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% function [val,tval,Dis,Tim] = anomtransport(N,vel,tau_w,tau_p,topt,sopt,alpha,beta,contflag)
% anomalous transport simulator (1D)
% Inputs:
% N is number of segments
% vel is velocity in microns/sec
% tau_w is waiting time between runs
% tau_p is persistence time of run
% topt = (0,1,2) is for waiting time (exp, scaling,fBm)
% sopt = (0,1,2) is for segment length (exp, scaling,fBm)
% alpha is anom exponent on waiting time
% beta is anom exponent on segment length (beta = H for fBm)
% contflag = (0,1) continuity flag for continuous val and tval
% Outputs:
% Dis = discrete distances
% Tim = discrete times
% val = continuous distances
% tval = continuous times
% Example
% [Dis,Tim,val,tval] = anomtransport(N,tau_w,tau_p,topt,sopt,alpha,beta,1)
function [Dis,Tim,val,tval,mean_s,mean_t] = anomtransport(N,vel,tau_w,tau_p,topt,sopt,alpha,beta,contflag)
%vel = vel*(randexp(1,N)+0.01);
%vel = vel*randn(1,N);
vel = ones(1,N)*vel;
if topt == 0
t = tau_w*randexp(1,N);
elseif topt == 1
%t = tau_w*randscale(1,N,alpha);
t = abs(tau_w*randLevy(N,alpha,1));
elseif topt == 2
t = abs(tau_w*randHurst(N,alpha));
t = ones(N)*1e-3;
mean_t = mean(t);
if sopt == 0
s = vel.*tau_p.*sign(randn(1,N)).*randexp(1,N);
elseif sopt == 1
%s = vel*tau_p*sign(randn(1,N)).*randscale(1,N,beta);
%s = vel*tau_p*sign(randn(1,N)).*randLevy(N,beta,1);
s = sign(randn(1,N)).*vel.*tau_p.*randLevy(N,beta,1);
elseif sopt == 2
s = vel.*tau_p.*randHurst(N,beta);
elseif sopt == 3
dd = 1:N; tauage = N/4;
%vel = vel.*exp(-dd/tauage);
vel = vel./(dd.^0.25);
s = vel.*tau_p.*sign(randn(1,N)).*randexp(1,N);
s = ones(N)*1e-1;
mean_s = mean(abs(s));
Dis(1) = 0;
Tim(1) = 0;
Dis(2) = s(1);
Tim(2) = abs(s(1))/abs(vel(1));
Dis(3) = Dis(2);
Tim(3) = Tim(2) + t(1);
eloop = 3;
for loop = 2:N
eloop = eloop + 1;
Dis(eloop) = Dis(eloop-1) + s(loop);
Tim(eloop) = Tim(eloop-1) + abs(s(loop))/abs(vel(loop));
eloop = eloop + 1;
Dis(eloop) = Dis(eloop-1);
Tim(eloop) = Tim(eloop-1) + t(loop);
if contflag == 1
Nsamp = N;
T = max(Tim);
delT = T/Nsamp;
for loop = 1:Nsamp-1
tind = loop*delT;
[I, ~] = changesign(tind - Tim);
Ileft = I-1;
Iright = I;
delt = tind - Tim(Ileft);
Del = delt/(Tim(Iright)-Tim(Ileft));
val(loop) = Dis(Ileft) + Del*(Dis(Iright)-Dis(Ileft));
tval(loop) = tind;
val = 0;
tval = 0;