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Cannot retrieve contributors at this time
"cells": [
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 1,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"# INIT\n",
"%reset -s -f\n",
"# %matplotlib ipympl\n",
"# %matplotlib inline \n",
"# notebook\n",
"%load_ext autoreload\n",
"%autoreload 2\n",
"# standard libraries\n",
"import sys\n",
"import os\n",
" \n",
"# third-party libraries\n",
"import numpy as np\n",
"print(\"Python version\", sys.version)"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"from utils_jgm.plotters import MOSFETOutputWidgetizer\n",
"mosfet = MOSFETOutputWidgetizer()\n",
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {
"tags": []
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"from utils_jgm.plotters import MOSFETTransferWidgetizer\n",
"mosfet = MOSFETTransferWidgetizer()\n",
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"# standard libraries\n",
"import sys\n",
"import os\n",
" \n",
"# third-party libraries\n",
"import numpy as np\n",
"print(\"Python version\", sys.version)\n",
"from utils_jgm.plotters import MOSFETAmplifierWidgetizer\n",
"mosfet = MOSFETAmplifierWidgetizer()\n",
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"# from scipy import signal\n",
"# import matplotlib.pyplot as plt\n",
"# import math\n",
"# zeros = [-1]\n",
"# poles = [-1/100, -10]\n",
"# gain = 1\n",
"# ZPG_model = signal.ZerosPolesGain(zeros, poles, gain)\n",
"# frequencies, magnitude, phase = signal.bode( #ZPG_model.bode()\n",
"# ZPG_model,\n",
"# #w=frequencies \n",
"# )\n",
"# figure, ax = plt.subplots(2,1,figsize=[5,10])\n",
"# ax[0].plot(frequencies, magnitude)\n",
"# ax[1].plot(frequencies, phase)\n",
"# for axis in ax:\n",
"# axis.set_xscale('log')"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"# import matplotlib.pyplot as plt\n",
"# t0 = -200\n",
"# T = 1200\n",
"# T1 = (T+t0)//5\n",
"# x1 = np.zeros(T)\n",
"# x1[0:T1] = 1\n",
"# T2 = (T+t0)//5\n",
"# x2 = np.zeros(T)\n",
"# x2[0:T2] = 1\n",
"# plt.plot(x1,)\n",
"# plt.plot(x2)"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"from utils_jgm.plotters import RLCWidgetizer\n",
"w = RLCWidgetizer()\n",
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"from utils_jgm.plotters import EulersWidgetizer\n",
"w = EulersWidgetizer()\n",
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"from scipy import signal\n",
"L1 = 5/4\n",
"L2 = 5\n",
"C = 1/25\n",
"num = [L1*L2/(L1+L2), 0, L1/(L1+L2)/C, 0]\n",
"den = [1, 0, 1/(L1+L2)/C]\n",
"frequencies, magnitude, phase = signal.bode(\n",
" [num, den] # , w=frequencies \n",
"import matplotlib.pyplot as plt\n",
"plt.plot(frequencies, magnitude)"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"# from ipywidgets import interact, fixed\n",
"# import bokeh\n",
"# from bokeh.plotting import figure\n",
"# from bokeh.layouts import gridplot, column\n",
"# #from bokeh.resources import CDN\n",
"# from bokeh.embed import file_html\n",
"# from bokeh.plotting import figure # show, output_notebook\n",
"# from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource, CustomJS, Slider, PointDrawTool\n",
"# from import value\n",
"# from import show, output_notebook, push_notebook\n",
