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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Sat May 11 08:56:41 2019
@author: nolte
D. D. Nolte, Introduction to Modern Dynamics: Chaos, Networks, Space and Time, 2nd ed. (Oxford,2019)
import numpy as np
from scipy import integrate
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import networkx as nx
from UserFunction import linfit
import time
tstart = time.time()
Nfac = 25 # 25
N = 100 # 50
width = 0.2
# model_case 1 = Complete Graph
# model_case 2 = Barabasi
# model_case 3 = Power Law
# model_case 4 = D-dimensional Hypercube
# model_case 5 = Erdos Renyi
# model_case 6 = Random Regular
# model_case 7 = Strogatz
# model_case 8 = Hexagonal lattice
# model_case 9 = Tree
# model_case 10 == 2D square lattice
model_case = int(input('Input Model Case (1-10)'))
if model_case == 1: # Complete Graph
facoef = 0.2
nodecouple = nx.complete_graph(N)
elif model_case == 2: # Barabasi
facoef = 2
k = 3
nodecouple = nx.barabasi_albert_graph(N, k, seed=None)
elif model_case == 3: # Power law
facoef = 3
k = 3
triangle_prob = 0.3
nodecouple = nx.powerlaw_cluster_graph(N, k, triangle_prob)
elif model_case == 4:
Dim = 6
facoef = 3
nodecouple = nx.hypercube_graph(Dim)
N = nodecouple.number_of_nodes()
elif model_case == 5: # Erdos-Renyi
facoef = 5
prob = 0.1
nodecouple = nx.erdos_renyi_graph(N, prob, seed=None, directed=False)
elif model_case == 6: # Random
facoef = 5
nodecouple = nx.random_regular_graph(3, N, seed=None)
elif model_case == 7: # Watts
facoef = 7
k = 4; # nearest neighbors
rewire_prob = 0.2 # rewiring probability
nodecouple = nx.watts_strogatz_graph(N, k, rewire_prob, seed=None)
elif model_case == 8:
facoef = 8
rows = 4
colm = 8
nodecouple = nx.hexagonal_lattice_graph(rows, colm, periodic=True, with_positions=False)
N = nodecouple.number_of_nodes()
elif model_case == 9: # k-fold tree
facoef = 16
k = 3 # degree
h = 3 # height
sm = 0
for lp in range(h+1):
sm = sm + k**lp
N = sm
nodecouple = nx.balanced_tree(k, h)
elif model_case == 10: # square lattice
facoef = 3
m = 6
n = 6
nodecouple = nx.grid_2d_graph(m, n, periodic=True)
N = nodecouple.number_of_nodes()
print('Number of nodes = ',nodecouple.number_of_nodes())
print('Number of edges = ',nodecouple.number_of_edges())
#print('Average degree = ',nx.k_nearest_neighbors(nodecouple))
# function: omegout, yout = coupleN(G)
def coupleN(G):
# function: yd = flow_deriv(x_y)
def flow_deriv(y,t0):
yp = np.zeros(shape=(N,))
ind = -1
for omloop in G.node:
ind = ind + 1
temp = omega[ind]
linksz = G.node[omloop]['numlink']
for cloop in range(linksz):
cindex = G.node[omloop]['link'][cloop]
indx = G.node[cindex]['index']
g = G.node[omloop]['coupling'][cloop]
temp = temp + g*np.sin(y[indx]-y[ind])
yp[ind] = temp
yd = np.zeros(shape=(N,))
for omloop in range(N):
yd[omloop] = yp[omloop]
return yd
# end of function flow_deriv(x_y)
mnomega = 1.0
ind = -1
for nodeloop in G.node:
ind = ind + 1
omega[ind] = G.node[nodeloop]['element']
x_y_z = omega
# Settle-down Solve for the trajectories
tsettle = 100
t = np.linspace(0, tsettle, tsettle)
x_t = integrate.odeint(flow_deriv, x_y_z, t)
x0 = x_t[tsettle-1,0:N]
t = np.linspace(0,1000,1000)
y = integrate.odeint(flow_deriv, x0, t)
siztmp = np.shape(y)
sy = siztmp[0]
# Fit the frequency
m = np.zeros(shape = (N,))
w = np.zeros(shape = (N,))
mtmp = np.zeros(shape=(4,))
btmp = np.zeros(shape=(4,))
for omloop in range(N):
if np.remainder(sy,4) == 0:
mtmp[0],btmp[0] = linfit(t[0:sy//2],y[0:sy//2,omloop]);
mtmp[1],btmp[1] = linfit(t[sy//2+1:sy],y[sy//2+1:sy,omloop]);
mtmp[2],btmp[2] = linfit(t[sy//4+1:3*sy//4],y[sy//4+1:3*sy//4,omloop]);
mtmp[3],btmp[3] = linfit(t,y[:,omloop]);
sytmp = 4*np.floor(sy/4);
mtmp[0],btmp[0] = linfit(t[0:sytmp//2],y[0:sytmp//2,omloop]);
mtmp[1],btmp[1] = linfit(t[sytmp//2+1:sytmp],y[sytmp//2+1:sytmp,omloop]);
mtmp[2],btmp[2] = linfit(t[sytmp//4+1:3*sytmp/4],y[sytmp//4+1:3*sytmp//4,omloop]);
mtmp[3],btmp[3] = linfit(t[0:sytmp],y[0:sytmp,omloop]);
#m[omloop] = np.median(mtmp)
m[omloop] = np.mean(mtmp)
w[omloop] = mnomega + m[omloop]
omegout = m
yout = y
return omegout, yout
# end of function: omegout, yout = coupleN(G)
Nlink = N*(N-1)//2
omega = np.zeros(shape=(N,))
omegatemp = width*(np.random.rand(N)-1)
meanomega = np.mean(omegatemp)
omega = omegatemp - meanomega
sto = np.std(omega)
lnk = np.zeros(shape = (N,), dtype=int)
ind = -1
for loop in nodecouple.node:
ind = ind + 1
nodecouple.node[loop]['index'] = ind
nodecouple.node[loop]['element'] = omega[ind]
nodecouple.node[loop]['link'] = list(nx.neighbors(nodecouple,loop))
nodecouple.node[loop]['numlink'] = len(list(nx.neighbors(nodecouple,loop)))
lnk[ind] = len(list(nx.neighbors(nodecouple,loop)))
avgdegree = np.mean(lnk)
mnomega = 1
facval = np.zeros(shape = (Nfac,))
yy = np.zeros(shape=(Nfac,N))
xx = np.zeros(shape=(Nfac,))
for facloop in range(Nfac):
fac = facoef*(16*facloop/(Nfac))*(1/(N-1))*sto/mnomega
ind = -1
for nodeloop in nodecouple.node:
ind = ind + 1
nodecouple.node[nodeloop]['coupling'] = np.zeros(shape=(lnk[ind],))
for linkloop in range (lnk[ind]):
nodecouple.node[nodeloop]['coupling'][linkloop] = fac
facval[facloop] = fac*avgdegree
omegout, yout = coupleN(nodecouple) # Here is the subfunction call for the flow
for omloop in range(N):
yy[facloop,omloop] = omegout[omloop]
xx[facloop] = facval[facloop]
lines = plt.plot(xx,yy)
plt.setp(lines, linewidth=0.5)
elapsed_time = time.time() - tstart
print('elapsed time = ',format(elapsed_time,'.2f'),'secs')