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% function [xp yp] = logNsamp(x,f,N)
% x is the x-data with even linear spacing
% f is the function value for the x values
% NOTE: f should be on linear scale, because logNsample takes log(f)
% N is the number of divisions
% xp is evenly spaced on log
% yp is function value on xp
% NOTE: Size of xp and yp is 1:N+1 which includes the endpoints
% xp(1) = log(x(1)) and xp(N+1) = log(x(szx))
% See also logevendist.m
function [xp yp] = logNsamplin(x,f,N)
[dum sz] = size(f);
n = 1:N+1; %
logx = log(x);
%logf = log(f);
delx = x(2) - x(1);
delogx = diff(logx);
delxp = (log(x(sz)) - log(x(1)))/N;
xp = log(x(1)) + (n-1).*delxp; %
yp = zeros(size(xp));
[X, I] = changesign(delxp - 2*delogx);
I; %cross-over location between needing to interpolate versus needing to average
%ind = floor(logx(I)/delxp);
ind = floor((logx(I)-logx(1))/delxp);
yplo = intersamp(logx(1:I+1),f(1:I+1),xp(1:ind+1));
yphi = avgsamp(logx(I+1:sz),f(I+1:sz),xp(ind+1:N));
yp(1:ind+1) = (yplo(1:ind+1));
yp(ind+2) = (0.5*(yplo(ind+1)+ yphi(2)));
yp(ind+3:N+1) = (yphi(2:(N-ind)));
function [X, I] = changesign(a)
[dum sz1] = size(a);
b(1:(sz1-1)) = a(2:sz1);
tst = a(1:(sz1-1)).*b;
[X, Itmp] = min(tst);
I = Itmp + 1;
function y = intersamp(x,f,xp)
y = interp1(x,f,xp,'linear','extrap');
function y = avgsamp(x,f,xp)
[dum szx] = size(x);
[dum szp] = size(xp);
delxp = xp(2) - xp(1);
fcum = zeros(1,szp);
cnt = zeros(1,szp);
for loop = 1:szx
bin = ceil((x(loop)-(xp(1) + 0.5*delxp))/delxp); %
if bin>0
fcum(bin) = fcum(bin) + f(loop);
cnt(bin) = cnt(bin) + 1;
for loop = 1:szp
if cnt(loop) ~=0
fav(loop) = fcum(loop)/cnt(loop);
fav(loop) = 0;
y = fav;