TI EK-TM4C123GXL Launchpad, reading IBUS signal from FS-iA6B receiver, converts to UART1 U1 TxD to control trolling engine speed/forward-backward, and direction servo actuator.
PB0 - U1RxD : Flysky receiver IBUS through 5 - 3.3V level shifter PB1 - U1Txd : RC UART1 output, 0x00 - 0xFF to RC manually control trolling motor speed PB4 - PWM : RC PWM output, trolling direction servo actuator
ibus is a Flysky RC receiver protocol
___KEYWORD - i-bus
, TM4C123GXL
- Receive RC data in UART1 RxD
- 1000 - 2000
- Software fail-safe
- Keil MDK 5.32
- Keil MDK Legacy
- TivaWare
- FLYSKY Transmitter & Receiver
- FS-i6, FS-iA6B, FS-A8S (fail-safe X)
- The ibus protocol is one of RX protocols developed by Flysky
- half-duplex
- Control multiple servos and motors using a single digital line.
- Support 14 channels
- New value can be read every 7ms
- The values received for each channel are between 1000 and 2000, 1-2ms pulse width
- The ibus requires a dedicated hardware serial (UART) port on microcontroller
- UART RX required
- 115200 baud
- 8N1
- Data frame
- 32 bytes
- Structure
- Example set of 32 bytes
20 40 DB 5 DC 5 54 5 DC 5 E8 3 D0 7 D2 5 E8 3 DC 5 DC 5 DC 5 DC 5 DC 5 DC 5 DA F3
- Section
Protocol length Command code CH1 CH2 CH3 ... CH14 Checksum 0x20 0x40 0xDB 0x05 0xDC 0x05 0x54 0x05 ... 0xDC 0x05 0xDA 0xF3
- Example set of 32 bytes
- Little Endian
ibus data HEX DEC CH1 0x05DB 1499 CH2 0x05DC 1500 CH3 0x0554 1364 ... ... ... CH14 0x05DC 1500 Checksum 0xF3DA - Checksum calculation
- 0xFFFF - (sum of previous 30 bytes)
- UART1 Channels
/* User configuration */
#define IBUS_USER_CHANNELS 6 // Use 6 channels
#define DEBUG true // change it to false for deployment, UART1 is used
- Only contain ibus things
#include "ibus.h"
// variables to store ibus data
uint16_t ibus_data[IBUS_USER_CHANNELS];
U1RX - PC4 U1TX - PC5
Us PC4 as IBUS inputs
Do not use pins PB0, PB1 as U1RX, U1TX as they are NOT 5V tolerant.
TI EK-123GXL launchpad +5V, 23mA to 323 mA output FS-iA6B 4-6.5V DC, current??
Channel 1 - right up/down joystick - forward full speed and backward full speed (0xFF to 0x00) Channel 2 - right left/right jystick - left/right duty cycle 1% left most to 99% right most
-- program using state machine for receiver 0x20, 0x40 ..... (rest 30 bytes)
Date 1/13/2024 FS-i66B iBUS for Sensor iBUS, using software UART, TivaWare SoftUART utilities is used. PC6 (half-duplex, PC6 is connected to Sensor iBUS)
Pins used: UART0 PA0-U0RX, PA1-U1TX; PC4-U1RX, PC5-U1TX; PC6-U3RX, (PC7-U3TX) PC7 is not used for U3TX, therefor, for testing purpose, PC7 is used to program as softURT TX
1/13/2024 8:56pm tested, softUART is working
====================================================== 1/14/2024 FS-i6AB iBUS Sensor RX
hardware connection:
+5V, Gnd,
Servo iBUS Signal - TI launnchpad PC4 - U11RX
Sensor iBUS signal - TI launchpad PC6 - U3RX - half duplex
SoftUART Tivaware Utilieis
SWA - UP 1000, down 2000 - UP: mission selection; DOWN - Color selection SWB - UP 1000, middle: 1500: Down 2000 SWC - UP 1000, Middle: 1500; Down 2000 SWD - UP: 1000 - Manual Driving LPV; DOWN: 2000 - Automatic KEYB - not pressed 1000; pressed: 2000: confirm of mission/color selection
They are programmed in i-FS6S RC transmitter as: SWA - Channel 5 SWB - Channel 6 SWC - Channel 7 SWD - Channel 8 KEY 1 - channel 9 KEY 2 - channel 10
=========================================== PA2, PA3, PA4, PA5, PA6, PA7 available to Jetson Nano
PA7 - auto or manual PA7 = '1': Auto; '0':Manual PA6, PA5, PA4: mission selection; 000 - 111 (mission 1 to 8); 000 - mission 1; 111 - mission 8 PA3, PA2: mission 4: Color chosen PD6 - Confirm pressed and released
UART PC4 - U1RxD : Flysky receiver IBUS through 5 - 3.3V level shifter (not needed) DO NOT USE PB0, PB0 is not +5V tolerant PC5 U1Txd : RC UART1 output, 0x00 - 0xFF to RC manually control trolling motor speed PB4 - PWM : RC PWM output, trolling direction servo actuator
UART3 PC6 - Sensor IBUS signal
UART3 PC7 - Jetson RxD interrupt
pins: (PA2-PA7, PD6) to Jetson, PC4 - Servo IBUS Signal,PC5 - Motor control ,PC6 - Sensor ibus Signal, PB4 - left/right linear servo actuator
A binary containing mission/auto-manual/color is also sent to Jetson Nano through a serial port: A/M MMM CC 6 bits, bit 7 (A/M) bits 6-4 (mission selectin), bit 3-2 (color selection) PD7 cannot be used as GPIO unless it is unlocked first before it is programmmed (datasheet page 218).
=========================================== Flysky iA6S transmitter display message:
format: // encoded rpm; 1xxxx/2xxxx - manua/auto; xx M xx mission number 1-8; xxxx C - color 0-3 xxxx K x K=0 Key 2 not pressed K=1 Key 2 pressed This is for confirm the selection of mission sand color
=========================================================== Wire connections:
iA6B Receiver Jetson Nano Ti Launchpad 74LS 157 Multiplexer iBUS Servo Signal ====> PC4 - U1RXD
iBUS Sensor Signal <====> PC6 - U3RxD - half duplex SoftUART
U1RxD - pin 10 <===== PC7 - U3TxD - mission/color/LPV Mode
PB4 - PWM1 1I0 - pin 4 Motor Left/Right
PB5 - PWM2 2I0 - Pin 7 Motor forward/backward
======================================================== Left Joystick: Channel 2 - Forward/backward motor driver control Right Joystick: Channel 0 - Left/Right Rotational servo motor