"# from import ButtonClick\n",
"# from bokeh.models import Button\n",
"# output_notebook() # output bokeh plots to jupyter notebook"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"# def Bode_plot_plus_bokeh(zeros, gain=1, w0=100, Bw=200):\n",
" \n",
"# # ...\n",
"# poles = resonant_freq_bandwidth_to_poles(w0, Bw)\n",
"# ZPG_model = signal.ZerosPolesGain(zeros, poles, gain)\n",
"# # ...\n",
"# Bode_data = ColumnDataSource({\n",
"# key: value for key, value in zip(('frequency', 'magnitude', 'phase'), ZPG_model.bode())\n",
"# })\n",
"# # magnitude \n",
"# p0 = figure(\n",
"# title='|H(j\\u03C9)|',\n",
"# x_axis_type='log',\n",
"# x_axis_label='\\u03C9 (rad/s)',\n",
"# y_axis_label='dB',\n",
"# plot_width=450,\n",
"# plot_height=250\n",
"# )\n",
"# r0 = p0.line(\"frequency\", \"magnitude\", source=Bode_data)\n",
"# # phase\n",
"# p1 = figure(\n",
"# title='\\u2220 H(j\\u03C9)',\n",
"# x_axis_type='log',\n",
"# x_axis_label='\\u03C9 (rad/s)',\n",
"# y_axis_label='degrees',\n",
"# plot_width=450,\n",
"# plot_height=250\n",
"# )\n",
"# r1 = p1.line(\"frequency\", \"phase\", source=Bode_data)\n",
"# # pole-zero plot\n",
"# xmin = min([*np.real(poles), -w0])*1.1\n",
"# xmax = max([*np.real(poles), w0])*1.1\n",
"# ymin = min([*np.imag(poles), -w0])*1.1\n",
"# ymax = max([*np.imag(poles), w0])*1.1\n",
" \n",
"# tooltips = [\n",
"# (\"index\", \"$index\"),\n",
"# (\"(x,y)\", \"($x, $y)\"),\n",
"# ]\n",
"# p2 = figure(\n",
"# title='Pole-Zero plot',\n",
"# x_axis_label='Re',\n",
"# y_axis_label='Im',\n",
"# aspect_ratio=(xmax-xmin)/(ymax-ymin),\n",
"# plot_height=500,\n",
"# tooltips=tooltips,\n",
"# )\n",
"# circle_plot = p2.line(\n",
"# \"x\", \"y\",\n",
"# source=ColumnDataSource(get_circle_data(w0)),\n",
"# line_dash='dashed'\n",
"# )\n",
"# zero_data = ColumnDataSource({\n",
"# 'real': np.real(zeros),\n",
"# 'imag': np.imag(zeros),\n",
"# 'size': [10 for pole in zeros]\n",
"# })\n",
"# glyph = bokeh.models.Circle(\n",
"# x='real', y='imag', size='size', line_color='green', fill_color=None\n",
"# )\n",
"# zeros_glyphs = p2.add_glyph(zero_data, glyph)\n",
"# pole_data = ColumnDataSource({\n",
"# 'real': np.real(poles),\n",
"# 'imag': np.imag(poles),\n",
"# 'size': [10 for pole in poles]\n",
"# })\n",
"# glyph = bokeh.models.X(x='real', y='imag', size='size', line_color='red')\n",
"# poles_glyphs = p2.add_glyph(pole_data, glyph)\n",
"# # p2.add_tools(PointDrawTool(renderers=[poles_glyphs, zeros_glyphs]))\n",
"# button = Button()\n",
"# def callback(event):\n",
"# print('Python:Click')\n",
"# button.on_event(ButtonClick, callback)\n",
"# # ...\n",
"# grid = gridplot(\n",
"# [[column(p0, p1), p2]], sizing_mode='scale_height'\n",
"# )\n",
"# show(grid, notebook_handle=True)\n",
" \n",
"# return Bode_data, circle_plot, poles_glyphs\n",
"# def get_circle_data(w0):\n",
"# x = np.linspace(-w0, w0, 1000)\n",
"# y = (w0**2 - x**2)**(1/2)\n",
"# return {\n",
"# 'x': np.concatenate((x,np.flip(x))),\n",
"# 'y': np.concatenate((y,-np.flip(y)))\n",
"# }\n",
"# def resonant_freq_bandwidth_to_poles(w0, Bw):\n",
"# '''\n",
"# Convert w0 and Bw into w1, w2 for second-order system.\n",
" \n",
"# Recall that \n",
"# w0 = (w1*w2)**(1/2),\n",
"# i.e., w0 fixes the geometric mean of the poles, and that\n",
