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import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import scipy as sci
# # # # # set_nf_subsystems(simP, Fock_matrix) # # # # #
# One method of saving all cases of fock_trunc info for each qubit or cavity mode considered in the dressed eigenstate of the system
# you can write another method for your purpose
# Outputs: all different cases of fock_trunc info in the qubits and cavity modes
# in each rows of the matrix
# inputs an array of fock_truc to uniformly apply to all the qubits in the
# system
# inputs an array of fock_trunc to uniformly apply to all the cavity modes
# in the system
# inputs:
# simP
# Fock_matrix
# outputs: the updated simP
# simP['nf_qubits']
# simP['nf_cavity']
# simP['num_cases']
def set_nf_subsystems(simP, Fock_matrix):
if np.shape(Fock_matrix)[1] != simP['num_mode']:
raise ValueError('put column size of the Fock_matrix as equal to the total number of qubits and '
'cavity modes in the dressed eigenstate of the system')
simP['nf_qubits'] = Fock_matrix[:,
0:simP['num_t']] # 02/04/2024 changed name from simP.nf_qubits_cases
simP['nf_cavity'] = Fock_matrix[:,
simP['num_t']:simP['num_mode']] # 02/04/2024 from simP.nf_cavity_cases
return simP
# end set_nf_subsystems()
# # # # # rect_freq_cavity_perturbation(simP, mode_string, probe_len) # # # # #
def rect_freq_cavity_perturbation(simP, mode_string, probe_len):
mode_chr = mode_string[:2]
m = float(mode_string[2])
n = float(mode_string[3])
p = float(mode_string[4])
num_rm = sum([simP['reg'][i]['reg_Type'] == 0 for i in range(len(simP['reg']))]) # for kk modes
num_cm = sum([simP['reg'][i]['reg_Type'] == 1 for i in range(len(simP['reg']))]) # number of probes in the system
f_unpert = np.array([])
del_f = np.zeros((num_rm, num_cm))
f_reson = np.zeros(num_rm)
omega_Moon = np.zeros(num_rm)
for aa in range(num_rm):
# rectangular cavity's dimension by region
a = simP['reg'][aa]['x']
b = simP['reg'][aa]['y']
d = simP['reg'][aa]['z']
# cavity volume
V_cavity = a * b * d
# f_unpert analytical solution
M = np.divide(m, a) # a should be in m
N = np.divide(n, b) # b should be in m
P = np.divide(p, d) # d should be in m
f_unpert = np.append(f_unpert, 0.5 / np.sqrt(simP['mu_0'] * simP['reg'][aa]['eps']) *
np.sqrt(np.power(M, 2) + np.power(N, 2) + np.power(P, 2))) # f_unpert = 0.5*(3*10^8)/(mu_r*eps_r_rm)*sqrt(M.^2+N.^2+P.^2);
# assuming k is determined by the geometry of the cavity
k = np.sqrt(np.power(m * np.pi / a, 2) + np.power(n * np.pi/ b, 2) + np.power(p * np.pi / d, 2))
for bb in range(num_cm):
rc = simP['reg'][num_rm+bb]['inner_radius'] # rc = simP.reg(2).inner_radius;
# probes
V_probe = np.pi * rc**2 * probe_len
# probe location
x0 = simP['reg'][num_rm+bb]['x0']
