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executable file 260 lines (204 sloc) 11.1 KB
function ZI = sincBlackmanInterp2(Z, XI, YI, KERNELSIZE, METHOD)
% ZI = sincBlackmanInterp2(Z, XI, YI, KERNELSIZE, METHOD)
% Sinc-interpolation with the option for blackman apodization.
% X = Matrix of column positions of the original image
% Y = Matrix of row positions of the original image
% Z = Matrix of values of the original signal sampled on the [Y, X] grid
% XI = Matrix of non-integer column positions at which to resample the original signal
% YI = Matrix of non-integer row positions at which to resample the original signal
% KERNELSIZE = symmetric dimension of the kernel size. Should be even;
% odd inputs will be forced to the next largest even integer
% METHOD = String specifying the interpolation type. Set METHOD =
% 'blackman' for blackman apodization and 'sinc' for no apodization.
% ZI = Matrix of values of the original signal resampled to the [YI, XI] grid.
% sinc
% This file is part of prana, an open-source GUI-driven program for
% calculating velocity fields using PIV or PTV.
% Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State
% University
% Copyright 2014. Los Alamos National Security, LLC. This material was
% produced under U.S. Government contract DE-AC52-06NA25396 for Los
% Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), which is operated by Los Alamos
% National Security, LLC for the U.S. Department of Energy. The U.S.
% Government has rights to use, reproduce, and distribute this software.
% THIS SOFTWARE. If software is modified to produce derivative works,
% such modified software should be clearly marked, so as not to confuse
% it with the version available from LANL.
% prana is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
% (at your option) any later version.
% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% along with this program. If not, see <>.
% Default to blackman interpolation
if nargin < 5
METHOD = 'blackman';
% Image height (number of rows) and width (number of columns)
[height, width] = size(Z);
% Determine the data class of the image.
imageClass = class(Z);
% Number of points to interpolate
nInterpPoints = numel(XI);
[nInterpRows, nInterpColumns] = size(XI);
% Reshape the grid of interpolation points into vectors.
% Convert to single precision to save memory.
XIv = single(reshape(XI, nInterpPoints, 1));
YIv = single(reshape(YI, nInterpPoints, 1));
% Determine the integer locations of the anchor pixels.
% Floor them so it's easy to specify the pixel locations locations of an even kernel.
xAnchors = int16(floor(XIv));
yAnchors = int16(floor(YIv));
% clear variables to save memory
clear XI YI
% Force the kernel size to an even integer
kernelSize = KERNELSIZE + 2 * mod(KERNELSIZE/2, 1);
% Mirror the border of the image so that the kernel doesn't reach outside of the valid image
zPadded = padarray(Z, [kernelSize/2, kernelSize/2], 0);
% Calculate size of padded image
[paddedHeight, paddedWidth] = size(zPadded);
% Save the padded image as a vector (vector operations are faster than
% matrix operations)
zPaddedVector = reshape(zPadded, numel(zPadded), 1);
% clear a variable to save memory
clear zPadded
% Vector of integers corresponding to the kernel locations
% The -1 is to specify that there are always
% (kernelSize/2 -1) points to the left of the floored anchor pixel
% and (kernelSize/2) points to the right of the floored anchor pixel.
kernelLocs = int16( -(kernelSize/2 - 1) : (kernelSize/2));
% Replicate the interpolated coordinate vectors and the anchor pixel
% vectors to save time on loops later. These operations are equivalent to
% "repmat" but faster.
repYI = YIv( : , ones(1, kernelSize) ); % Replicate the Interpolated row positions. This way is faster than REPMAT.
repXI = XIv( : , ones(1, kernelSize) ); % Replicate the Interpolated column positions
% clear some variables to save memory
clear YI XI YIv XIv Z;
% Calculate the (possibly non-integer) image-coordinates of the positions at which the
% interpolation function will be evaluated.
% interpolantRows = repmat(kernelLocs, nInterpPoints, 1) + repmat(yAnchors, 1, kernelSize);
interpolantRows = single(kernelLocs( ones(1, nInterpPoints), :) + yAnchors( : , ones( 1, kernelSize ) ) );
% interpolantCols = repmat(kernelLocs, nInterpPoints, 1) + repmat(xAnchors, 1, kernelSize);
interpolantCols = single(kernelLocs( ones(1, nInterpPoints), :) + xAnchors( : , ones( 1, kernelSize ) ) );
% Calculate the values of the intepolant at the interpolation coordinates
% (this line does both X- and Y- coordinates)
% Interpolants = sinc([repYI - interpolantRows, repXI - interpolantCols]);
Interpolants = sinc([interpolantRows - repYI, interpolantCols - repXI]);
% Pull the X- and Y- interpolants out of the combined matrix
interpolantsY = Interpolants(:, 1 : kernelSize);
interpolantsX = Interpolants(:, kernelSize + 1 : end);
% clear the Interpolants variable to save memory
clear Interpolants;
% Calculate the interpolant apodization function
if strcmp(METHOD, 'blackman') % If blackman window was specified
apodizationY = (0.42 + 0.5 * cos( pi *( interpolantRows - repYI ) / (kernelSize/2) ) + 0.08 * cos (2 * pi * ( interpolantRows - repYI ) / (kernelSize/2) )) ./ 1.72; % Blackman window ( vertical )
apodizationX = (0.42 + 0.5 * cos( pi *( interpolantCols - repXI ) / (kernelSize/2) ) + 0.08 * cos (2 * pi * ( interpolantCols - repXI ) / (kernelSize/2) )) ./ 1.72; % Blackman window ( horizontal)
else % If no apodization function was specified then don't apodize the interpolant
apodizationY = ones(size(interpolantRows));
apodizationX = ones(size(interpolantCols));
% clear some variables to save memory
clear interpolantRows interpolantCols repXI repYI
% Replicate the interpolant and apodization matrices so that they can be
% multiplied by a single array operation
% repInterpolantsX2 = repmat(interpolantsX, 1, kernelSize);
% repApodizationX2 = repmat(apodizationX, 1, kernelSize);
repInterpolantsX = interpolantsX(:, (1 : kernelSize)' * ones(1, kernelSize));
repApodizationX = apodizationX(:, (1 : kernelSize)' * ones(1, kernelSize));
% clear some variables to save memory
clear interpolantsX apodizationX
% Initialize the vertical interpolant and apodization matrices
repInterpolantsY = zeros(size(repInterpolantsX), 'single');
repApodizationY = zeros(size(repApodizationX), 'single');
% Loop over the columns of the vertical interpolant and apodization
% matrices to populate them. This looping is necessary (or at least I
% haven't thought of another way to do it) because the elements of these
% matrices must appear in the order (a11, a11, a11, ... a12, a12, a12, ...)
