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73 lines (57 sloc) 3.2 KB
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# MAIN PROGRAM - generated by the Rappture Builder
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
import Rappture
from Rappture import RPENC_B64, RPENC_ZB64
import sys
import numpy as np
import visualization as vis
from Rappture.encoding import encode, decode
# uncomment these to redirect stdout and stderr
# to files for debugging.
#sys.stderr = open('debug.err', 'w')
#sys.stdout = open('debug.out', 'w')
# open the XML file containing the run parameters
io = Rappture.PyXml(sys.argv[1])
# Get input values from Rappture
# get input value for input.phase(cavityInput).group(cavityDim).number(cavityX) and convert to m
str = io['input.phase(cavityInput).group(cavityDim).number(cavityX).current'].value
cavityX = Rappture.Units.convert(str, to="m", units="off")
# get input value for input.phase(cavityInput).group(cavityDim).number(cavityY) and convert to m
str = io['input.phase(cavityInput).group(cavityDim).number(cavityY).current'].value
cavityY = Rappture.Units.convert(str, to="m", units="off")
# get input value for input.phase(cavityInput).group(cavityDim).number(cavityZ) and convert to m
str = io['input.phase(cavityInput).group(cavityDim).number(cavityZ).current'].value
cavityZ = Rappture.Units.convert(str, to="m", units="off")
# getting transmon input and parsing that
str = io['input.phase(cavityInput).choice(transmonNum)'].value
num_transmons = int(str)
transmon_locs = np.zeros((num_transmons, 6))
# this is a pretty ugly way to do this, but it should work
command_str_pt1 = 'input.phase(transmonInput).group(transmonContainer).group(transmon'
command_str_pt2 = ').number(transmon'
for i in range(num_transmons):
command_str = command_str_pt1 + str(i+1) + command_str_pt2 + str(i+1)
transmon_locs[i][0] = Rappture.Units.convert(io[command_str + 'x)'].value, to="m", units="off")
transmon_locs[i][1] = Rappture.Units.convert(io[command_str + 'y)'].value, to="m", units="off")
transmon_locs[i][2] = Rappture.Units.convert(io[command_str + 'z)'].value, to="m", units="off")
transmon_locs[i][3] = Rappture.Units.convert(io[command_str + 'theta)'].value, to="m", units="off")
transmon_locs[i][4] = Rappture.Units.convert(io[command_str + 'phi)'].value, to="m", units="off")
transmon_locs[i][5] = Rappture.Units.convert(io[command_str + 'length)'].value, to="m", units="off")
# Add your code here for the main body of your program
# spit out progress messages as you go along...
# Rappture.Utils.progress(0, "Starting...")
# Rappture.Utils.progress(5, "Loading data...")
#vis.cavity_vis(cavityX, cavityY, cavityZ, transmon_locs)
#io['output.image(cavityVis).current'] = encode(open('test_cavity_img.jpg').read(), RPENC_ZB64)
# Rappture.Utils.progress(50, "Half-way there")
# Rappture.Utils.progress(100, "Done")
# Save output values back to Rappture