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function [MAD_ratio,MAD_ratio_hdr]=PTVval_meanandmedian(tracks,valprops)
% [MAD_ratio,MAD_ratio_hdr]=PTVval_meanandmedian(tracks,valprops);
% This function validates each particle track by statistically comparing it
% to neighboring tracks within a user defined search radius. Once deemed
% an incorrect track, an position estimate is provided based on the motion
% of the surrounding particles
% tracks - main array of the matched particle pairs:
% [X1 X2 Y1 Y2 Z1 Z2 d1 d2 I1 I2 p#1 p#2 match_probability]
% valprops - control parameters for the validation of tracks
% valprops.method - 'mean' or 'median' ; controls if the validation
% is performed with the mean or median statistical properties
% valprops.s_radius - pixel value to search for neighboring tracks
% valprops.MAD_U - allowable ratio of mean/median absolute deviation
% of each track vs. the avg. MAD of the neighboring tracks
% valprops.MAD_V - same as above, but for the V-component of vel.
% MAD_ratio - estimated location of the ID'ed bad vectors for next
% tracking step (2-D array)
% [MAD_ratio_U; MAD_ratio_V; bad_U(0|1); bad_V(0|1); p#1;
% est_locx; est_locy]
%(v1) N. Cardwell - 10.31.2009
% This file is part of prana, an open-source GUI-driven program for
% calculating velocity fields using PIV or PTV.
% Copyright (C) 2012 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State
% University
% prana is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
% (at your option) any later version.
% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% along with this program. If not, see <>.
%get info and preallocate arrays
%main program loop for all tracks
for i=1:num_tracks
%remove the track currently being evaluated (replace w/ NaN)
trk_i=tracks(i,:); tracks_i=tracks; tracks_i(i,:)=NaN;
%locate neighboring particles within user specified s_radius
dist_i=sqrt( (tracks_i(:,1)-trk_i(1)).^2 + (tracks_i(:,3)-trk_i(3)).^2 + (tracks_i(:,5)-trk_i(5)).^2 );
[r_i,c_i]=find(dist_i <= valprops.s_radius);
%decision block - which method to use to ID and recalc "bad" tracks?
switch lower(valprops.method)
%use MEAN absoulte deviation
case {'mean'}
MAD_ratio_hdr={'MeanADratio Ui' 'MeanADratio Vi' 'bad vec U' 'bad vec V'...
'part index' 'new est_locx' 'new est_locy'};
%compute the mean of the neighboring vectors
Ui=tracks_i(r_i,2) - tracks_i(r_i,1);
Vi=tracks_i(r_i,4) - tracks_i(r_i,3);
Mean_Ui=mean( Ui ); Mean_Vi=mean( Vi );
%compute the mean absolute deviation of all neighboring vectors
MeanAD_Ui=mad(Ui,0); MeanAD_Vi=mad(Vi,0);
%compute the mean deviation for trk_i
trk_i_U = trk_i(2)-trk_i(1); trk_i_V = trk_i(4)-trk_i(3);
MeanAD_trk_iU = abs(trk_i_U - Mean_Ui);
MeanAD_trk_iV = abs(trk_i_V - Mean_Vi);
%compute the ratio of the MeanAD of the neighboring tracks
%with the MeanAD of trk_i
MAD_ratio(i,1) = MeanAD_trk_iU/MeanAD_Ui;
MAD_ratio(i,2) = MeanAD_trk_iV/MeanAD_Vi;
%determine if the MeanAD_ratio (either U or V) exceeds the user
%specified limits (MAD_U and MAD_V)
MAD_ratio(i,3) = MAD_ratio(i,1) > valprops.MAD_U;
MAD_ratio(i,4) = MAD_ratio(i,2) > valprops.MAD_V;
if ( MAD_ratio(i,3)==1 || MAD_ratio(i,4)==1 )==1
%grab the particle number (related to SIZE1)
MAD_ratio(i,5) = trk_i(11);
%use the mean U and V velocity to get the new est_loc X & Y
MAD_ratio(i,6) = trk_i(1) + Mean_Ui;
MAD_ratio(i,7) = trk_i(3) + Mean_Vi;
%use MEDIAN absolute deviation
case {'median'}
MAD_ratio_hdr={'MedianADratio Ui' 'MedianADratio Vi' 'bad vec U' 'bad vec V'...
'part index' 'new est_locx' 'new est_locy'};
%compute the median of the neighboring vectors
Ui=tracks_i(r_i,2) - tracks_i(r_i,1);
Vi=tracks_i(r_i,4) - tracks_i(r_i,3);
Median_Ui=median( Ui ); Median_Vi=median( Vi );
%compute the median absolute deviation of all neighboring vectors
MedianAD_Ui=mad(Ui,1); MedianAD_Vi=mad(Vi,1);
%compute the median deviation for trk_i
trk_i_U = trk_i(2)-trk_i(1); trk_i_V = trk_i(4)-trk_i(3);
MedianAD_trk_iU = abs(trk_i_U - Median_Ui);
MedianAD_trk_iV = abs(trk_i_V - Median_Vi);
%compute the ratio of the MeanAD of the neighboring tracks
%with the MeanAD of trk_i
MAD_ratio(i,1) = MedianAD_trk_iU/MedianAD_Ui;
MAD_ratio(i,2) = MedianAD_trk_iV/MedianAD_Vi;
%determine if the MeanAD_ratio (either U or V) exceeds the user
%specified limits (MAD_U and MAD_V)
MAD_ratio(i,3) = MAD_ratio(i,1) > valprops.MAD_U;
MAD_ratio(i,4) = MAD_ratio(i,2) > valprops.MAD_V;
if ( MAD_ratio(i,3)==1 || MAD_ratio(i,4)==1 )==1
%grab the particle number (related to SIZE1)
MAD_ratio(i,5) = trk_i(11);
%use the mean U and V velocity to get the new est_loc X & Y
MAD_ratio(i,6) = trk_i(1) + Median_Ui;
MAD_ratio(i,7) = trk_i(3) + Median_Vi;
% %Plotting code for all tracks and validated tracks
% im_bounds=[1 64 1 64 -1 1];
% figure; scatter(tracks(:,1),tracks(:,3),'.b'); hold on
% scatter(tracks(:,2),tracks(:,4),'+r');
% for j=1:size(tracks,1)
% line([tracks(j,1);tracks(j,2)],[tracks(j,3);tracks(j,4)]);
% end
% scatter(MAD_ratio(MAD_ratio(:,5)~=0,6),MAD_ratio(MAD_ratio(:,5)~=0,7),'xg');
% new_vecs=MAD_ratio(MAD_ratio(:,5)~=0,5:7);
% for j=1:nnz(MAD_ratio(:,5))
% line([tracks(tracks(:,11)==new_vecs(j,1),1) ; new_vecs(j,2) ],...
% [tracks(tracks(:,11)==new_vecs(j,1),3) ; new_vecs(j,3)],'Color','g');
% end
% legend({'image1','image2','im1-im2','image2:val','im1-im2:val'},...
% 'Location','NorthOutside','Orientation','horizontal')
% set(gca,'DataAspectRatio',[1 1 1]);
% set(gca,'YDir','reverse');
% axis(im_bounds(1:4))
%compress output array