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Maintaining This Repo

Campbell, Justin edited this page Feb 26, 2021 · 1 revision

Read Creating This Repo: Why and How before this.


Maintaining this repo simply consists of upstream changes when a new release is made and preserving the removal of SASL from build dependencies.

Optional: Watch python-ldap on GitHub

It recommended to watch python-ldap on GitHub for new releases so you're aware of when they're available. TO do so:

  1. Go to
  2. Watch the repo for new releases:

Watch GitHub Repo for New Releases

Steps to Update This Repo

  1. Clone this repo:
git clone
  1. Add python-ldap upstream remote:
git remote add upstream
# Confirm the remotes have been added and named properly
git remote -v

# Expected Output:
origin (fetch)
origin (push)
upstream (fetch)
upstream (push)
  1. Pull changes from upstream
git pull upstream master

You will likely have to resolve merge conflicts at this stage. Accept all changes from upstream except changes that override the defines options of the [_ldap] section in

  1. Push changes to origin
git add *
git commit
git push
  1. Create a new release to match upstream's release: See Configuring a remote for a fork - GitHub Docs. Use settings to match upstream's release:
Setting Value
Tag Version python-ldap-VERSION
Target master
Release Title VERSION
Release Description DESC FROM UPSTREAM


Now you should be up to date. Wait until a new release comes out and do it again.

Additional Resources