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# Chapter 6.2 (Probability Inequality)
## Compare Chebyshev's and Chernoff's bounds
# R code to compare the probability bounds
epsilon <- 0.1
sigma <- 1;
N <- logspace(1,3.9,50)
p_exact <- 1-pnorm(N**(1/2)*epsilon/sigma, 0, 1)
p_cheby <- sigma**2. / (epsilon**2*N)
p_chern <- exp(-epsilon**2*N/(2*sigma**2))
plot(log(N), log(p_exact), pch=1, col="orange", lwd=2, xlab="log(N)", ylab="log(Probability)")
points(log(N), log(p_cheby), pch=15, col="green", lwd=2)
lines(log(N), log(p_chern), pch=19, col="blue", lwd=2)
legend("bottomleft", c("Exact","Chebyshev","Chernoff"), fill=c("orange", "green", "blue"))
# Chapter 6.3 (Law of Large Numbers)
## Weak law of large numbers
# R code to illustrate the weak law of large numbers
p <- 0.5
Nset <- as.integer(round(logspace(2,5,100)))
x <- matrix(rep(0, 1000*length(Nset)), nrow=1000)
for (i in 1:length(Nset)) {
N = Nset[i]
x[,i] <- rbinom(1000, N, p) / N
Nset_grid <- repmat(Nset, m=1, n=1000)
semilogx(Nset_grid, x, col='black', pch=19)
points(Nset, p + 3*(((p*(1-p))/Nset)^(1/2)), col='red', pch=19, lwd=1)
points(Nset, p - 3*(((p*(1-p))/Nset)^(1/2)), col='red', pch=19, lwd=1)
# Chapter 6.4 (Central Limit Theorem)
## PDF of the sum of two Gaussians
# Plot the PDF of the sum of two Gaussians
n <- 10000
K <- 2
Z <- rep(0, n)
for (i in 1:K) {
X <- runif(n, min=1, max=6)
Z <- Z + X
# Visualize convergence in distribution
N <- 10
N <- 50
x <- linspace(0, N, 1001)
p <- 0.5
p_b <- dbinom(x, N, p)
p_n <- dnorm(x, N*p, (N*p*(1-p))**(1/2))
c_b <- pbinom(x, N, p)
c_n <- pnorm(x, N*p, (N*p*(1-p))**(1/2))
plot(x, p_n, lwd=1, col='red')
lines(x, p_b, lwd=2, col='black')
legend("topright", c('Binomial', 'Gaussian'), fill=c('black', 'red'))
# Poisson to Gaussian: convergence in distribution
N <- 4
# N = 10
# N = 50
x <- linspace(0,2*N,1001)
lambda <- 1
p_b <- dpois(x, N*lambda)
p_n <- dnorm(x, N*lambda, sqrt(N*lambda))
c_b <- ppois(x, N*lambda);
c_n = pnorm(x, N*lambda, sqrt(N*lambda));
plot(x, p_n, col="red")
lines(x, p_b, col="black")
legend("topright", c('Poisson', 'Gaussian'), fill=c('black', 'red'))
plot(x, c_n, col="red")
lines(x, c_b, col="black")
legend("topright", c('Poisson', 'Gaussian'), fill=c('black', 'red'))
# Visualize the Central Limit Theorem
N <- 10
x <- linspace(0,N,1001)
p <- 0.5
p_b <- dbinom(x, N, p);
p_n <- dnorm(x, N*p, sqrt(N*p*(1-p)));
c_b <- pbinom(x, N, p);
c_n <- pnorm(x, N*p, sqrt(N*p*(1-p)));
x2 <- linspace(5-2.5,5+2.5,1001);
q2 <- dnorm(x2,N*p, sqrt(N*p*(1-p)));
plot(x, p_n, col="red")
points(x, p_b, col="black", pch=19)
polygon(c(min(x2), x2, max(x2)), c(0, q2, 0), col='lightblue')
# How moment generating of Gaussian approximates in CLT
p <- 0.5
s <- linspace(-10,10,1001)
MX <- 1-p+p*exp(s)
N <- 2
semilogy(s, (1-p+p*exp(s/N))**N, lwd=4, col="lightblue", xlim=c(-10,10), ylim=c(10**-2, 10**5))
mu <- p
sigma <- sqrt(p*(1-p)/N);
MZ <- exp(mu*s + sigma^2*s**2/2);
lines(s, MZ, lwd=4);
legend("topleft", c('Binomial MGF', 'Gaussian MGF'), fill=c('lightblue', 'black'))
# Failure of Central Limit Theorem at tails
x <- linspace(-1,5,1001)
lambda <- 1
N <- 1
f1 <- (N**(1/2)/lambda)*dgamma((x+sqrt(N))/(lambda/sqrt(N)), N, lambda)
semilogy(x, f1, lwd=1, col='lightgray', xlim=c(-1,5), ylim=c(10**-6, 1))
N <- 10
f1 <- (N**(1/2)/lambda)*dgamma((x+sqrt(N))/(lambda/sqrt(N)), N, lambda)
lines(x, f1, lwd=2, col='gray')
N <- 100
f1 <- (N**(1/2)/lambda)*dgamma((x+sqrt(N))/(lambda/sqrt(N)), N, lambda)
lines(x, f1, lwd=2, col='darkgray')
N <- 1000
f1 <- (N**(1/2)/lambda)*dgamma((x+sqrt(N))/(lambda/sqrt(N)), N, lambda)
lines(x, f1, lwd=2, col='black')
g <- dnorm(x,0,1)
lines(x, g, lwd=2, pch=1, col='red')
legend("bottomleft", c('N=1', 'N=10', 'N=100', 'N=1000', 'Gaussian'), fill=c('lightgray', 'gray', 'darkgray', 'black', 'red'))