y0 = simP['reg'][num_rm+bb]['y0'](probe_len)
z0 = simP['reg'][num_rm+bb]['z0']
if mode_chr == 'TE':
if n == 0:
mode_factor = 4
elif m == 0:
mode_factor = 4
mode_factor = 8
# Field expressions
Hx_c = (m * np.pi / a) * (p * np.pi / d)
Hx = Hx_c * np.sin(m * np.pi / a * x0) * np.cos(n * np.pi / np.multiply(b, y0)) * np.cos(p * np.pi / d * z0)
Hy_c = (n * np.pi / b) * (p * np.pi / d)
Hy = Hy_c * np.cos(m * np.pi / a * x0) * np.sin(n * np.pi / np.multiply(b, y0)) * np.cos(p * np.pi / d * z0)
ktmn = np.sqrt((m * np.pi / a)**2 + (n * np.pi / b)**2)
Hz = ktmn**2 * np.cos(m * np.pi / a * x0) * np.cos(n * np.pi / np.multiply(b, y0)) *\
np.sin(p * np.pi / d * z0)
Ex_c = (n * np.pi / b)
Ex = Ex_c * np.cos(m * np.pi / a * x0) * np.sin(n * np.pi / np.multiply(b, y0)) * np.sin(p * np.pi / d * z0)
Ey_c = (m * np.pi / a)
Ey = Ey_c * np.sin(m * np.pi / a * x0) * np.cos(n * np.pi / np.multiply(b, y0)) * np.sin(p * np.pi / d * z0)
# perturbation ratio eqaution expression
numer_c = (np.multiply(Hx, 2) + np.multiply(Hy, 2) + np.multiply(Hz, 2)) * simP['mu_0'] -\
(np.multiply(Ex, 2) + np.multiply(Ey, 2)) *\
(k * simP['reg'][aa]['eta'])**2 * simP['reg'][aa]['eps']
numer = np.multiply(numer_c, V_probe)
denom_c = (Hx_c**2 + Hy_c**2 + ktmn**4) * simP['mu_0'] + (Ex_c**2+Ey_c**2) *\
(k * simP['reg'][aa]['eta'])**2 * simP['reg'][aa]['eps']
denom = denom_c * V_cavity / mode_factor
if mode_chr == 'TM':
# mode factor
if p == 0:
mode_factor = 4
mode_factor = 8
# Field expressions
Hx_c = (n * np.pi / b)
Hx = Hx_c * np.sin(m * np.pi / a * x0) * np.cos(n * np.pi / np.multiply(b, y0)) *\
np.cos(p * np.pi / d * z0)
Hy_c = (m * np.pi / a)
Hy = Hy_c * np.cos(m * np.pi / a * x0) * np.sin(n * np.pi / np.multiply(b, y0)) *\
np.cos(p * np.pi / d * z0)
Ex_c = (m * np.pi / a) * (p * np.pi / d)
Ex = Ex_c * np.cos(m * np.pi / a * x0) * np.sin(n * np.pi / np.multiply(b, y0)) *\
np.sin(p * np.pi / d * z0)
Ey_c = (n * np.pi / b) * (p * np.pi / d)
Ey = Ey_c * np.sin(m * np.pi / a * x0) * np.cos(n * np.pi / np.multiply(b, y0)) *\
np.sin(p * np.pi / d * z0)
ktmn = np.sqrt((m * np.pi / a)**2 + (n * np.pi / b)**2)
Ez = ktmn**2 * np.sin(m * np.pi / a * x0) * np.sin(n * np.pi / np.multiply(b, y0)) *\
np.cos(p * np.pi / d * z0)
# perturbation ratio eqaution expression
numer_c = (np.multiply(Hx, 2) + np.multiply(Hy, 2)) * (k / simP['reg'][aa]['eta'])**2 *\
simP['mu_0'] - (np.multiply(Ex, 2) + np.multiply(Ey, 2) + np.multiply(Ez, 2)) *\
numer = np.multiply(numer_c, V_probe)
denom_c = (Hx_c**2 + Hy_c**2) * (k / simP['reg'][aa]['eta'])**2 * simP['mu_0'] +\
(Ex_c**2 + Ey_c**2 + ktmn**4) * simP['reg'][aa]['eps']
denom = denom_c * V_cavity / mode_factor
if probe_len == 0:
ratio = 0 # At zero perturbation.