% so that multiplying them by the corresponding horizontal interpolants and
% apodization functions results in a re-shaped version of real vector
% multiplication.
for k = 1 : kernelSize;
repInterpolantsY(:, kernelSize * (k - 1) + 1 : kernelSize * k ) = interpolantsY(:, k * ones(1, kernelSize ) ) ;
repApodizationY(:, kernelSize * (k - 1) + 1 : kernelSize * k) = apodizationY(:, k * ones(1, kernelSize ) ) ;
% clear some variables to save memory
clear interpolantsY apodizationY;
% Calculate the pixel intensity weighting function evaluated at each pixel
Weights = repInterpolantsY .* repInterpolantsX .* repApodizationY .* repApodizationX;
% clear some variables to save memory
clear repInterpolantsY repInterpolantsX repApodizationY repApodizationX
% Determine which x- and y- anchor positions are valid (i.e. which ones
% fall within the domain of the original image). This step is a memory-saving step:
%the data class of these new variables is Logical, which is small in memory.
validY = yAnchors >= 1 & yAnchors <= height;
validX = xAnchors >= 1 & xAnchors <= width;
% Source columns matrix
% Integers specifying the number of elements from the left-side of the interpolation kernel
% kernelAdds = int16(0 : (kernelSize - 1));
kernelAdds = int16(1 : kernelSize);
% List of the source columns
% sourceColumns = repmat(kernelAdds, nInterpPoints, 1) + repmat(xAnchors, 1, kernelSize)
sourceColumns = kernelAdds( ones(1, nInterpPoints), :) + xAnchors( : , ones( 1, kernelSize ) );
% Replicate the source columns matrix
% sourceColumnsRep = repmat(sourceColumns, 1, kernelSize)
sourceColumnsRep = uint16(sourceColumns( : , (1 : kernelSize)' * ones(1, kernelSize)));
% clear a vairable to save memory
clear sourceColumns;
% Initialize the source rows matrix
sourceRowsRep = zeros(size(sourceColumnsRep), 'uint16');
% Determine row positions of source pixels
for k = 1 : kernelSize
% sourceRowsRep(:, kernelSize * (k - 1) + 1 : kernelSize * k) = yAnchors(:, ones(1, kernelSize) ) + (k - 1);
sourceRowsRep(:, kernelSize * (k - 1) + 1 : kernelSize * k) = yAnchors(:, ones(1, kernelSize) ) + kernelAdds(k);
% clear some variables to save space.
clear yAnchors xAnchors
% Set coordinates of points outside of the domain of the original signal to
% the values at the edges of the signal
sourceRowsRep(sourceRowsRep < 1) = 1;
sourceColumnsRep(sourceColumnsRep < 1) = 1;
sourceRowsRep(sourceRowsRep > paddedHeight ) = paddedHeight;
sourceColumnsRep(sourceColumnsRep > paddedWidth ) = paddedWidth;
% Values of the of source pixels. The list of incides here is an operation turns the 2-element [m, n]
% coordinates of an array into a single integer index.
% The operation here is equivalent to the matlab built-in command SUB2IND,
% i.e. sourceIndices = (sourceColumns - 1) * size(zPadded, 1) + sourceRows;
% sourceIndices = (double(sourceColumnsRep ) - 1) * size(zPadded, 1) + double(sourceRowsRep);
sourcePixels = zPaddedVector((double(sourceColumnsRep ) - 1) * paddedHeight + double(sourceRowsRep));
% clear some variables to save memory
clear sourceRows sourceColumns
% Multiply the values of the source pixels by the weighting function
% evaluated at each pixel. Doing this as an array operation is faster than
% doing it in a loop because it takes a long time to loop over a million
% goddamn pixels.
Zinterp = sum( Weights .* single(sourcePixels) , 2 );
% clear a variable to save space
clear sourcePixels
% Set the values of the interpolated function whose source pixel values
% were outside of the domain of the original image to zero.
Zinterp( ~validY ) = 0;
Zinterp( ~validX ) = 0;
% Reshape the vector-version of the interpolated signal to a matrix of the
% same size as the original signal. Save the output image to the output
% variable with the same class as the input image.
ZI = reshape( cast(Zinterp, imageClass), [ nInterpRows, nInterpColumns ] );
end % End of function
% % %