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% gaussmix 8/27/20
format compact
load GaussMix
N1 = 12;
N2 = 11;
N = N1 + N2;
[sy,sx] = size(B);
x = -1.4:0.01:1.;
xi0 = where(x,0);
fun1 = zeros(size(x));
for loop = 1:N1
m = B(loop,1);
s = B(loop,3);
G = gaussprob(x,m,s);
fun1 = fun1 + G;
fun2 = zeros(size(x));
for loop = N1+1:N1+N2
m = B(loop,1);
s = B(loop,3);
G = gaussprob(x,m,s);
fun2 = fun2 + G;
lim = length(x);
for loop = 1:lim
i1(loop) = trapz(fun1(1:loop))*0.01/N1;
i2(loop) = trapz(fun2(1:loop))*0.01/N2;
% Find optimal decision point
arg = sqrt((i2.^2) + (1-i1).^2);
[X,I] = min(arg);
ind = I;
TN = N1*i1(ind);
FN = N2*i2(ind);
TP = N2*(1 - i2(ind));
FP = N1*(1 - i1(ind));
Sens = TP/(TP + FN);
Spec = TN/(TN + FP);
PLR = Sens/(1 - Spec);
NLR = (1 - Sens)/Spec;
PPV = TP/(TP + FP);
NPV = TN/(TN + FN);
Acc = (TP + TN)/N;
disp(' ');
disp('ROC optimum (red)')
displine('xthresh = ',x(I))
displine('Acc = ',Acc);
displine('Sens = ',Sens);
displine('Spec = ',Spec);
displine('PLR = ',PLR);
displine('NLR = ',NLR);
displine('PPV = ',PPV);
displine('NPV = ',NPV);
% Zero-threshold
i10 = trapz(fun1(1:xi0))*0.01/N1;
i20 = trapz(fun2(1:xi0))*0.01/N2;
ind = xi0;
TN = N1*i1(ind);
FN = N2*i2(ind);
TP = N2*(1 - i2(ind));
FP = N1*(1 - i1(ind));
Sens = TP/(TP + FN);
Spec = TN/(TN + FP);
PLR = Sens/(1 - Spec);
NLR = (1 - Sens)/Spec;
PPV = TP/(TP + FP);
NPV = TN/(TN + FN);
Acc = (TP + TN)/N;
disp(' ');
disp('Zero threshold (blue)')
displine('Acc = ',Acc);
displine('Sens = ',Sens);
displine('Spec = ',Spec);
displine('PLR = ',PLR);
displine('NLR = ',NLR);
displine('PPV = ',PPV);
displine('NPV = ',NPV);
% Best separation
ixmin = 121;
ind = ixmin;
TN = N1*i1(ind);
FN = N2*i2(ind);
TP = N2*(1 - i2(ind));
FP = N1*(1 - i1(ind));
Sens = TP/(TP + FN);
Spec = TN/(TN + FP);
PLR = Sens/(1 - Spec);
NLR = (1 - Sens)/Spec;
PPV = TP/(TP + FP);
NPV = TN/(TN + FN);
Acc = (TP + TN)/N;
disp(' ');
disp('Min threshold (green)')
displine('Acc = ',Acc);
displine('Sens = ',Sens);
displine('Spec = ',Spec);
displine('PLR = ',PLR);
displine('NLR = ',NLR);
displine('PPV = ',PPV);
displine('NPV = ',NPV);
dx = diff(i2);
AUC = sum(i1(1:lim-1).*dx);
disp(' ');
displine('AUC = ',AUC);
hold on
hold off
disp(' ')
stat = class2stat(B(1:N1,1),B(N1+1:N,1))
% lowthresh = round(stat.meanx + stat.cimin/2,2);
% hithresh = round(stat.meanx + stat.cimax/2,2);
% lt = where(x,lowthresh);
% ht = where(x,hithresh);
del = - stat.cimin;
lowt = stat.meanx + - del;
hit = stat.meanx + + del;
lowthresh = round(lowt,2);
hithresh = round(hit,2);
lt = where(x,lowthresh);
ht = where(x,hithresh);
% Low confidence limit
ixmin = lt;
ind = ixmin;
TN = N1*i1(ind);
FN = N2*i2(ind);
TP = N2*(1 - i2(ind));
FP = N1*(1 - i1(ind));
Sens = TP/(TP + FN);
Spec = TN/(TN + FP);
PLR = Sens/(1 - Spec);
NLR = (1 - Sens)/Spec;
PPV = TP/(TP + FP);
NPV = TN/(TN + FN);
Acc = (TP + TN)/N;
disp(' ');
disp('Min CI')
displine('Acc = ',Acc);
displine('Sens = ',Sens);
displine('Spec = ',Spec);
displine('PLR = ',PLR);
displine('NLR = ',NLR);
displine('PPV = ',PPV);
displine('NPV = ',NPV);
% High confidence limit
ixmin = ht;
ind = ixmin;
TN = N1*i1(ind);
FN = N2*i2(ind);
TP = N2*(1 - i2(ind));
FP = N1*(1 - i1(ind));
Sens = TP/(TP + FN);
Spec = TN/(TN + FP);
PLR = Sens/(1 - Spec);
NLR = (1 - Sens)/Spec;
PPV = TP/(TP + FP);
NPV = TN/(TN + FN);
Acc = (TP + TN)/N;
disp(' ');
disp('Max CI')
displine('Acc = ',Acc);
displine('Sens = ',Sens);
displine('Spec = ',Spec);
displine('PLR = ',PLR);
displine('NLR = ',NLR);
displine('PPV = ',PPV);
displine('NPV = ',NPV);