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% function omegout = coupleN(node,gext)
% input variables:
% node is a network structure
% gext is a scalar for external coupling
% output variable omegout is the oscilation freq. of each oscillator
% Oscillators are Poincare oscillators
function [omegout,y] = coupleN(node,gext)
[dum,N] = size(node);
mnomega = 1.0;
rndphase = 2*pi*rand(1,N);
for nodeloop = 1:N
omega(nodeloop) = node(nodeloop).element;
y0 = rndphase;
% Settle-down loop
tspan = [0 1]; %800
[t,y] = ode45(@f5,tspan,y0);
[sy,dum] = size(y);
y1 = y(sy,:);
clear y
% Calculate the trajectory
tspan = [0 2000];
options = odeset('RelTol',1e-4*std(omega));
[t,y] = ode45(@f5,tspan,y1,options);
[sy,~] = size(y);
% Fit the frequency
for omloop = 1:N
if rem(sy,4) == 0
[mtmp(1),btmp(1)] = linfit(t(1:sy/2),y(1:sy/2,omloop),0);
[mtmp(2),btmp(2)] = linfit(t(sy/2+1:sy),y(sy/2+1:sy,omloop),0);
[mtmp(3),btmp(3)] = linfit(t(sy/4+1:3*sy/4),y(sy/4+1:3*sy/4,omloop),0);
[mtmp(4),btmp(4)] = linfit(t,y(:,omloop),0);
sytmp = 4*floor(sy/4);
[mtmp(1),btmp(1)] = linfit(t(1:sytmp/2),y(1:sytmp/2,omloop),0);
[mtmp(2),btmp(2)] = linfit(t(sytmp/2+1:sytmp),y(sytmp/2+1:sytmp,omloop),0);
[mtmp(3),btmp(3)] = linfit(t(sytmp/4+1:3*sytmp/4),y(sytmp/4+1:3*sytmp/4,omloop),0);
[mtmp(4),btmp(4)] = linfit(t(1:sytmp),y(1:sytmp,omloop),0);
%[m(omloop),b(omloop)] = linfit(t,y(:,omloop),0);
m(omloop) = mean(mtmp);
%m(omloop) = median(mtmp);
w(omloop) = mnomega + m(omloop);
% disp(strcat('Freq',num2str(omloop),' = ',num2str(m(omloop))))
% figure(99)
% plot(t,y(:,omloop))
% pause(0.1)
omegout = m;
function yd = f5(t,y)
for omloop = 1:N
temp = omega(omloop);
linksz = node(omloop).numlink;
for cloop = 1:linksz
cindex = node(omloop).link(cloop);
g = node(omloop).coupling(cloop);
%temp = temp + (g/linksz)*sin(y(cindex)-y(omloop)) - gext*sin(y(omloop)); % Normalize by number of links in summation
temp = temp + g*sin(y(cindex)-y(omloop)) - gext*sin(y(omloop));
yp(omloop) = temp;
for omloop = 1:N
yd(omloop,1) = yp(omloop);
end % end f5
end % end vandpol