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function [PHASE_MASK] = calculate_phase_mask_gaussian_3D(PHASE_QUALITY, KERNEL_RADIUS)
% This function computes a quality-based mask of the phase angle plane of a cross correlation.
% Rename the kernel radius
% Extract the central portion of the phase quality
phase_quality_interior = PHASE_QUALITY(rad + 1 : end - rad - 1, rad + 1 : end - rad - 1, rad + 1 : end - rad - 1);
phase_quality_sub = (phase_quality_interior - ...
% Rescale the phase quality so that its range is [0, 1]
phase_quality_scaled = phase_quality_sub ./ max(phase_quality_sub(:));
% Measure size
[region_height, region_width, region_slice] = size(phase_quality_scaled);
% Make coordinates (Cartesian)
[x, y, z] = meshgrid(1 : region_width, 1 : region_height, 1 : region_slice);
% Centroid
xc = region_width / 2;
yc = region_height / 2;
zc = region_slice / 2;
% Make coordinates (polar),
% with origin (r = 0) at geometric centroid of the region
[~, r] = cart2pol(x - xc, y - yc, z - zc);
% Threshold the phase quality map using histogram equalization
% phase_quality_bw = (histeq(phase_quality_scaled, 2));
%%%%%%% addition for thresholding in 3D %%%%%%%%
% level = graythresh(phase_quality_scaled);
phase_quality_bw = zeros(region_height, region_width, region_slice);
for slice_k = 1:region_slice
phase_quality_bw(1:region_height, 1:region_width, slice_k) = im2bw(phase_quality_scaled(:,:,slice_k), 0.5); %ORIGINALLY 0.5
% Set border pixels to 1 to prevent connecting regions via the border
phase_quality_bw(1, :, :) = 1;
phase_quality_bw(end, :, :) = 1;
phase_quality_bw(:, 1, :) = 1;
phase_quality_bw(:, end, :) = 1;
phase_quality_bw(:, :, 1) = 1;
phase_quality_bw(:, :, end) = 1;
% Find properties of all the connected regions in the thresholded image.
phase_quality_region_props = regionprops(~phase_quality_bw, 'Centroid', 'PixelIdxList');
% Count the number of regions
num_regions = length(phase_quality_region_props);
% Allocate a vector that will contain the median values
% of the radial coordinates of each region.
region_weighted_centroid_radial = zeros(num_regions, 1);
% Allocate a vector to hold the centroids of the detected regions
region_centroid_radial = zeros(num_regions, 1);
% Allocate a vector to hold the mean values of the radial coordinates
% of the pixels comprising the detected regions.
region_radius_median = zeros(num_regions, 1);
% Measure the median radial coordinate of each region
for k = 1 : num_regions
% Find the radial coordinate of the region's centroid.
% whose value is equal to the k'th iteration of this loop
region_centroid_subs = phase_quality_region_props(k).Centroid;
% Radial coordinates of the pixels in the region
region_radius_median(k) = median(r(phase_quality_region_props(k).PixelIdxList));
% Convert to radial
region_centroid_radial(k) = sqrt((region_centroid_subs(1) - xc)^2 + (region_centroid_subs(2) - yc)^2 + (region_centroid_subs(3) - zc)^2);
% Centroid coordinates weighted by the median radial coordinate of the pixels in the region
region_weighted_centroid_radial(k) = region_radius_median(k) * region_centroid_radial(k);
% Find the minimum
[~, region_weighted_centroid_idx] = min(region_weighted_centroid_radial);
% Mask indices
mask_idx = phase_quality_region_props(region_weighted_centroid_idx).PixelIdxList;
% Allocate a mask matrix
phase_mask_holder = zeros(region_height, region_width, region_slice);
% Apply the mask
phase_mask_holder(mask_idx) = 1;
% Zero the border pixels just in cae
phase_mask_holder(:, 1, :) = 0 ;
phase_mask_holder(:, end, :) = 0;
phase_mask_holder(1, :, :) = 0;
phase_mask_holder(end, :, :) = 0;
phase_mask_holder(:, :, 1) = 0;
phase_mask_holder(:, :, end) = 0;
% Fill the holes
phase_mask_holder = imfill(phase_mask_holder);
%%% test for 3D by Brian %%%
stacked_phase_mask_holder = zeros(size(phase_mask_holder(:,:,1)));
for stack_slice = 1:region_slice;
stacked_phase_mask_holder = stacked_phase_mask_holder + phase_mask_holder(:,:,stack_slice);
stacked_phase_mask_holder = im2bw(stacked_phase_mask_holder, 0.5);
% Get the region properties again
phase_mask_region_props = regionprops(stacked_phase_mask_holder,...
'PixelIdxList', 'MajorAxisLength', 'MinorAxisLength', ...
% Read the measured major axis of the ellipse
% that best fits the binary quality mask
ax_maj = phase_mask_region_props.MajorAxisLength/2;
% Same for the minor axis
ax_min = phase_mask_region_props.MinorAxisLength/2;
% Measure the orientation angle of
% the best fit ellipse and convert it to radians.
ax_angle = 1 * deg2rad(phase_mask_region_props.Orientation);
% Gaussian standard deviations as fractions
% of the major and minor axes of the ellipse fit
std_maj = ax_maj / 1.00;
std_min = ax_min / 1.00;
% Rotate the coordinates for the elliptical Gaussian
x2 = (x - xc) * cos(ax_angle) - (y - yc) * sin(ax_angle);
y2 = (x - xc) * sin(ax_angle) + (y - yc) * cos(ax_angle);
z2 = (z - zc);
% Calculate the Gaussian function
gaussian_mask = exp(-(x2.^2)/(std_maj^2) - (y2.^2) / (std_min^2) - (z2.^2) / (std_min^2));
% Insert the cropped mask into the phase
% quality matrix, so that it's the same
% size as the original phase matrix.
PHASE_MASK(rad + 1 : end - rad - 1,...
rad + 1 : end - rad - 1, rad + 1 : end - rad - 1) = gaussian_mask;