# common equation
ratio = numer / denom
del_f[aa][bb] = np.multiply(ratio, f_unpert[aa])
f_reson[aa] = f_unpert[aa] + sum(del_f[aa]) # bug caught 11/21/2023 f_reson(aa) = f_unpert(aa) + sum(del_f(aa,bb),2);
omega_Moon[aa] = 2 * np.pi * f_reson[aa]
return omega_Moon, f_reson
# End rect_freq_cavity_perturbation()
# # # # # cal_cavity_eigfreq(simP) # # # # #
# calls the subfunction "rect_freq_cavity_perturbation" to calculate the ports probes in cavity's resonant
# frequencies using the cavity perturbation theory
# and outputs the real part of the resonant frequencies
# both linear and angular parts
# input
# simP
# simP['cavity_mode_string']
# simP['probe_len']
# output simP
# simP['f_cavity_arr']
# simP['omega_r']
def cal_cavity_eigfreq(simP):
simP['f_cavity_arr'] = np.zeros(simP['num_r'])
omega_Moon1 = np.zeros(simP['num_r'])
f_cavity_res1 = np.zeros(simP['num_r'])
for ir in range(simP['num_r']):
# outputs: cavity resonant frequency in linear and angular
temp = rect_freq_cavity_perturbation(simP, simP['cavity_mode_string'][ir], simP['probe_len']) # 7.5525 GHz
omega_Moon1[ir] = temp[0]
f_cavity_res1[ir] = temp[1]
# assuming one cavity region
for ir in range(simP['num_r']):
# outputs
simP['f_cavity_arr'][ir] = np.real(f_cavity_res1[ir]) # (1): means (the region 1)% only consider the real part
simP['omega_r'] = 2 * np.pi * simP['f_cavity_arr'] # rad/s
# more cavity region then, additional code for that needs to be written
return simP
# End cal_cavity_eigfreq()
# # # Capacitance_of_dipole_ant() # # #
# calculates the analytical capacitance of the dipole antenna
# using the Balanis textbook formula
# assumes 90 degrees orientation
# input: simP
# simP['dL']
# simP['f_cavity_arr']
# simP['c_freespace']
# simP['a_radius']
# output: simP
# simP['Cap_Bal']
def Capacitance_of_dipole_ant(simP):
dL_Bal = simP['dL'] # in m
Cap_Bal = np.zeros(1)
for ir in range(1): #:simP['num_r'] # calculates capacitance in respect to the fundamental cavity mode % comment added 02/10/2024
# parameter values for analytically computing the capacitance of dipole
f_Bal = simP['f_cavity_arr'][ir] # Hz
omega_Bal = 2 * np.pi * f_Bal
k_Bal = omega_Bal / simP['c_freespace']
# expresions for the computated constants
# Balanis Antenna Theory 4th edition
# small dipole antenna input reactance & capacitance analytical expression
# Balanis eqn. 8-59
Xm = -120 * np.divide((np.log(dL_Bal / (2 * simP['a_radius'])) - 1), (np.tan(k_Bal * dL_Bal / 2))) # in ohms
# outputs simP.Cap_Bal
Cap_Bal[ir] = -(np.divide(1, (omega_Bal * Xm)))
# output: the capacitance of the dipole antenna at different resonant
# frequencies
simP['Cap_Bal'] = Cap_Bal # in F
return simP
# End Capacitance_of_dipole_ant()
# # # rect_cavity_field() # # #
def rect_cavity_field(*argv): # (simP,polarP, aa,bb, mode) %x,y,z,eta,string_mode,m,n,p,a,b,d) % x,y,z in m
# if (nargin == 8)
# [simP,polarP, aa,bb, mode] = deal(varargin{4:end});
Field = dict()
if (len(argv) == 6):
simP = argv[3]
cavity = argv[4]
mode = argv[5]
# x = argv[0];
# y = argv[1];
# z = argv[2];
elif (len(argv) == 4):
