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% function[N,e,avgdegree,maxdegree,mindegree,numclus,meanclus,Lmax,L2,LmaxL2,meandistance,diam] = clusterstats(node)
% Generates statistics on selected graphs
% N = size of network
% e = number of edges
% avgdegree = average degree
% maxdegree = maximum degree
% mindegree = minimum degree
% numclus = number of clusters
% meanclus = cluster coef
% Lmax = maximum eigenvalue
% L2 = second eigenvalue
% LmaxL2 = ratio of Lmax to L2
% meandistance = mean of the distances
function [N,e,avgdegree,maxdegree,mindegree,numclus,meanclus,Lmax,L2,LmaxL2,meandistance,diam] = clusterstats(node)
[dum,N] = size(node);
[A,degree,Lap] = adjacency(node);
e = sum(degree)/2; % number of edges
avgdegree = mean(degree);
maxdegree = max(degree);
mindegree = min(degree);
loop2 = trace(A^2);
[cluscoef,eicoef,clus,ei] = clustercoef(node);
meanclus = cluscoef;
dis = node2distance(node);
meandistance = mean(mean(dis))*(N^2/(N*(N-1)));
diam = max(max(dis));
Lam = eig(A);
LamL = eig(Lap);
Lmax = LamL(N);
% Calculate number of disconnected clusters
dflag = 0; loop = 0; cnt = 0;
while dflag == 0
loop = loop + 1;
if loop <=N
if LamL(loop) < 0.1/N
cnt = cnt + 1;
dflag = 1;
dflag = 1;
numclus = cnt;
if numclus == 1
L2 = LamL(2);
LmaxL2 = Lmax/L2;
L2 = 0;
LmaxL2 = 0;