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117 lines (90 sloc) 3.14 KB
%Authors : Abhiram Gnanasambandam (,
%Omar Elgendy (,Stanley H. Chan (
%Intelligent Imaging Lab, Dept. of ECE, Purdue University
%References :
%[1] Megapixel photon-counting color imaging using quanta image sensor,
% Abhiram Gnanasambandam, Omar A. Elgendy, Jiaju Ma, and Stanley H. Chan,
% OSA Optics Express
%This code demonstrates the color reconstruction method described in the
%above mentioned paper.
clc,clear,close all
signalLevel = 2;
sigmaRN = 0.25;
%Number of frames
T = 1;
%Number of bits
Nbits = 5;
% Will work only for the given setting
% May need to change these parameters if you are using this code for
% different settings.
lambdas = 0.02;
rhos = 0.8;
transposed = 0;
xGT = im2double(imread('data/lena.jpg'));
%xGT = imresize(xGT,[128,128]);
[H,W,~] = size(xGT);
xGT = permute(xGT,[2,1,3]);
transposed = 1;
[H,W,~] = size(xGT);
xGT = imresize(xGT,[H1,W1]);
hr = [0 0;0 1];
hg = [0 1;1 0];
hb = [1 0;0 0];
maskR = repmat(hr,H1/2,W1/2);
maskG = repmat(hg,H1/2,W1/2);
maskB = repmat(hb,H1/2,W1/2);
mask = cat(3,maskR,maskG,maskB);
[xL,xC1,xC2] = imsplit(RGB2LC1C2(xGT));
xGT = LC1C22RGB(cat(3,xL,xC1,xC2));
hr = repmat([0 0;0 1],H1/2,W1/2);
hg = repmat([0 1;1 0],H1/2,W1/2);
hb = repmat([1 0;0 0],H1/2,W1/2);
xCFA= sum(xGT.*cat(3,hr,hg,hb),3);
xGT255 = xGT*255.0;
peak = signalLevel/mean(xCFA(:));
x = squeeze(sum(simulate_noisy_images_lite(xCFA*peak,sigmaRN,T,Nbits),1)); %poissrnd(xCFA*peak) + sigmaRN*randn(H1,W1);
% Anscombe Transform for stabilizing the noise variance
% Would be generally appropriate to replace the Poisson VST with the
% corresponding VST for respective bet depth, which is outside the scope of
% this paper.
Z = 2*sqrt(max(3/8 + x + T*sigmaRN^2,0));
ZRef = 2*sqrt(max(3/8 + x + T*sigmaRN^2,0));
sigmaVST = 1; % Standard deviation after Anscombe Transform
ZWB = Z;
ZWBRef = ZRef;
sigmaWB = 1;
maxZ = max(ZWB(:));
minZ = min(ZWB(:));
Zn = (ZWB-minZ)/(maxZ-minZ);
sigmaNorm = sigmaWB/(maxZ-minZ);
% Reference Image
maxZRef = max(ZWBRef(:));
minZRef = min(ZWBRef(:));
ZnRef = (ZWBRef-minZRef)/(maxZRef-minZRef);
sigmaNormRef = sigmaWB/(maxZ-minZ);
x0 = double(demosaic(uint32((2^32-1)*Zn),'bggr'))/(2^32-1);
x0Ref = double(demosaic(uint32((2^32-1)*ZnRef),'bggr'))/(2^32-1);
denoiser = 'BM3D';
lambda = lambdas;
rho = rhos;
gamma = 1;
max_itr = 10;
print = true;
Znhat = PlugPlayADMM_inpaint1(Zn.*mask,mask,lambda,denoiser,[],x0,rho,gamma,max_itr,print);
ZZ = Znhat*(maxZ-minZ) + minZ;
ZZ = ZZ.^2/4 - 3/8 - T*sigmaRN^2;
ZZ = ZZ/peak/T;
subplot(1,2,1);imshow(x/T/(2^Nbits-1));title('Noisy input');
subplot(1,2,2);imshow(ZZ); title('Color Reconstruction');