simP = argv[0]
polarP = argv[1]
cavity = argv[2]
mode = argv[3]
# cavity dimension
a = cavity['x']
b = cavity['y']
d = cavity['z']
string_mode = mode[:2]
m = float(mode[2])
n = float(mode[3])
p = float(mode[4])
if (len(argv) == 6):
x = argv[0]
y = argv[1]
z = argv[2]
elif (len(argv) == 4): # (nargin == 5)
# rename the variable
x = polarP['xq3'] # xqq
y = b
z = polarP['yq3'] #zq
# Analytical field expressions
# assuming k is determined by the geometry of the cavity
k = np.sqrt((m * np.pi / a)**2 + (n * np.pi / b)**2 + (p * np.pi / d)**2)
# k_mnp = sqrt( (m*pi/a)^2 + (n*pi/b)^2 + (p*pi/d)^2); % added for the condensed form 06/07/2023
ktmn = np.sqrt((m * np.pi / a)**2 + (n * np.pi / b)**2)
eps_r = cavity['eps'] / simP['eps_0']
if string_mode[:2] == 'TE':
#mode factor
if n == 0:
mode_factor = 4
elif m == 0:
mode_factor = 4
mode_factor = 8
# for TE mode
# compute the normalization constant
Hmnp = 1
# sqrt(N_u)
N_u = np.sqrt(eps_r * (Hmnp * (k * cavity['eta']))**2 / ktmn**2 * (a * b * d / mode_factor)) # used to have negative sign inside the sqrt term 06/07/2023
N_v = np.sqrt(Hmnp**2 / ktmn**2 * k**2 * (a * b * d / mode_factor)) # condensed form 06/07/2023
# field equations
Ex_c = Hmnp * ((-1) * (k * cavity['eta']) / ktmn**2) * (n * np.pi / b) # replace the 1i term with the (-1)
Field['Ex'] = (1 / N_u) * Ex_c * np.multiply(np.multiply(np.cos(m * np.pi / a * x),
np.sin(n * np.pi / np.multiply(b, y))),
np.sin(p * np.pi / d * z))
Ey_c = -Hmnp * ((-1) * (k * cavity['eta']) / ktmn**2) * (m * np.pi / a) # replace the 1i term with the (-1)
Field['Ey'] = (1 / N_u) * Ey_c * np.multiply(np.multiply(np.sin(m * np.pi / a * x),
np.cos(n * np.pi/ np.multiply(b, y))),
np.sin(p * np.pi / d * z))
Field['Ez'] = np.zeros(np.size(x)) # Ez = zeros(x_row,x_col);% TE mode
Hx_c = -Hmnp * (1 / ktmn**2) * (m * np.pi / a) * (p * np.pi / d)
Field['Hx'] = (1 / N_v) * Hx_c * np.multiply(np.multiply(np.sin(m * np.pi / a * x),
np.cos(n * np.pi / np.multiply(b, y))), np.cos(p * np.pi / d * z))
Hy_c = -Hmnp * (1 / ktmn**2) * (n * np.pi / b) * (p * np.pi / d)
Field['Hy'] = (1 / N_v) * Hy_c * np.multiply(np.multiply(np.cos(m * np.pi / a * x),
np.sin(n * np.pi / np.multiply(b, y))), np.cos(p * np.pi / d * z))
Field['Hz'] = (1 / N_v) * Hmnp * np.multiply(np.multiply(np.cos(m * np.pi / a * x),
np.cos(n * np.pi / np.multiply(b, y))),
np.sin(p * np.pi / d * z))
if string_mode[:2] == 'TM':
# mode factor
if p == 0:
mode_factor = 4
mode_factor = 8
# for TM mode
# compute the normalization constant
Emnp = 1
N_u = np.sqrt(eps_r * Emnp**2 / ktmn**2 * k**2 * (a * b * d / mode_factor))
N_v = np.sqrt((Emnp * (k / cavity['eta']))**2 / ktmn**2 * (a * b * d / mode_factor)) # used to have negative sign 06/07/2023
# field equations
Ex_c = -Emnp / ktmn**2 * (m * np.pi / a) * (p * np.pi / d)
Field['Ex'] = (1 / N_u) * Ex_c * np.multiply(np.multiply(np.cos(m * np.pi / a * x),
np.sin(n * np.pi / np.multiply(b, y))),
np.sin(p * np.pi / d * z))
Ey_c = -Emnp / ktmn**2 * (n * np.pi / b) * (p * np.pi / d)
