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152 lines (105 sloc) 3.93 KB
%Phase quality mask code developed by Matt Giarra (2016)
% Input data directory
input_dir = 'Enter here';
% Input data base name
input_base_name = 'Enter here';
% Input data number format
num_format = '%04d';
% Input data extension
input_extension = '.tif';
% Start image
start_image = 1;
% End image
end_image = 1000;
% Frame step
frame_step = 1;
% Correlation step
correlation_step = 1;
% Region size
region_height = 512;
region_width = 512;
% Window fractions
window_fraction = [0.5, 0.5];
% Correlation method
correlation_method = 'spc';
% Cutoff radius
rc_outer = 8;
rc_inner = 3;
% Coordinates
[x, y] = meshgrid(1 : region_width, 1 : region_height);
% Centroid
xc = region_height / 2 + 1;
yc = region_width / 2 + 1;
% Angular coordinates
[~, r] = cart2pol(x - xc, y - yc);
% Weighting filter
plane_fit_weights = ones(size(x));
plane_fit_weights(r > rc_outer) = 0;
plane_fit_weights(r < rc_inner) = 0;
% First image numbers
image_numbers_01 = start_image : frame_step : end_image;
% Second image numbers
image_numbers_02 = image_numbers_01 + correlation_step;
% Number of images
num_images = length(image_numbers_01);
% Create a region window
region_window = gaussianWindowFilter([region_height, region_width], ...
window_fraction, 'fraction');
% Allocate a correlation plane
cross_correlation = zeros(region_height, region_width, 'double');
% Make file paths
for k = 1 : num_images
% File name of the first images
file_name_01 = [input_base_name num2str(image_numbers_01(k), num_format) input_extension];
% File name of the second images
file_name_02 = [input_base_name num2str(image_numbers_02(k), num_format) input_extension];
% File paths
file_path_01{k} = fullfile(input_dir, file_name_01);
file_path_02{k} = fullfile(input_dir, file_name_02);
% Do the correlations
for k = 1 : num_images
% Check existence of both filepaths
if exist(file_path_01{k}, 'file') && exist(file_path_02{k}, 'file')
% Inform the user
fprintf('Processing image %d of %d...\n', k, num_images);
% Read the first image
img_01 = double(imread(file_path_01{k}));
% Read the second image
img_02 = double(imread(file_path_02{k}));
% Extract the parts of the image used in the correlation
region_01 = img_01(1:region_height,1:region_width) .* region_window; %img_01(region_rows, region_cols) .* region_window;
region_02 = img_02(1:region_height,1:region_width) .* region_window;%img_02(region_rows, region_cols) .* region_window;
% Take the FFT of both regions
ft_01 = fftn(region_01, [region_height, region_width]);
ft_02 = fftn(region_02, [region_height, region_width]);
% Conjugate-multiply the regions' Fourier Transforms
% to produce the complex cross correlation
cross_correlation = cross_correlation + ft_02 .* conj(ft_01);
Sx = region_width;
Sy = region_height;
D = [1,1]*2.8;
Peaklocator = 1;
Peakswitch = 0;
cnorm = ones(Sy,Sx);
fftindy = [ceil(Sy/2)+1:Sy 1:ceil(Sy/2)];
fftindx = [ceil(Sx/2)+1:Sx 1:ceil(Sx/2)];
% Extract the phase from the ensemble cross correlation plane
spectral_phase_plane = phaseOnlyFilter(cross_correlation);
% % Zero the parts of the phase plane that are outsize the cutoff radius
% spectral_phase_plane(r > rc_outer) = 0;
% Extract the phase angle from the phase plane
%phase_angle_plane = angle(spectral_phase_plane);
phase_angle = fftshift(angle(spectral_phase_plane));
kernel_radius = 3;
phase_quality = calculate_phase_quality_mex(phase_angle, kernel_radius);
phase_mask = calculate_phase_mask_ellipse...
(phase_quality, kernel_radius);
filtered_spectral_phase_plane = fftshift(phase_mask).*spectral_phase_plane;
G = ifftn(filtered_spectral_phase_plane,'symmetric');
G = G(fftindy,fftindx);
G = abs(G);
%subpixel estimation