"# Bw = 1/(R*C),\n",
"# so different bandwidths could be achieved with a constant w0 by,\n",
"# e.g., increasing the resistance.\n",
"# '''\n",
"# gg = ((Bw/2)**2 - w0**2)**(1/2)\n",
"# w1 = +gg - Bw/2\n",
"# w2 = -gg - Bw/2\n",
"# return [w1, w2]\n",
" \n",
"# def update(gain=1, w0=100, Bw=250):\n",
" \n",
"# # get the new poles and update their locations\n",
"# poles = resonant_freq_bandwidth_to_poles(w0, Bw)\n",
"#['real'] = np.real(poles)\n",
"#['imag'] = np.imag(poles)\n",
"# # ...\n",
"# = get_circle_data(w0)\n",
" \n",
"# # set up the new transfer function by specifying its zero, poles, and gain\n",
"# ZPG_model = signal.ZerosPolesGain(zeros, poles, gain)\n",
"# # copy the new Bode data into the old Bode data\n",
"# new_Bode_data = {key: value for key, value in zip(('frequency', 'magnitude', 'phase'), ZPG_model.bode())}\n",
"# for key in 'frequency', 'magnitude', 'phase':\n",
"#[key] = new_Bode_data[key]\n",
"# push_notebook()"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
" \n",
"# def bokeh_plot_RLC(R=50, L=1.0, C=100e-6, x0=0, xdot0=0):\n",
"# # for this combo of R,L, and C, put data into ColumnDataSource data structure\n",
"# RLC_data = ColumnDataSource({\n",
"# key: value for key, value in zip(('time', 'current'), get_RLC_response(R,L,C,x0,xdot0))\n",
"# })\n",
"# # create the figure\n",
"# #####\n",
"# # When there is no damping, the coefficients of the cosine and sine are\n",
"# # x0 and xdot0/w. In this circuit, w = sqrt(1/LC). Hence, the amplitude\n",
"# # of the combined sinusoidal response is (by the Pythagorean theorem):\n",
"# max_amplitude = (x0**2 + xdot0**2*L*C )**(1/2)\n",
"# tmin = -0.05\n",
"# tmax = 0.2*1.1\n",
"# imin = -max_amplitude*1.1\n",
"# imax = max_amplitude*1.1\n",
"# print(max_amplitude)\n",
"# p0 = figure(\n",
"# title='(Unforced) current in RLC circuit',\n",
"# x_axis_label='t',\n",
"# y_axis_label='i (A)',\n",
"# y_range = [imin, imax],\n",
"# plot_width=450,\n",
"# plot_height=250\n",
"# # tooltips=tooltips,\n",
"# )\n",
" \n",
"# # plot\n",
"# r0 = p0.line(\"time\", \"current\", source=RLC_data)\n",
"# grid = gridplot([[p0]], sizing_mode='scale_height')\n",
"# show(grid, notebook_handle=True)\n",
" \n",
"# return RLC_data\n",
"# # ax.plot(t,x)\n",
"# # ax.legend(legend_str)\n",
"# def update_RLC(R=50,L=1,C=100e-6,x0=0,xdot0=0):\n",
" \n",
"# # copy the new Bode data into the old Bode data\n",
"# new_RLC_data = {key: value for key, value in zip(('time', 'current'), get_RLC_response(R,L,C,x0,xdot0))}\n",
"# for key in 'time', 'current':\n",
"#[key] = new_RLC_data[key]\n",
"# push_notebook()\n",
" \n",
"# x0 = 2; xdot0 = 1000\n",
"# RLC_data = bokeh_plot_RLC(C=100e-6, x0=x0, xdot0=xdot0)\n",
"# interact(\n",
"# update_RLC,\n",
"# R=(5,1000,5), L=(0.2,10,0.2),\n",
"# # C=fixed(100e-6),\n",
"# C=(10e-6,1000e-6,10e-6),\n",
"# x0=fixed(x0), xdot0=fixed(xdot0)\n",
"# )\n",
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"# zeros = [0] # Fix a single zero at 0 (perhaps change this later....)\n",
"# Bode_data, circle_plot, poles_glyphs = Bode_plot_plus_bokeh(zeros)\n",
"# interact(update, gain=(1.0, 10.0), w0=(10,1000), Bw=(0.001, 300))"
"metadata": {
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