Field['Ey'] = (1 / N_u) * Ey_c * np.multiply(np.multiply(np.sin(m * np.pi / a * x),
np.cos(n * np.pi / b * y)), np.sin(p * np.pi / d * z))
Field['Ez'] = (1 / N_u) * Emnp * np.multiply(np.multiply(np.sin(m * np.pi / a * x),
np.sin(n * np.pi / b * y)),
np.cos(p * np.pi / d * z))
Hx_c = Emnp * ((-1) * (k / cavity['eta']) / ktmn**2) * (n * np.pi / b) # replace the 1i term with the (-1)
Field['Hx'] = (1 / N_v) * Hx_c * np.multiply(np.multiply(np.sin(m * np.pi / a * x),
np.cos(n * np.pi / b * y)),
np.cos(p * np.pi / d * z))
Hy_c = -Emnp * ((-1) * (k / cavity['eta']) / ktmn**2) * (m * np.pi / a) # replace the 1i term with the (-1)
Field['Hy'] = (1 / N_v) * Hy_c * np.multiply(np.multiply(np.cos(m * np.pi / a * x),
np.sin(n * np.pi / b * y)),
np.cos(p * np.pi / d * z))
Field['Hz'] = np.zeros(np.shape(x))
return Field
# End rect_cavity_field()
# # # calculate_normVter(simP) # # #
# access each cavity subregion and analytically calculate the coupling strength
# between the cavity eigenmode and each qubit
# using the classical EM theory (vector effective length of a dipole antenna)
# the induced voltage across the unloaded dipole antenna (the open circuit voltage) by the cavity field
# is calculated by computing the incident normalized E-field at the location of the dipole inside the cavity
# using the subfunction "rect_cavity_field" and the vector effective length of the antenna.
# The normalized terminal voltage across the transmon (capacitively loaded dipole antenna in our formalism)
# is calculated by taking the real part of the open circuit voltage
# and using the voltage division to compute the voltage at the load (the Josephson Junction)
# input: simP
# simP['dL']
# simP['theta']
# simP['reg'][aa]: cavity subregion structure
# simP['cavity_mode_string']: kinds of modes that can exist in cavity
# simP['dipole'][it]['x0'], simP['dipole'][it]['y0'], simP['dipole'][it]['z0']: dipole location
# simP['Cap_Bal'], simP['Cap_load']
# output
# simP['normVter']
def calculate_normVter(simP):
num_rm = sum([simP['reg'][i]['reg_Type'] == 0 for i in range(len(simP['reg']))])
# vector effective length of a dipole oriented to an angle of theta from
# the incident plane wave
vector_effective_length = simP['dL'] / 2 * np.sin(simP['theta'])
Vterminal = np.zeros((simP['num_t'], simP['num_r']))
for aa in range(num_rm): # for each cavity region
cavity = simP['reg'][aa]
for ir in range(simP['num_r']): # for the considered number of cavity modes
mode = simP['cavity_mode_string'][ir]
for it in range(simP['num_t']): # for all the qubits inside
# dipole location
x = simP['dipole'][it]['x0']
y = simP['dipole'][it]['y0']
z = simP['dipole'][it]['z0']
Cavity_field = rect_cavity_field(x, y, z, simP, cavity, mode)
Einc_of_cur_mode = Cavity_field['Ey']
# Vterminal compuation
init_Voc_analy = np.real(Einc_of_cur_mode * vector_effective_length)
Vterminal[it][ir] = np.divide(np.multiply(init_Voc_analy, simP['Cap_Bal']), simP['Cap_Bal'] + simP['Cap_load'])
simP['normVter'] = Vterminal
return simP
# End calculate_normVter()