rothte / 3d-cqed-analytical
To develop quantumHUB resources based on analytical solutions of 3D cQED systems
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To develop quantumHUB resources based on analytical solutions of 3D cQED systems
This repository implements a Gene Regulatory Network construction.
UAV data processing pipelines
An API for maintaining LSoft lists using twill package
Example scripts to use in a docker + singularity workshop
Scripts that integrate RCAC Fortress, MS Teams, etc.
AIMM ICC Purdue Fort Wayne Team
Design and simulations of photonic devices
An example of a project that allows Python to use an Object Oriented Fortran derived-type with allocatable components.
Lab website
material for ECE 695: Inference and Learning in Generative Models
Notes on SupR, an R package in development. It supports parallel distributed computation, including multithreading, distributed file and memory management, and flexible cluster-wise iterative computing.
Figuring out what bagels to order next time