"Transient" Notes on Using SupR.
SupR is an R package created by Prof. Chuanhai Liu that supports parallel distributed computation, including multithreading, distributed file and memory management, and flexible cluster-wise iterative computing.
These notes are meant to be used in STAT695 and/or EAPS515. When the courses are in session, the notes are most likely up-to-date. Otherwise, Profssor Liu (Email chuanhai purdue) has the most up-to-date versions of SupR and its manual:
- Prof. Chuanhai Liu: https://www.stat.purdue.edu/~chuanhai/
- SupR website: https://www.stat.purdue.edu/~chuanhai/SupR/
- pdf manual: https://www.stat.purdue.edu/~chuanhai/SupR/snapshots/supr3.pdf
- Earlier efforts and documentations: https://www.stat.purdue.edu/~chuanhai/SupR/release/#documentation
- Create a virtual cluster (optional for the Linux savvy): https://www.stat.purdue.edu/~chuanhai/SupR/vbox/index.html
- Prof. Liu's SupR Repository in Github: https://github.com/chuanhailiu/SupR/