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Dominic Keeler,
Noah Strawhacker,
Eddie Sun,
Sam Norwood,
The following code determines the optimal combination of parts for use in a given
model by iterating through each reasonable combination and determining the combination
with the lowest price.
"""--------------- Imports ---------------"""
from Data_Functions import *
from Energy_and_Mass_Functions import *
from Calculation_Functions import *
"""--------------- Model parameters ---------------"""
# Given
flowIn = 0.007505
# flowIn = 0.142
buildingCost = 1500000 + 2500000
maxHeight = 30 # ft
ethanolEnergyDensity = 80.1 * 1000000 # J/gal
# Piping
pipeLengths = [5, 30, 30, 20] # ft, from end to start
numValves = 8
numWastePumps = 3
numBends = 2
bendAngles = 90 # deg
requiredOutFlowRate = 100000 # gal/day
# Conversions
maxHeight = 30 / 3.281 # m
pipeLengths = [(length / 3.281) for length in pipeLengths] # m
requiredOutFlowRate = 100000 / (2.282 * 10**7) # m^3/s
"""--------------- Part Specifications ---------------"""
# pumps
pumpEff = 0.92 # chosen previously
pumpEPR = 12.0 # m, from maxHeight above
# pipes
pipeDFF = 0.002 # chosen previously
pipeValveBendDiam = 0.10 # m
# valves
valveFlowCoeff = 500 # chosen previously
# bends
bendAngles = bendAngles # from above
bendLossCoeff = 0.3
# ductwork
ductworkDiam = 1.0 # m
ductworkLength = 1.524 # m
"""--------------- Functions ---------------"""
def getAllData():
# get energy data listing
pumpsData = getPumpsData()
pipesData = getPipesData()
valvesData = getValvesData()
bendsData = getBendsData()
# get mass data listing
fermentersData = getFermentersData()
ductworkData = getDuctworkData()
filtsAndDHsData = getFiltsAndDHsData()
distillersData = getDistillersData()
return(pumpsData, pipesData, valvesData, bendsData, fermentersData, ductworkData,
filtsAndDHsData, distillersData)
def getBestUnitCombo(fermentersData, filtsAndDHsData, distillersData):
# initialize empty lists
combosList = []
priceList = []
# run through each unit combination
for a in range(len(fermentersData)):
for b in range(len(filtsAndDHsData)):
for c in range(len(distillersData)):
for d in range(len(filtsAndDHsData)):
# determine the ethanol concentration and price for the current combination
ethConc, finalMass = getEthConc(1, fermentersData[a][1], filtsAndDHsData[b][1], distillersData[c][1], filtsAndDHsData[d][1])
price = fermentersData[a][2] + filtsAndDHsData[b][2] + distillersData[c][2] + filtsAndDHsData[d][2]
# check to see if ethanol concentration fulfills requirements
if ethConc >= 0.98:
# append successful combinations and their prices to lists
combosList.append([a, b, c, d])
# find the minumum price and corresponding combination
minPrice = min(priceList)
minPriceIndex = priceList.index(minPrice)
bestCombo = combosList[minPriceIndex]
def getEnergyReturn(pumpEff, ethConc, flowIn, pipeLengths, pipeDFF, bendLossCoeff, diam, valveCoeff, fermE, filtE, distE, dehyE, fermEff, filtEff, distEff, dehyEff):
totalEPerS = getTotalENeeded(flowIn, pumpEff, diam, fermE, filtE, distE, dehyE, fermEff, filtEff, distEff, dehyEff)
flowOut, flowThroughFerm, flowThroughFilt, flowThroughDist, flowThroughDehy, eLostValvesFerm, eLostValvesFilt, eLostValvesDist, eLostValvesDehy = getFlowRates(flowIn, pipeLengths, pipeDFF, bendLossCoeff, diam, valveCoeff, fermEff, filtEff, distEff, dehyEff)
flowOut *= 264.172 # gal/s
energyOut = ethConc * flowOut * ethanolEnergyDensity # J/s
energyReturnRatio = energyOut / (eLostValvesFerm + eLostValvesFilt + eLostValvesDist + eLostValvesDehy + totalEPerS)
def getCapCost(pipeLengths, pipeDFF, numBends, bendAngle, numValves, valveCoeff, ductworkLength, diam, ductworkDiam, pipesData, valvesData, bendsData, ductworkData):
# find the list corresponding to the used pipes
for part in pipesData:
if pipeDFF in part and diam in part:
pipeCostPerM = part[-1]
# find the total cost of pipes
totalM = 0
for length in pipeLengths:
totalM += length
pipesCost = totalM * pipeCostPerM
# find the list corresponding to the used bends
for part in bendsData:
if float(bendAngle) in part and diam in part:
costPerBend = part[-1]
# find the total cost of bends
bendsCost = numBends * costPerBend
# find the list corresponding to the used valves
for part in valvesData:
if float(valveCoeff) in part and diam in part:
costPerValve = part[-1]
# find the total cost of valves
valvesCost = numValves * costPerValve
# find the list corresponding to the used ductwork
for part in ductworkData:
if ductworkDiam in part:
ductCostPerM = part[-1]
# find the total cost of ductwork
ductCost = ductworkLength * ductCostPerM
pipingCost = pipesCost + bendsCost + valvesCost + ductCost
def outputProductionResults(bestFermenter, bestFilter, bestDistiller, bestDehydrator):
print("Production units used:")
print("Fermentation unit in the format [kWh/day, % of sugar converted, $ per m^3/sec of flow]:")
print(f" {bestFermenter} \n")
print("Filtration unit in the format [kWh/day, % by mass of fiber removed, $ per m^3/sec of flow]:")
print(f" {bestFilter} \n")
print("Distillation unit in the format [kWh/day, % of alcohol in exit stream, $ per m^3/sec of flow]:")
print(f" {bestDistiller} \n")
print("Dehydration unit in the format [kWh/day, % by mass of water removed, $ per m^3/sec of flow]:")
print(f" {bestDehydrator} \n")
def outputPipingResults(pipeLength, numValves, numBends, diam, DFF, bendAngles, valveFlowCoeff, ductworkLength, ductworkDiam):
print(f"Piping system used: \n")
print(f" Piping system diameter: {diam}")
print(f" Total pipe length and DFF: {pipeLength:.2f} m of pipes, friction factor {DFF}")
print(f" Number and angle of bends: {numBends} at {bendAngles} degrees")
print(f" Number of valves: {numValves}")
print(f" Valve flow coeff.: {valveFlowCoeff}")
print(f" Ductwork length: {ductworkLength}")
print(f" Ductwork diameter: {ductworkDiam} \n")
def outputFlowResults(pipingCapCost, totalE, energyReturnRatio, ethConc, fermEff, filtEff, distEff, dehyEff):
flowOut, flowThroughFerm, flowThroughFilt, flowThroughDist, flowThroughDehy, eLostValvesFerm, eLostValvesFilt, eLostValvesDist, eLostValvesDehy = getFlowRates(flowIn, pipeLengths, pipeDFF, bendLossCoeff, pipeValveBendDiam, valveFlowCoeff, fermEff, filtEff, distEff, dehyEff)
print(f"The total capital cost of the facility and rebuilt housing is ${buildingCost:,.2f}.")
print(f"The total capital cost of the piping system is ${pipingCapCost:,.2f}. \n")
print(f"The energy needed to fun the facility in one day is {totalE:,.0f} kWh. \n")
print(f"The resulting ethanol concentration in the output flow is {ethConc:.3f}.")
print(f"The energy output/input ratio is {energyReturnRatio:.2f}.")
print(f"The facility must be supplied with {100000 / (0.2 * 0.98):,.0f} gallons of slurry per day.")
"""--------------- Main function ---------------"""
def main():
# get all data
pumpsData, pipesData, valvesData, bendsData, fermentersData, ductworkData, filtsAndDHsData, distillersData = getAllData()
# find the cheapest combination of ethanol production units
bestCombo = getBestUnitCombo(fermentersData, filtsAndDHsData, distillersData)
bestFermenter = fermentersData[bestCombo[0]]
bestFilter = filtsAndDHsData[bestCombo[1]]
bestDistiller = distillersData[bestCombo[2]]
bestDehydrator = filtsAndDHsData[bestCombo[3]]
# get efficiences of units
fermEff = bestFermenter[1]
filtEff = bestFilter[1]
distEff = bestDistiller[1]
dehyEff = bestDehydrator[1]
# get energy use of units
fermE = bestFermenter[0]
filtE = bestFilter[0]
distE = bestDistiller[0]
dehyE = bestDehydrator[0]
# find total pipe length
totalPipeLength = 0
for length in pipeLengths:
totalPipeLength += length
# find the resulting concentration of ethanol with the cheapest combination of units
ethConc, totalMass = getEthConc(1, fermentersData[bestCombo[0]][1], filtsAndDHsData[bestCombo[1]][1],
distillersData[bestCombo[2]][1], filtsAndDHsData[bestCombo[3]][1])
# find the capital cost of the piping system
pipingCapCost = getCapCost(pipeLengths, pipeDFF, numBends, bendAngles, numValves,
valveFlowCoeff, ductworkLength, pipeValveBendDiam, ductworkDiam,
pipesData, valvesData, bendsData, ductworkData)
# find the energy needed to run the facility for one second
totalE = getTotalENeeded(flowIn, pumpEff, wastePumpsEff, pipeValveBendDiam, fermE, filtE,
distE, dehyE, fermEff, filtEff, distEff, dehyEff)
# find the energy output/input ratio
energyReturnRatio = getEnergyReturn(pumpEff, ethConc, flowIn, pipeLengths,
pipeDFF, bendLossCoeff, pipeValveBendDiam,
valveFlowCoeff, fermE, filtE, distE, dehyE,
fermEff, filtEff, distEff, dehyEff)
# output the results of the facility to the user
outputProductionResults(bestFermenter, bestFilter, bestDistiller, bestDehydrator)
outputPipingResults(totalPipeLength, numValves, numBends, pipeValveBendDiam,
pipeDFF, bendAngles, valveFlowCoeff, ductworkLength, ductworkDiam)
outputFlowResults(pipingCapCost, totalE, energyReturnRatio, ethConc, fermEff, filtEff,
distEff, dehyEff)
if __name__ == "__main__":