] + go
# update gap length
if possiblescores[1] == max(possiblescores) or possiblescores[2] == max(possiblescores):
gaplength = gaplength + 1
if possiblescores[1] == max(possiblescores):
dirmatrix[n, i] = 'UU' # define alignment direction
if possiblescores[2] == max(possiblescores):
dirmatrix[n, i] = 'LL'
gaplength = 0
if possiblescores[0] == max(possiblescores):
dirmatrix[n, i] = 'UL' # define alignment direction
if possiblescores[3] == max(possiblescores):
dirmatrix[n, i] = 'S'
alignmatrix[n,i] = max(possiblescores) # set position equal to max value
return alignmatrix, dirmatrix
# print found alignments
def printAlignment(sm, dm, s1, s2, local=True):
a1, a2 = [], [] # a1 and a2 store the alignments for s1 and s2 respectively
xdim, ydim = sm.shape # find shape of the alignment table
if local: # the starting point for backtracking for local alignment is the largest score
_, x, y = max((v, x, y) for x, row in enumerate(sm) for y, v in enumerate(row)) # tiebreak by taking larger x values then larger y values
for _ in range(xdim - x - 1): # if we start at position x, we have xdim - x + 1 number of characters at the end
for _ in range(ydim - y - 1):
else: # global alignment, start at the end
x, y = xdim - 1, ydim - 1
while x >= 0 and y >= 0: # repeatedly backtrack until at start
if local: # for a local alignment, once the score reaches 0, the alignment ends
if sm[x][y] == 0:
# based on the direction given in the direction matrix, backtrack a;lignment
# since starting from the end, prepend by inserting at 0 to maintain ordering of alignment
# LL and UU, skip aligning for one of the characters (gap)
if dm[x][y] == b'UL':
a1.insert(0, s1[x])
a2.insert(0, s2[y])
x, y = x - 1, y - 1
elif dm[x][y] == b'LL':
a1.insert(0, '_')
a2.insert(0, s2[y])
y = y - 1
elif dm[x][y] == b'UU':
a1.insert(0, s1[x])
a2.insert(0, '_')
x = x - 1
elif dm[x][y] == b'S':
a1.insert(0, s1[x])
a2.insert(0, s2[x])
# local alignments do not start at the beginning of sequence, pad remaining number
# of characters
if local:
for _ in range(x+1):
a1.insert(0, '.')
for _ in range(y+1):
a2.insert(0, '.')
# pad to align if local alignments do not start at the same position
if y > x:
for _ in range((y - x)):
a1.insert(0, ' ')
elif y < x:
for _ in range((x - y)):
a2.insert(0, ' ')
# if all of the found alignments are skips, there is no alignment
if all(map(lambda x: x == '.' or x == ' ', a1)) and all(map(lambda x: x == '.' or x == ' ', a2)):
print("No alignment found")
return "", ""
# print first alignment
# print '|'s between matches
for x, y in zip(a1, a2):
print("|", end="") if x == y and x != '.' and y != '.' else print(" ", end="")
# print second alignment
return a1, a2
# find non-overlapping non-optimial alignments
def nsubopts(n, s1, s2):
for _ in range(n+1): # n times! :)
if _ == 0:
print("Optimal Alignment:\n")
elif _ == 1:
print("Suboptimal Alignments:\n")
sm, dm = localAlign(s1, s2) # perform alignment
a1, a2 = printAlignment(sm, dm, s1, s2, local=True) # print alignment, store alignment
if not a1 or not a2: # if no alignment found, end iteration
for x, y in zip(a1, a2): # iterate over the alignment pairs
if x == "_" or y == "_" or x == "." or y == "." or x == " " or y == " ":
for i in range(24): # identify position in scoring array
if x == aa[i]:
i1 = i
if y == aa[i]:
i2 = i
# score is now 0, as per hint
scoring[i1, i2] = 0
scoring[i2, i1] = 0
# find and print alignments
nsubopts(numseq, pro1seq, pro2seq)