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executable file 113 lines (99 sloc) 4.94 KB
function [X2_est,Y2_est,Z2_est]=PIVestloc_V1(X1,Y1,Z1,PIVprops)
% [X2_est,Y2_est,Z2_est]=PIVestloc_V1(X1,Y1,Z1,PIVprops);
% This function provides a diplacement estimation for particles in an image
% given a provided flowfield (typically from PIV). Processing of PIV
% flowfields is a separate step and must be completed BEFORE implementing
% this function. The user is cautioned to make sure that the supplied PIV
% velocity field has the same orientation as the identified/sized/and
% tracked particle fields. This program assumes that the user will be
% supplying fields from the PIVadvance2 code (written by A.Eckstein) and
% rotates/transforms the PIV field automatically. This transformation can
% be edited in the 'PIV loading and transformation block' of the code if
% desired (specifically line 41).
% X1,Y1,Z1 - original particle locations
% PIVprops - loading parameters related to the PIV processed flowfield
% PIVprops.load_dir - full path of the PIV-file directory
% PIVprops.load_name - base name of the PIV-file
% PIVprops.precision - base precision of the PIV-file
% PIVprops.extension - base extension of the PIV-file (EX: '.plt')
% PIVprops.frame1 - frame number of the PIV-file used to estimate the
% particle displacment from SIZE1 to SIZE2
% PIVprops.slsh - '\' or '/'
% X2_est,Y2_est,Z2_est - estimated location of the particles
%(v1) N.Cardwell - 11.1.2009
% This file is part of prana, an open-source GUI-driven program for
% calculating velocity fields using PIV or PTV.
% Copyright (C) 2012 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State
% University
% prana is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
% (at your option) any later version.
% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% along with this program. If not, see <>.
%PIV loading and transformation block
%load in the PIV processed data for the image pair
%(rearrange coordiante system to match the output of the sizing program)
if any(strcmpi(PIVprops.PIVprops.extension,{'.plt' '.dat'}))
PIV1={X,Y,flipud(U),-1.*flipud(V)}; clear X Y U V
elseif strcmpi(PIVprops.PIVprops.extension,'.mat')
% lname = sprintf('%%s%%s%%0%0.0fd',PIVprops.Data.imzeros);
% PIV1t = load(sprintf(lname,PIVprops.Data.Track.PIVprops.load_dir,PIVprops.Data.PIV.Data.outbase,PIVprops.PIVprops.frame1,PIVprops.PIVprops.extension));
PIV1t = load(fullfile(PIVprops.Data.Track.PIVprops.load_dir,[PIVprops.Data.PIV.Data.outbase,num2str(PIVprops.PIVprops.frame1,['%0' num2str(PIVprops.Data.imzeros) 'd']),PIVprops.PIVprops.extension]));
% PIV1 = {PIV1t.flowvarunsteady(end:-1:1,:,1,1),PIV1t.flowvarunsteady(end:-1:1,:,1,2),...
% PIV1t.flowvarunsteady(end:-1:1,:,1,3),PIV1t.flowvarunsteady(end:-1:1,:,1,4)};
% PIV1 = {PIV1t.X(end:-1:1,:),PIV1t.Y(end:-1:1,:),PIV1t.U(end:-1:1,:,1),PIV1t.V(end:-1:1,:,1)};
PIV1 = {PIV1t.X(end:-1:1,:),PIV1t.Y(end:-1:1,:),PIV1t.U(:,:,1),-PIV1t.V(:,:,1)};
% PIV1 = {PIV1t.X(:,:),PIV1t.Y(:,:),flipud(PIV1t.U(:,:,1)),flipud(PIV1t.V(:,:,1))};
error('Unknown PIV extension')
%interpolate the PIV flowfield at each particle location in im1
check=isnan(UI); %replace NaNs with the original particle location (occurs when interp2 fails)
X2_est=zeros(size(X1)); Y2_est=zeros(size(Y1)); Z2_est=zeros(size(Z1));
for j=1:length(UI)
if check(j)==1
X2_est(j)=X1(j); Y2_est(j)=Y1(j); Z2_est(j)=Z1(j)+0;
X2_est(j)=X1(j)+UI(j); Y2_est(j)=Y1(j)+VI(j); Z2_est(j)=Z1(j)+0;
% %create overlaid quiver plot of the PIV and interpolated velocity field
% figure; quiver(PIV1{1},PIV1{2},PIV1{3},PIV1{4},0);
% set(gca,'DataAspectRatio',[1 1 1]);
% set(gca,'YDir','reverse');
% hold on
% quiver(X1,Y1,UI,VI,0,'r');
% axis([1 64 1 64])
% %create scatter plot of position and estimated position
% figure; scatter(X1,Y1,'.r');
% set(gca,'DataAspectRatio',[1 1 1]);
% %set(gca,'YDir','reverse');
% hold on
% scatter(X2_est,Y2_est,'+b');
% scatter(X2,Y2,'xg');
% legend({'loc1','loc2'})
% axis([1 64 1 64])