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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Sun Aug 2 2020
"Introduction to Modern Dynamics" 2nd Edition (Oxford, 2019)
@author: nolte
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from numpy import linalg as LA
eps = 0.97
for eloop in range(0,100):
rlast = 2*np.pi*(0.5-np.random.random())
thlast = 4*np.pi*np.random.random()
rplot = np.zeros(shape=(200,))
thetaplot = np.zeros(shape=(200,))
for loop in range(0,200):
rnew = rlast + eps*np.sin(thlast)
thnew = np.mod(thlast+rnew,4*np.pi)
thetaplot[loop] = np.mod(thnew-np.pi,4*np.pi)
rtemp = np.mod(rnew + np.pi,2*np.pi)
rplot[loop] = rtemp - np.pi
rlast = rnew
thlast = thnew
K = eps
eps0 = 5e-7
J = [[1,1+K],[1,1]]
w, v = LA.eig(J)
My = w[0]
Vu = v[:,0] # unstable manifold
Vs = v[:,1] # stable manifold
# Plot the unstable manifold
Hr = np.zeros(shape=(100,150))
Ht = np.zeros(shape=(100,150))
for eloop in range(0,100):
eps = eps0*eloop
roldu1 = eps*Vu[0]
thetoldu1 = eps*Vu[1]
Nloop = np.ceil(-6*np.log(eps0)/np.log(eloop+2))
flag = 1
cnt = 0
while flag==1 and cnt < Nloop:
ru1 = roldu1 + K*np.sin(thetoldu1)
thetau1 = thetoldu1 + ru1
roldu1 = ru1
thetoldu1 = thetau1
if thetau1 > 4*np.pi:
flag = 0
Hr[eloop,cnt] = roldu1
Ht[eloop,cnt] = thetoldu1 + 3*np.pi
cnt = cnt+1
lnwid = 0.75
x = Ht[0:99,12] - 2*np.pi
x2 = 6*np.pi - x
y = Hr[0:99,12]
y2 = -y
plt.plot(x,y,linewidth =lnwid)
plt.plot(x2,y2,linewidth =lnwid)
del x,y
x = Ht[5:39,15] - 2*np.pi
x2 = 6*np.pi - x
y = Hr[5:39,15]
y2 = -y
plt.plot(x,y,linewidth =lnwid)
plt.plot(x2,y2,linewidth =lnwid)
del x,y
x = Ht[12:69,16] - 2*np.pi
x2 = 6*np.pi - x
y = Hr[12:69,16]
y2 = -y
plt.plot(x,y,linewidth =lnwid)
plt.plot(x2,y2,linewidth =lnwid)
del x,y
x = Ht[15:89,17] - 2*np.pi
x2 = 6*np.pi - x
y = Hr[15:89,17]
y2 = -y
plt.plot(x,y,linewidth =lnwid)
plt.plot(x2,y2,linewidth =lnwid)
del x,y
x = Ht[30:99,18] - 2*np.pi
x2 = 6*np.pi - x
y = Hr[30:99,18]
y2 = -y
plt.plot(x,y,linewidth =lnwid)
plt.plot(x2,y2,linewidth =lnwid)
# Plot the stable manifold
del Hr, Ht
Hr = np.zeros(shape=(100,150))
Ht = np.zeros(shape=(100,150))
#eps0 = 0.03
for eloop in range(0,100):
eps = eps0*eloop
roldu1 = eps*Vs[0]
thetoldu1 = eps*Vs[1]
Nloop = np.ceil(-6*np.log(eps0)/np.log(eloop+2))
flag = 1
cnt = 0
while flag==1 and cnt < Nloop:
thetau1 = thetoldu1 - roldu1
ru1 = roldu1 - K*np.sin(thetau1)
roldu1 = ru1
thetoldu1 = thetau1
if thetau1 > 4*np.pi:
flag = 0
Hr[eloop,cnt] = roldu1
Ht[eloop,cnt] = thetoldu1
cnt = cnt+1
x = Ht[0:79,12] + np.pi
x2 = 6*np.pi - x
y = Hr[0:79,12]
y2 = -y
plt.plot(x,y,linewidth =lnwid)
plt.plot(x2,y2,linewidth =lnwid)
del x,y
x = Ht[4:39,15] + np.pi
x2 = 6*np.pi - x
y = Hr[4:39,15]
y2 = -y
plt.plot(x,y,linewidth =lnwid)
plt.plot(x2,y2,linewidth =lnwid)
del x,y
x = Ht[12:69,16] + np.pi
x2 = 6*np.pi - x
y = Hr[12:69,16]
y2 = -y
plt.plot(x,y,linewidth =lnwid)
plt.plot(x2,y2,linewidth =lnwid)
del x,y
x = Ht[15:89,17] + np.pi
x2 = 6*np.pi - x
y = Hr[15:89,17]
y2 = -y
plt.plot(x,y,linewidth =lnwid)
plt.plot(x2,y2,linewidth =lnwid)
del x,y
x = Ht[30:99,18] + np.pi
x2 = 6*np.pi - x
y = Hr[30:99,18]
y2 = -y
plt.plot(x,y,linewidth =lnwid)
plt.plot(x2,y2,linewidth =lnwid)
#plt.savefig('StandMap.tiff',dpi = 500, format = "tiff")